I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 131: Supplement

the next day.

At five o'clock in the morning, the sky just appeared white.

The large trucks of the convoy started to ignite their cars, and they set off to continue their journey after fifteen minutes.

Today's destination of the convoy is Pengzhou, and the whole journey is more than 500 kilometers.

According to the estimated fuel plan, the team needs to enter Pengzhou for the first replenishment, and then continue on the road on the third day.

At this time, except for Chen Yiming and Fang Hongkun, everyone in the car, including the driver, had happy expressions on their faces.

Because of the black snake meat of the quasi-warrior level, it was generously shared by Chen Yiming last night for free.

Not only the heads of the team, but also the ordinary drivers and the people accompanying the car have eaten a lot.

The energy contained in the several tons of heavy quasi-warrior-level black snake meat is extremely huge for people below the quasi-warrior-level, and hundreds of people in the whole car can't eat much.

Those who have undergone three to five physical transformations will often be unable to sustain themselves by eating a small piece of the stomach.

In addition, on the next journey, every meal, everyone can still enjoy the black snake meat of the quasi-warrior level.

Inside one of the large trucks.

Zhang Dongjun held the steering wheel with both hands, staring at the possible pits on the road. Jia Weimin put down the co-pilot's chair and lay on it.

"This Mr. Chen seems to be someone who appeared out of nowhere. He has never heard of his name before." Jia Weimin said suddenly.

Zhang Dongjun still stared at the front, and replied casually: "From the face, he is only about twenty years old, and he should be the youngest martial artist in Donghu City."

Jia Weimin sighed and continued: "That's why I think it's too unreal. The martial artist realm at the age of 20 has never appeared in the history of East Lake City."

Zhang Dongjun glanced to the side and said with a smile: "What is there to sigh, there is a person like Mr. Chen in East Lake City, who is so talented that people like us can live a better life."

Jia Weimin smiled when he heard the words: "That's true. After all, it's nice to enjoy the shade under the big tree."

At the same time, not only Zhang Dongjun and Jia Weimin, but also people in other trucks were talking about Chen Yiming.

A martial artist in his twenties, in the eyes of these people, his future martial arts achievements will never stop there.

Such a talented person suddenly appeared in Donghu City, and the panic that birds and beasts attacked the city brought to them began to dissipate, and everyone rekindled their confidence in living a stable life in Donghu City.

Along the way, like everyone's good mood, the team did not encounter any danger.


Lombok Town.

There is still about 50 kilometers away from Pengzhou. The team simply stopped and repaired on the road next to the town, and then went straight to Pengzhou in one breath.

At this time, groups of people came from the direction of Pengzhou.

Most of them were in a hurry, carrying boxes in their hands and large bags on their backs, and about fifty or sixty people moved together.

Many of them also drag their families with them, accompanied by the elderly and children.

Chen Yiming, Fang Hongkun, and several other people in charge were sitting on the rocks by the roadside to rest and witnessed all this happening.

"There is a problem in Pengzhou." Fang Hongkun saw the difference at a glance and said solemnly.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yiming asked curiously.

"There is a high probability that Pengzhou City started a war with a surrounding space channel." Fang Hongkun replied.

After Chen Yiming heard it, he recalled the time when he was still helping his family deliver food.

East Lake City and the West Great Lake started a war, and countless refugees smuggled into the city.

It's the exact opposite of what's in front of you.

"The war is on, wouldn't it be safer to stay in the city?" Chen Yiming wondered.

Fang Hongkun pointed at a person not far away and replied, "Look at that person's clothes."

Chen Yiming followed the directions and found that the clothes the man was wearing were the style of training clothes, proving that the man was not an ordinary person.

"Most of these people should be free citizens. They don't live in a certain city, but keep going to cities where there is no war." Fang Hongkun explained.

Free people?

This is the first time Chen Yiming has heard of the existence of these people.

If you think about it, these people's way of survival does have some merit.

These people may all have little success in martial arts. When dozens of people are walking together, as long as they do not get close to the location of the space passage and encounter a group of alien beasts, they will most likely be able to reach the destination city smoothly.

Now that there is a better choice, there is no need to stay in the city where the war is taking place, and fight desperately with the alien beasts invading from another world.

At this time, Fang Hongkun turned his head and arranged for Fan Ronghua: "Go and find out what happened in Pengzhou."

"Yes." Fan Ronghua nodded in agreement.

He stepped forward a few steps, stopped a wave of people directly, and then revealed his identity.

These free people run away when they encounter war, and naturally they are not hard-hearted people. When I saw the two or three miles of motorcades parked on the side of the road, I didn't dare to hide it.

After Fan Ronghua got the news from these people, he did not return immediately, but continued to stop two waves of people.

From the different three waves of the population, it is determined that the information obtained is accurate, and this is returned.

"Minister, Pengzhou did have a war with a surrounding space channel, but it was Pengzhou who took the initiative to invade the other world." Fan Ronghua reported.

"Pengzhou was able to counterattack into the space channel." Chen Yiming said in surprise.

Taking the initiative to invade another world~lightnovelpub.net~ This is the first time he has heard of it.

On the other hand, in East Lake City, the two wars in the past year have been passive defenses.

"Trouble." Fang Hongkun said solemnly.

Chen Yiming did not understand when he heard the words.

Dare to take the initiative to attack, indicating that Pengzhou is strong enough.

No matter how you look at it, it is much better than being rushed into the city by a beast tide like Donghu City.

"Donghu City, Yungang City, Sushui City, most of the three cities were destroyed by the raids of birds and beasts." Fang Hongkun expressed his guess, "Pengzhou City may plan to establish a long-term stronghold on the other side of the world to prevent similar City Raid incident."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Chen Yiming questioned.

The war happened on Blue Star's side, and no matter what the outcome was, mankind would suffer.

After all, it is easy to destroy and difficult to build. The destructive power of the warrior level is too strong. The reinforced concrete buildings in the city are no different from those made of paper.

"It's a good thing for Pengzhou, but not necessarily for us." Fang Hongkun sighed.

"Pengzhou City took the initiative to invade the other world, and the logistical pressure must be huge. We have hundreds of large trucks, and the fuel that needs to be replenished is not a small amount, especially at this critical juncture."

The voice fell.

The faces of the people in charge next to him changed drastically.

"Minister, our trip is not for personal affairs. Does Pengzhou dare to refuse directly?"

"Minister, if Pengzhou does this, are you not afraid that other cities will do the same to them in the future?"

Fang Hongkun shook his head and explained: "By convention, war is given priority. After all, we belong to the category of post-war reconstruction. We can be dismissed for any reason."