I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 116: discuss the first

City government office area, a large conference room.

Ren Pingsheng sat high in the main seat, with an oval conference table in front of him, two city government representatives sitting on the left, and two military representatives sitting on the right.

In front of the four representatives, each prepared a stack of materials about three fingers thick.

Ren Pingsheng glanced over, and finally stopped at Hong Yi, the representative of the municipal government.

Hong Yi is in charge of the government affairs of the entire Donghu City, including urban construction, economic activities, household registration management and so on.

"First report the specific losses of East Lake City."

Hong Yi looked serious, lowered his head to confirm the specific numbers again, looked up and replied, "Up to now, 63% of the houses in Donghu City have been destroyed, 85% of all kinds of factories have been destroyed, and the direct death toll has reached 11:00. 30,000, and the economic loss is about 500 billion."

After Ren Pingsheng listened, he shook his head and closed his eyes.

The other three representatives heard the words, their hands on the table softened, and they almost fell on the table. Everyone took a deep breath to digest the exaggerated loss figure.

The population of East Lake City is close to one million, and more than one tenth of them died in this battle. It will take about five years for the population to recover to its original level. The disaster of being attacked by the beast tide into the city cannot happen again in the middle.

Most of the houses and factories were also damaged. Although they can be rebuilt, it is impossible to recover in a few years.

It can be said that this air raid almost completely wiped out the war potential of Donghu City in the next three to five years.

This is the reason why the city has been stationed with a large number of warrior realm forces all year round. Once the beast tide invades the city, even if the human beings finally drive the beast tide out, they will suffer city-level losses.

A few minutes later, Ren Pingsheng opened his eyes again.

His eyes were captivating, and the aura of a superior reappeared on his body, as if the gaffe just now had never happened.

"Report the results as well." His eyes fell on Han Qingshan.

Han Qingshan was in charge of the city's defense, and he managed the city guards and city patrols.

"In the bird and beast group, nearly half of the birds and beasts with a body length of three or four meters were beheaded, twenty-seven birds and beasts with a body length of seven or eight meters were beheaded, and two birds and beasts with a body length of more than ten meters were beheaded.

We counted the information on the beheading of birds and beasts over seven or eight meters in length. Gao Chengliang killed one head at Dewan Building... Chen Yiming killed two heads near Jinghu Community,... . "

Han Qingshan reported the general information one by one.

Ren Pingsheng nodded, remembering the names of the people mentioned one by one.

Then it was the turn of the military representative to report.

Xue Haichuan reported the loss of the military.

The vast majority of the military are elite fighters. Not only do they have access to martial arts and technological weapons, but they still lost a third of their manpower.

After all, fighting against birds and beasts in the city, such tactics as firearm salvo and artillery salvo, cannot be used to prevent accidental injuries.

The military can only use human sea tactics, and fight with birds and beasts to lose both.

Finally, the highlight of the meeting, the military chased and killed the three birds and beasts that were over ten meters in length.

"Tell me about the specific circumstances of the masked man beheading two birds and beasts." Ren Pingsheng said solemnly.

"At that time, two-thirds of our military's martial artist strength and the two birds and beasts faced off in the Chengnan Industrial Park..." Cao Zhengjun restored the situation at that time.

In addition to the face under the black scarf, Chen Yiming's clothes, height, weapons used, attributes of inner strength, etc., were all collected and reported one by one.

"You can be more specific about the inner strength of the masked man." Ren Pingsheng waited for Cao Zhengjun to finish speaking, and specifically mentioned the inner strength.

"The inner strength of the masked man is much stronger than the eight of us. In addition, it is similar to the black fire of birds and beasts, and it can leave the body surface for a distance."

"How far."

"It was about two or three meters at the time, but we couldn't be sure if it was the limit of a masked person."

"Can it be changed into various forms at will?"

"I've never seen this before."

Chen Yiming got the inner strength of the level 1 indestructible body, and was taken out by several people for repeated discussion and analysis.

The point of discussion is that in the first stage of the martial artist realm, no matter how strong the internal strength is, it will not be strong enough, and a single blow will instantly kill the birds and beasts of the same realm.

The two warrior realms in the military doubted whether the masked man had broken through to the second stage of warrior realm.

"Okay, this question ends here." Ren Pingsheng concluded, "If the masked man didn't deliberately deceive you, then there are other abilities that you didn't notice.

As for the strength of the inner strength that is visible to the naked eye compared to yours, it should be due to the special physique, and the masked man has not broken through to the second stage. "

The military pays attention to orders and prohibitions. Although the two military representatives still had doubts in their hearts, they also forcibly stopped the topic.

At this point, the contents of the reports that the four representatives are responsible for have ended.

"Sir, I want to ask where the bird and beast with a body length of nearly 20 meters is going, so that I can arrange the next urban reconstruction plan." Hong Yi asked.

"During the air raid yesterday, I and the two city defenders from Sushui City and Yungang City rushed to the Nuhe Mountains to monitor the bird and beast. The bird and beast did not fight with us after seeing it, and it is still staying in the center of the mountain range. ." Ren Pingsheng replied.


As soon as the words came out, Ren Pingsheng interrupted and continued: "If there is no other foreign aid, the next time the birds and beasts launch an air strike, me and the other two defenders will still be held back.

After all, the level of human martial artist can't fly, and birds and beasts can fly. If there is one less person, it is very likely that the bird and beast will directly enter the city.

Birds and beasts with a body length of nearly 20 meters correspond to the second stage of our human warrior realm. If you successfully rush into the city, you don’t need to say more. "

After the other people heard it, the skin on their faces twitched slightly, and their expressions were ugly.

Human beings are always at an absolute disadvantage in the face of aerial attacks, and flying birds and beasts of the same realm can often contain several humans with one head.

The meeting room was silent for several minutes before the pain of the topic was suppressed.

"Sir, Yue Jiayue Jingtian has repeatedly refused the military's orders when the birds and beasts attacked the city yesterday, and has always stuck to the family.

The military decided to convict the Yue family for treason, to deter the folk martial arts forces in Donghu, and ask for your approval. "Cao Zhengjun requested.

Once the crime of treason is convicted, not only the family's lineage, but the entire Yue family in Donghu City will be convicted, leaving no one behind.

"How did the other six warrior families in East Lake City perform in this disaster?" Ren Pingsheng asked.

The guardian of the city is directly appointed by the Great Xia Kingdom, and usually does not manage local specific affairs~lightnovelpub.net~ Only the liquidation of a city's top power needs to be decided by them.

"Although there are some small actions in private, it is generally safe and obeys the military's orders." Cao Zhengjun replied.

"What about other small and medium martial arts families?"

"Three families fled."

"What about the major conglomerates in the city?"

"There is no problem at the level of the chairman. There are more than a dozen senior executives who violated the order."

"What about the thirteen martial arts halls?"

"No great achievements, no mistakes."

At the end, Cao Zhengjun also added: "There was a problem in the Manshen Sword Hall among the thirteen martial arts halls. Not long before the bird and beast air raid, Lin Yixuan, the next heir to the hall's owner, was severely injured by Chen Yiming, resulting in one less time for the bird and beast air attack. Lin Yixuan also died in this incident because of his serious injuries."

"Chen Yiming? I remember that this little guy killed two birds and beasts with a body length of seven or eight meters, right?" Ren Pingsheng noticed the name for the second time.

"That's right, his talent is very high, and he has broken through to the realm of a quasi-warrior within a year of training." Cao Zhengjun blurted out without concealment.

"The quasi-warrior is still a long way off. Let's wait until he really breaks through the warrior realm." Ren Pingsheng stopped.

The name only added a little impression, and he was not relieved. From the perspective of the characters at the second stage of the warrior realm, prospective warriors are not yet qualified to participate in the discussion.

"Since the overall situation in East Lake City is relatively stable, there is no need for treason. It is enough to convict the patriarch of the Yue family." Ren Pingsheng made a decision.

In a word, the Yue family has changed from a whole family of beheadings to a death sentence only for the patriarch.