I Can Add More If I Kill

Chapter 58: Yuan

  Bianyang City, the night is noisy, in a small duel arena, crowds are raging, and the spectator seats around are full.

  In Yunlan Country, people like duel more than all kinds of entertainment.

   Duel arenas of various sizes are scattered throughout the cities of Yunlan Country.

   And this duel field called "Little Elephant" is just one of the inconspicuous duel fields.

   Duel is divided into "winner fight" and "life and death fight".

   The vast majority are wins and losses, such as the ongoing duels in the duel field.

   In the field, a strong young man and a tall blond white man collided fiercely.

   "Cheng Le! Cheng Le!"

   "Xinte! Xinte!"


On the side of   , the crowd screamed fiercely, especially those who had placed a bet on the two on the stage were even more excited, waving their fists vigorously and shouting.

   Among these people, there is a gentle man with black glasses who is a little different.

   Yuan Zhong also waved his fists and shouted.

   But there is no enthusiasm in his eyes, as if it were pretending.

  Yuan Zhong has become accustomed to the disguise day after day for two years.

   Now I am just a university art teacher named Yuan Shoucheng, at most because of his outstanding looks and his popularity in the school. On weekends, Yuan Zhong likes to come to see the duel, and occasionally bring a beautiful female companion.

   Yuan Zhong looked at the girl next to him who was watching the duel with him. He wore a long black dress with black hair on his shoulders, and his dark red pupils were quite unique.

   "It's so rare and delicious...Her blood will be much sweeter if you think about it."

   Yuan Zhong was happy in his heart, and he didn't expect this new transfer student to be so easy to fool, Yuan Zhong even a little eager to go back.

   "Ms. Yuan, what's the matter?" The black-haired girl pulled the hair scattered on her forehead behind her ears and asked Yuan Zhong as she looked at it.

   "Nothing." Yuan Zhongping regained his urgency, and asked with a smile: "No words, is the duel good-looking?"

   Yu answered with a smile without saying a word: "Well, it's pretty, but it's a pity that Cheng Le didn't kick Hient's head off just now because of lack of strength? What a pity."

   Yuan Zhong was shocked for no reason. The transfer student was innocent on the surface, but he did not expect to have such a perverted hobby.

   But Yuan Zhong turned to think about it, isn't it right? It seems that I can have more fun later. Yuan Zhong looked at Yubuyu who turned his head to watch the battle seriously, and couldn't help but raised his mouth in excitement.

   After a while, the duel ended, and in the end it was the sturdy Cheng Le who defeated the white Hind.

   This is also the last duel of the day, and the people around who watched the battle also left the field one after another while discussing the wonderful duels of today.

   "Hey, it's a pity. I thought that Hient could win. I heard that it was a strongman from the Frans Empire. Seeing that the people are tall, the result is just like that."

   "I also pressed 1,000 yuan, and these two days have been for nothing."

   Yuan Zhong tore up the bill in his hand with some annoyance.

   Yu said without saying a word of relief: "It's okay, Teacher Yuan, at least we have enjoyed this process. Thank you for inviting me to come and watch this duel today. It's really an eye-opener!"

   Yuan Zhong was secretly happy when he heard this.

   Yuan Zhong actually lost deliberately. This kind of duel between souls, Yuan Zhong's eyesight can guess the result seven or eight times, but as a lurking person, he can't be too ostentatious.

After    and lose, it is still possible to win the sympathy of female students like Yu Silu, that would be even better.

   Yuan Zhong immediately said: "Stop talking, accompany the teacher to the bar next door for a few drinks, right?"

   Yu said with a distressed expression: "This...I've never been to a bar, I heard that it's messy..."

Yuan Zhong immediately coaxed: "No, there is a teacher with me, what's to be afraid of. Hey, I just lost so much money, if you don’t say anything, you don’t accompany me to drink two cups of worry, teacher tonight I'm afraid I can't even sleep well."

   "In this case...that's okay." Yubuyu hesitated for a while, thinking about it or agreeing.

   "Okay!" Yuan Zhong was overjoyed, "No words, wait for me here, I'll go to the bathroom."

   Yu nodded without saying a word: "Okay, I'm waiting for you here."

   Yuan Zhong came down from the auditorium and walked to the toilet next to him, but did not go in, but turned around and walked deep down the corridor.

   At the stairs, a young man with a hat waited there, lit a cigarette, his face was hidden in the shadow of the hat brim, and he couldn't really see it.

   "Yuan Zhong, you are late." The young man's voice was cold.

   Yuan Zhong said in a panic: "I'm very sorry! Team leader, I was comforting the prey just now."

   "You have been absorbing sperm and blood frequently recently, and those in the Supervision Department may have noticed it."

   "This..." Yuan Zhong was startled, "It shouldn't be, I'm very careful every time. The prey I choose have no background, and I dealt with it carefully afterwards."

The young man in the hat spit out the smoke ring: "Once our identity is caught in Yunlan Country, you know the consequences, and you know more about what you should do. I don't want to control how you want to do things, I just I don't want to lose another colleague."

   "Team leader..."

   "What about intelligence?" The hat youth interrupted Yuan Zhong and asked directly.

   "The latest news is..."

   Soon after, Yuan Zhong came out of the toilet and saw Yubuyu who was still waiting in his seat. He smiled and said, "No word, I've been waiting for a long time."

   "It's okay, Teacher Yuan." Yu said with a sweet smile.

   Yuan Zhong looked at the fish without speaking, his expression changed, and finally he said: "Then let's go."

   Hearing the words of the young man in the hat, Yuan Zhong had planned to let Yubuyu go, but when he saw Yubuyu's white and slender neck, the bloodthirsty desire in his heart surged, and it was hard to suppress.

   Because of the influence of his heart [Blood Bat], Yuan Zhong **** blood for a long time.

  The more beautiful and pure-minded young women, the more delicious the essence and blood they possess in Yuan Zhong's eyes~lightnovelpub.net~, which can also arouse Yuan Zhong's inner desire.

   At this time, the fish does not speak, the scent of essence and blood seems to penetrate through the flesh.

   Yuan Zhong finally couldn't resist, and took the fish to the nearest Hadison bar next to him.

   The owner of this hotel is a businessman from the Francis Empire who came to Yunlan to do business. Unlike the bars opened by local merchants in Yunlan, people from other countries often gather here.

   Yuan Zhong asked for a deck, and under the dynamic music, he ordered two glasses of wine.

   easily added a little flavoring to one of them, and Yuan Zhong brought two glasses of wine to the stand.

   "Try this cup, it tastes sweet and not strong, suitable for newcomers like you."

   Yu looked at the orange-red gradual cocktail that Yuan Zhong handed over with curiosity without saying a word, and politely took it: "Thank you, Teacher Yuan."

   Yuan Zhong chatted casually: "Where did you study before you turned around?"

   The fish bit the straw without saying a word, and was a little confused: "I haven't read much before. This time I found a relationship to study in school."

   Yuan Zhong stared at Yubuyu closely, and he was secretly happy to see her taking a big mouthful.

   Although it is disgusting to prescribe medicine, it is really simple and practical.

   Not long after, the fish rubbed his forehead without saying a word.

   "Ms. Yuan, I seem to be a little dizzy."

   While talking, Yu lay on the table without a word, unconscious.

   Yuan Zhong tentatively patted Yu's silent shoulder. Seeing that there was no movement, he walked over and lifted her up.

   Feeling the touch on his back, Yuan Zhong was a little surprised: "Huh? This girl is really unexpected."

   In the noisy music, Yuan Zhong left the bar with the fish behind his back. The people in the bar were not surprised at Yuan Zhong's behavior, and some people showed envy.