I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 230: Under the dedicated liaison

"It's a matter of being transferred to a liaison officer."

The secretary of the director explained patiently.

The secretary has been instructed by Xie Jimin to stabilize Liu Sujuan.

Liu Sujuan sighed and walked out of the service hall without asking any more questions.

After walking a distance and making sure that no one could see it, she jumped a few times in a row to release her previous anxiety.

Although the result has not yet been determined, but she was found by the director, and there is a high probability that Chen Yiming's exclusive liaison is her.


Chief's Office.

Xie Jimin breathed a sigh of relief after reading all the forms.

Although the results did not meet expectations, there were at least a few people who signed up enthusiastically. Among them, the one with the best comprehensive conditions was Liu Sujuan, who was called by his secretary.

dong dong dong!

There was a knock on the door.

"Please come in!"

Xie Jimin looked up and saw Liu Sujuan who pushed in the door.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

Liu Sujuan asked worriedly.

She hoped that everything went as planned, otherwise the ups and downs would really give people a heart attack.

"Consultant Chen is a very good person. In the past, he followed his subordinates and never had any trouble."

Xie Jimin said with a smile.

Chen Yiming led the team to support, and the subordinates who were supposed to participate in the battle turned into doing chores, of course, there was not much danger.

Liu Sujuan nodded seriously.

Speaking of the director's words, she had already guessed the result.

"Come on, work hard, you won't be working in the service hall from tomorrow, and you will be Consultant Chen's exclusive liaison from now on."

Xie Jimin continued.

Speaking of which, he took out a document from the side and handed it to Liu Sujuan.

Then he waved his hand, indicating that Liu Sujuan can go back.

He was afraid that if he said too much, Liu Sujuan would regret it. After all, this document records the basic information of Chen Yiming, including recent achievements.

And it was obviously a bit difficult for a female liaison officer in the apprentice level to participate in the event of sweeping the beast tide.


the other side.

After Chen Yiming met with the special operations team of the Provincial Security Bureau, he declined the hospitality suggestion from Captain Li Hongfei, and returned by helicopter with Section Chief Chen.

Before the matter was over, the two left the Security Bureau in a military vehicle.

Not long after, the military vehicle stopped, and Chen Yiming and Section Chief Chen got off.

"This is the General Administration of Martial Arts of Jiangnan Province."

Section Chief Chen pointed to a thirteen-story building in front of him and introduced.

Chen Yiming nodded.

I saw that this place is completely a military powerhouse. Not only are soldiers with guns guarding the entrance, but also the breath of martial arts powerhouses is hidden in the dark.

The breath of a strong man also has a role in warning thieves who have crooked thoughts.

"Your documents still need some time to process, so we can't go in yet."

Section Chief Chen apologized.

"It's okay, anyway, it's useless to enter now, and there is no contribution point."

Chen Yiming said lightly.

Contribution points are the currency within the Jiangnan provincial government. Normally, except for private transactions, they can only be used by themselves.

The consultants who are temporarily employed in the Security Bureau are also included in this system. Every time a task is given, according to the task level, they can get corresponding contribution points.

In addition, as a member of the Hundred Talents Plan, consultants get a privilege, which is not restricted by personal position level, and can exchange any treasures, exercises, etc. in the General Bureau of Martial Arts.

This is one of the main reasons why the Hundred Talents Program attracted Chen Yiming.

At this time, Section Chief Chen's cell phone suddenly rang, and the call was from the director's office.

Section Chief Chen put the phone to his ear after connecting, Xie Jimin told him about the exclusive contact person on the phone and told Chen Yiming.

"For each consultant in the bureau, a dedicated liaison will be assigned, and this liaison will contact you in the follow-up."

After hanging up the phone, Section Chief Chen explained.

Chen Yiming nodded.

He has a lot of secrets, and he often does not carry any communication tools when he is outside to prevent his location from being stolen.

Although this primitive method of delivering messages is very backward and inefficient, it guarantees Chen Yiming's privacy to the greatest extent possible.

The tour came to an end, and then Section Chief Chen took Chen Yiming to the guest house of the provincial government.


Liu Sujuan jumped back home.

Her home in Jiangnan City is a two-bedroom apartment in the city center, and there is a girl living with her, her sister Liu Yueqin.

Liu Yueqin's martial arts talent is not comparable to that of Liu Sujuan. Now, at the age of eighteen, she is already a quasi-martial artist, and she is a student of Jiangnan Province Martial Arts Academy.

Although the two are four years apart, they look like twin sisters in both body and appearance.

From childhood to adulthood, except for the relatives of the two, as long as they don't explain it specially, they have no new friends, and they don't think they are twins.

"I finally got home. I'm sweating all over today. I'll take a shower first."

Liu Sujuan complained to her sister who was watching TV on the sofa in the living room, put down the documents in her hand, went to the bedroom to get a set of clean clothes, and walked into the bathroom.

Soon, the sound of shower water came from the bathroom.

Liu Yueqin was lying on her side on the sofa at this time, wearing a set of loose pajamas, but her pre-developed figure still could not be covered.

She glanced at the information her sister had placed on the table.

But just a glance can't take your eyes off because there is a picture of a man on it.

Who is this man?

Boy friend?

Liu Yueqin looked at the photo curiously.

I saw the photo of a handsome young man who looked about eighteen years old.

Unable to hold back her gossip heart, she glanced at the bathroom where the sound of water was beeping, stretched out a pair of white and slender hands, and carefully opened the information.

Soon, Liu Yueqin was dumbfounded.

From the data, she knew that this young man named Chen Yiming was not only a genius disciple of Vientiane Gate, but also made great achievements in two rounds of beast tides in Jiangnan Province some time ago, leaving a terrifying record.

This made her, an outstanding student of Jiangnan Martial Arts Academy, feel unreal. She was already a talented student in the mouths of Martial Arts teachers.

And this young man named Chen Yiming is only one year older than her, but the gap between the two is too great to be able to catch up.

At this moment, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and Liu Yueqin quickly restored the desktop to its original state.

"Don't have class today?"

Liu Sujuan came out of the bathroom wearing a T-shirt, her lower body was covered with super shorts completely covered by the T-shirt. This style of wearing the lower body disappearance technique made her legs look particularly slender.


Liu Yueqin responded and pretended that everything was normal.

At the same time, although she was facing the TV, out of the corner of her eyes, she began to observe her sister. She was confident that her sister who was not very talented in martial arts would not be able to detect this small gesture.

Sure enough, Liu Sujuan didn't notice anything unusual, so she picked up the documents and sat on the other side of the sofa, flipping through the documents in front of Liu Yueqin.

After a while.

Liu Sujuan seemed to suddenly remember something and explained:

"After that, I may have to go out a lot~lightnovelpub.net~ I can't live here normally."


Liu Yueqin turned her attention to her sister and asked.

"It's a work problem. I can't tell you if it's confidential."

Liu Sujuan warned.

The place where I live often gives people an inexplicable sense of security. Too many things happened today, and I don't have much precautions for my sister.

In addition, her mind was consumed a lot, and she didn't realize that her sister might have peeked at Chen Yiming's information while she was taking a shower.


Liu Yueqin responded, then turned to watch TV.

Unlike the calm surface, her mind is very active.

Sister Liu Sujuan works in the provincial security bureau. The people targeted by the security bureau are generally not good people. Is there something wrong with this man?