I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 123: tiankeng

Plum Blossom Tiankeng.

It is located in the middle of Donghu City and Yungang City, more than 100 kilometers away from the city.

A pothole that is naturally recessed for hundreds of meters, with a diameter of about one kilometer, is surrounded by steep rock walls, with plum trees growing on it, and an underground river connected at the bottom.

This pothole looked down from the sky, because the bottom lacked sunlight, like a huge mouth of the abyss.

Chen Yiming took Mo Yanfei to run on the top of the trees in the mountain forest, all the way to the destination.

"What's going on under the pothole?" Chen Yiming asked directly.

"In the underground river at the bottom, there lives a three-tailed giant tortoise." Concubine Mo Yan told the truth.

"Is there any treasure at the bottom?" Chen Yiming's eyes lit up and he continued to ask.

Blue Star's cultivation environment, the closer it is to the space channel, the better the effect.

In the wilderness area far from the space passage, the active alien beasts have only three levels of physical transformation on average.

"Yes, there is a strange tree growing at the bottom of the pit. The three-tailed giant tortoise devours the fruit of the strange tree to cultivate, which is equivalent to the level of human beings who have mastered the changes in the form of internal energy." Mo Yanfei explained.

"Do you know what the fruit of that strange little tree is for?" Chen Yiming asked again.

"It is said that eating the fruit of the strange tree can help to cultivate the shape change of inner strength." Mo Yanfei said softly.

Chen Yiming nodded.

The fruit of the strange tree can help cultivate the shape change of inner strength, which is just suitable for those with ordinary talent in the martial artist realm.

That's why the previous generation of the Yue family, the bottom tier in the martial artist realm, was willing to risk death and go to risky spells for a future.

"The Plum Blossom Tiankeng is in front." Concubine Mo Yan suddenly pointed her finger forward and reminded.

Chen Yiming looked in the direction of his fingers.

In the darkness, a gloomy gap appeared in his eyes. Just glancing at it makes people stop.


A burst of wind appeared in vain.

A row of flying knives shot out from the darkness, targeting the masked man and Concubine Mo Yan.

Chen Yiming's ears moved, and he slapped his palm a few meters to the right.


The piercing inner strength hit the flying knife, and the flying knife directly exploded into pieces of iron.

At the same time, a dazzling silver light exploded in the darkness, illuminating the situation in the forest.

Two men and one woman, three people stood on a thick branch.

The one who shot was the woman, with shawl silver hair and a long black dress printed with pink peach blossoms.

The masked man broke into Yue's house, robbed his wife in front of Yue Yangpeng, and repelled Ren Pingsheng, the defender of Donghu City.

Because the communication was temporarily cut off, the news could not reach Yungang City immediately, and the three of them didn't know.

Chen Yiming and Concubine Mo Yan also stopped on a branch, and the two sides confronted each other twenty or thirty meters apart.

"It's you, Sister Mo." Shen Qiushui's red lips parted slightly.

The voice echoed clearly in the forest.

This is a sound transmission technique that uses internal energy to vibrate the air, which is equivalent to speaking with a loudspeaker.

Concubine Mo Yan did not respond, but turned her head to introduce to the masked man: "They are from Yungang City. Yue Yangpeng left Donghu City before the birds and beasts attacked the city, just to find them to discuss cooperation."

"That woman has a grudge against you?" Chen Yiming felt the difference in his words and asked directly.

"Shen Qiushui was Yue Yangpeng's betrothed when he was a child." Concubine Mo Yan hesitated for a moment, then whispered.

"Bribery?" Chen Yiming asked in surprise.

Concubine Mo Yan nodded.

The common divorce flow in previous life novels flashed in Chen Yiming's mind.

Yue Yangpeng and Shen Qiushui are both ordinary warriors, according to the standard of modern society, men are generally stronger than women by one or two levels.

Shen Qiushui's ideal marriage partner is a martial artist who has mastered the changes in the internal energy.

Hearing the masked person and Concubine Mo Yan openly discuss her scandal, Shen Qiushui's face became ugly, a surge of anger surged into his heart, and he instantly lost his mind.

"court death!"

Shen Qiushui's figure moved and turned into a black light and rushed out.

The man was still in the air, and when he turned his wrist, three flying knives appeared in his hand.


The three flying knives were shot out in the shape of a pin, sealing the space for the two to avoid.

At the same time, the other hand pulled out the long sword from his waist and stabbed Concubine Mo Yan with a sword.

There was a humming sound in the air, and countless airflows were pulled inexplicably, and three small vortexes and a large vortex appeared on the flying knife and the long sword respectively.

At this time, there were still nearly ten meters away from the contact between the two sides, but the leaves on the surrounding branches had been pulled off by a force of gravity and flew towards the vortex.

This is the Shen family's hand-in-hand practice method, which can generate a powerful suction force, making it difficult for opponents to dodge with their body skills.

Facing the futile sneak attack, Chen Yiming took it easy, raised his hand and hit the air with four palms.


Four piercing inner strength shot out of the air, facing the three flying knives and long swords respectively.


Four explosions were heard.

The flying knife exploded into small pieces of iron in mid-air, and flew back at a faster speed.

Shen Qiushui first felt that the vortex barrier formed by Qianjiyin made a chopping sound, and then shattered instantly.

The piercing inner strength is like a sharp feather arrow, piercing the vortex barrier in the middle of Shen Qiushui's chest.

puff! A mouthful of blood spit out.

Shen Qiushui was careless and didn't use his inner strength to cover his entire body's defense, and was directly beaten upside down and flew back.

Fortunately, Chen Yiming realized that the killing intent was not aimed at him, so he did not have the intent to kill. In addition, after penetrating the internal energy and breaking away from the body, he continued to disintegrate and break the vortex barrier. Most of his power had already been lost.

In the distance, the two men standing on the thick branches were stunned for a moment. After reacting, their bodies swayed, and they caught Shen Qiushui who fell to the ground before they fell to the ground.

At this time, Shen Qiushui's face was flushed red, and the black dress was smashed by the flying knives that flew back upside down, cutting seven or eight openings, revealing the spring inside.

The two partners beside them were afraid that they would all be in the same city for a long time, so they didn't feel embarrassed to peek, but they were caught in the eye of the masked man on the opposite side.

Martial Artist Realm, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Except for provincial capitals, there are rarely more than 50 people in ordinary cities, and their identities are more than one million.

The posture of a high-ranking person for many years was suddenly shattered, causing her head to be clouded all of a sudden, and she only felt an insult to be scrutinized by others.

"Concubine Yan, so you like this kind of youth." Xu Ziliang, who was next to him, suddenly said.

Although Chen Yiming had a black kerchief covering his face, his brow still revealed a very young look. After all, he was only eighteen years old, which was obviously different from most martial artists in their forties.

After a pause, he smiled and said, "No wonder you would rather die than obey me at the last banquet."

It was a secret that only the two of them knew, and it was shaken out.

After he finished speaking, he added: "By the way, Yue Jingtian made such a stupid mistake, and Yue Yangpeng couldn't escape punishment. Are you looking for another young backer?"

Chen Yiming raised his brows, he was not very used to this kind of thing.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary working class, who had only heard of the upper class and knew that rich people like to play tricks.

After traveling to this world for more than a year, he spent most of his time practicing martial arts, and had little contact with the upper class.

He was a little surprised that the wife of the warrior realm, the other party not only dared to peep, but also wanted to force it by force, and was not afraid of Yue Yangpeng raising his fist to come to the door.

Concubine Mo Yan's face suffocated, and she felt that her heart was being held back by an invisible hand.

Xu Ziliang's thoughts, once as a lady in the upper class, she knew very well.

Even if a man knows it is a plan, there will still be a pimple in his heart, and he will not necessarily protect her when he starts to act.