I Can Add More If I Kill

~: Episode 227

"Teacher, please wait a moment." Su Sheng suddenly thought of something and said.


Bai Chen didn't ask much, and the two waited in place.

After a while, Bai Chen turned his head to look, only to see a enchanting figure with sluggish eyes quickly approaching from far to near, and a chill of cold escaped from his body before it was even close.

"Void Spirit?" Bai Chen frowned, and a **** glow was about to shoot out from the tip of his finger.

"Teacher, don't do it."

Su Sheng stopped Bai Chen's movements.

Bai Chen looked at Red Spider, after a little thought, he put down his hand in accordance with his words.

Although I don't know what Su Sheng is going to do, Bai Chen's virtual spirit that hasn't been imprisoned is nothing more than just flipping and extinguishing, unable to overcome any storms.

The red spider came to the front, the red light circulated on his body, and suddenly turned into a red butterfly and plunged into Su Sheng's body.

Bai Chen's expression moved slightly, as he was about to ask, when he suddenly felt something, a burst of blood rushed out of his body and entangled Su Sheng: "Go first."

The blood rose to the sky and dashed across the sky and went straight to the west.

After a while, a middle-aged man who looked rather refined came from the direction of Mito Castle and fell into the field. It was Mito Castle Lord.

Seeing a mess in the field, it was obvious that he had fought, the Lord Mito couldn't help frowning.

"What's the matter, Kimura?"

After Kimura and others stayed in Mito City for so long, they naturally visited Mito City Lord.

The Mito City Lord knew that Kimura and his party were here to chase someone down, but besides Kimura, there was another strong fluctuation coming from here just now.

Santo Mito knew that something was wrong, and hurried over immediately.

But now it's only ten minutes before and after, why is there no trace of Kimura?

With a thought of Mito Castle Lord, a vortex spread from his body to the surroundings...

Soon, City Lord Mito noticed something under the perception of running water, and his eyes opened wide, shocked.



Among the undulating mountains, Bai Chen dragged Su Sheng to speed.

Su Sheng asked, "Teacher, why are you here?"

"There is a mark on the magic talisman given to you earlier. As soon as you use it, I will know that something is wrong with you, and I will come to you according to the location of the mark.

Later, you used the random teleportation charm that Teacher Han gave to Chen Yuanyang, and I just rushed to Mito City, so I rushed over immediately. "

"So it's like this..."

Su Sheng was very grateful for this kindness of Bai Chen's ability to come over and save him a thousand miles away.

"Teacher, how long have you been here?"

"It's just been here for a few days, and on the way I met an imperial soldier virtual spirit, which was delayed for a while."

Su Sheng was shocked when he heard the words: "Imperial Soldier-level Void Spirit?"

Bai Chen nodded: "Well, it seems to come from the north, it looks like it should be in the direction of the Rhine Mountains."

The Rhine Mountains? Su Sheng immediately thought of Kang Jihua, You Fu, and Su Jing who was in his body at the moment.

Is it related to them?

Bai Chen suddenly asked, "Speaking of this, what happened to the virtual spirit just now."

Su Sheng pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "Teacher, I actually have a second feeling."

Bai Chen, who was galloping with Su Sheng in front, stopped abruptly and turned to look at Su Sheng: "What did you say?"

Su Sheng said sternly: "In addition to the world, I have a second attitude."

While talking, Su Sheng directly activated Bi An's second solution, his body lit up with red light, and a gorgeous red butterfly wing spread out behind him!

Bai Chen, who had always been calm and indifferent, was full of surprise in his eyes at this time.

"It's really a double mind!!"

"Well, this second mental aspect belongs to the summoning ability, and the virtual spirit just now was summoned through the second mental aspect's ability."

Taking this opportunity, Su Sheng chose to tell Bai Chen about the other side.

Although there are factors that Bai Chen came to save, Su Sheng was not impulsive, but decided to inform Bai Chen after repeated thinking.

The power of the Doll on the other side cannot be ignored, and it will definitely be used frequently in the subsequent battles. It always hides it but keeps itself bound, unable to exert its full strength.

And now it seems that Bai Chen is undoubtedly the one he can trust and rely on most.

If there is white dust behind him, it would be much more convenient for him to use the power of the other side.

"Okay! Okay!" Bai Chen turned around from the shock, with an irrepressible joy on his face, and said two "good" words to Su Sheng!

"I, Yun Lan, sits on a hundred cities, a vast land, abundant resources, outstanding people and spirits, but the owner of dual minds is also rare in the world! As far as I know, there is only one owner of dual minds besides you."

After joy, Bai Chen pondered for a moment: "It's not wrong for you to hide the dual mind before. Your current strength is too weak. It's better not to show the dual mind before the B-level.

There are too many hidden enemies in this world, and you never know how many pairs of eyes are watching you in secret.

After reaching the B level, he can barely be regarded as a strong person who can protect himself. "

Su Sheng nodded: "Student understands."

"Of course, you should use this ability as well." Bai Chen smiled, "Summoning system ability is very easy to cover up, in the future, just use it boldly. If someone asks, it's a spiritual skill I gave you."

Su Sheng was overjoyed, this was exactly what he expected.

At this moment, Bai Chen suddenly said: "Aren't you able to control the life form killed by your own hands? What level can you control?"

Su Sheng faintly guessed what Bai Chen meant when he heard the words, his heart jumped, and truthfully replied: "Currently it is probably a C-level intermediate."

Bai Chen nodded, his blood flew out to hold up Su Sheng: "Let's go, I will take you to kill the monster beast!"


In Tianhui City, Su Xue looked at the phone, and there was still no message in the top dialogue bar.

"It's been more than a month, will something happen?" Su Xue held the phone, her eyes full of worry, "I remember my brother said before that the secret realm I'm going to this time is about two weeks..."

Seeing that Su Xue was so worried, the ice emperor on the side suggested: "Maybe you can ask the fish not to speak, she seems to be closer to your brother."

Generally, when he was at home, the Ice Emperor came out of Su Xue and stayed outside.


Su Xue's eyes lit up, she immediately got up and quickly changed her clothes, and went straight to Mingyue Square.

Arriving at Mingyue Plaza, Su Xue walked into the elevator and pressed the 24th floor.

The 24th floor is where the Red Butterfly Club headquarters is located.

Although the Red Butterfly Club is already a behemoth in Tianhui, with many industries, the headquarters of the Mingyue Building has not been moved.

When Su Xue came to the reception hall, a young lady at the front desk in a white shirt came over immediately.

Lingling was also a little strange when she saw a girl who looked like a high school student. Usually, there would be no students here at the headquarters.

However, out of good professionalism, Lingling still stepped forward and asked: "Hello little sister, may I ask you something?"

"I'm looking for someone, looking for..."

Su Xue was about to say Yubuyu, but suddenly remembered the previous agreement with Yubuyu that she could not call her name outside, so she was speechless for a while.

"Huh?" Lingling asked Su Xue dumbfounded, "Who are you looking for, little sister?"

Su Xue smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, it's okay, I just wait here, don't worry about me."

Although Lingling was a little confused, she nodded politely: "Okay, I'll pour you a glass of water."

Su Xue quickly thanked him.

This wait is most of the day.

Lingling checked the time. It was already six o'clock in the afternoon and she was about to get off work.

Seeing that Su Xue was still waiting there quietly, she came over again and asked, "Little sister, who are you looking for? I know everyone in the meeting."

Lingling lowered her voice and quietly said to Su Xue: "I know even the spiritual masters in those meetings."

Su Xue thought about the way she was silent, and then said: "What I am looking for is a very beautiful and very special sister."

"Beautiful and special sister?" The young lady at the front desk was stunned, before thinking about it.

There are quite a lot of beautiful girls in the meeting, such as myself, should be counted...

It's just this special... What kind of special method is it?

Lingling didn't know who Su Xue was talking about, but what Su Xue said made Lingling a little curious about who she was looking for...

At this moment, a few people in front walked out of the office leaning on the front desk. The leader was talking to the two people behind, and suddenly he caught a glimpse of Su Xue who was waiting in the lobby.

"Why does this guy come here?"

Cheng Pu was shocked, and said to the two behind: "You go and prepare first, I'll come over later."

"Yes, Brother Cheng!"

The two behind responded and left first.

Cheng Pu walked a few steps to the reception hall. Lingling was still chatting with Su Xue. When she saw Cheng Pu, she stood up straight and greeted: "Mr. Cheng!"

Cheng Pu nodded, and directly asked Su Xue: "Is Su Xue?"

Su Xue is a little surprised that this person knows herself, but she still replied, "Well, this is Su Xue, may I ask you...?"

Cheng Pu smiled and said, "I'm Cheng Pu from the Red Butterfly Society. I know who you are looking for, so please wait a moment."

Su Xue was overjoyed: "Well, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

"You're welcome." Cheng Pu waved his hand and looked at Lingling, "Lingling, please take this into the VIP room first and treat him well."

"Yes, Mr. Cheng." Lingling replied respectfully, then looked at Su Xue, "Please come with me."

Su Xue thanked her again, then got up and followed Lingling to a room next to her.

Lingling didn't expect that this girl would even know Cheng Pu. After introducing Su Xue into the VIP room, Lingling could not help but look at Su Xue secretly while preparing coffee and dessert. Fortunately, she was very polite just now.

At the Red Butterfly Club, Yu Buyu was resting on the sofa in his exclusive personal room.

After Su Sheng left, several virtual spirits in the realm of reality suddenly appeared in Tianhui City.

The Radiant City Defence Forces were not manpowered enough, so they approached the Red Butterfly Society and hoped that they could help one or two to help solve the imaginary spirits in the west and south of the city.

Now the Red Butterfly Society, as the unofficial first force of Radiant City ~lightnovelpub.net~, sits on two areas in the west of the city. Naturally, it can't ignore it, and Ren Xuling is running around on his territory.

Yu didn't say a word, so he came down, and and Zuo Ting personally took people to deal with it.

However, the virtual spirits have appeared one after another recently, and the frequency seems to be much higher. Fortunately, they are all in the realm of reality, and their strength is not too strong, and they can cope with others.

Although some people in the Red Butterfly Society were injured, there is now Qi Hengzhou in the society who is good at treatment, and there have been no deaths.

But I'm afraid I won't be able to say it in the future.

This is only one aspect, on the other hand, there has been no news since Su Sheng went to the Hundred Demon Caverns.

In the past, Su Sheng would ask Tianhui about the situation at regular intervals.

But this time it has been more than a month and I haven't contacted again.

Yu Buyu and Zuo Ting both sent messages to Su Sheng, but they didn't respond in general.

And just a few days ago, Zuo Ting suddenly disappeared!

As a puppet, Yubuyu immediately sensed that Zuo Ting had been led by the other side.

This means that Su Sheng has encountered a very difficult danger, and even has to develop a second solution from the other side to deal with it.

But fortunately, Yubuyu knew that Su Sheng was still alive, otherwise as a puppet, if something happened to Su Sheng, he would immediately die without the power of the other side.

It has been a few days since Zuo Ting disappeared, and he is still alive. It seems that at least the last crisis has passed smoothly.

I just don’t know if I have completely escaped the danger...

Yu Fuyu rubbed his temples, still unable to let go of the worry in his heart.

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