I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 320: Aberration monster

A week has passed since Chen Yiming dug up a 10,000-meter-long corpse.

This is the first time that humans have discovered such a huge creature, and the entire Great Xia Kingdom has become a sensation, even more prosperous than the last time Jiangnan Province successfully opened up a stronghold in another world.

Not only did the capital send a group of high-level officials, but also a large number of experts and professors came to Jiangnan City, and almost two national martial artists from the north and the south also made the trip.

Investigating the reason, Chen Yiming said: The corpse will continue to overflow with essence, creating a more superior cultivation environment.

To this end, the meeting was held one after another, and the corpses from the depths of the ground were still temporarily placed at the exit of the space channel.

On the bright side, it was guarded by military martial arts experts, but Chen Yiming also arranged for a spiritual villain to watch in secret, not to be watched by humans, but to have powerful creatures in another world trying to steal the corpse.


Provincial government office.

Zhang Cheng, the director of the general office, held a document in his hand, but his face was full of panic, and asked, "How should we reply?"

Wang Ronghui frowned, unable to make a decision for a long time.

The document was sent from the capital, about the disposal plan of Wan Mi's body. The difference with the Jiangnan provincial government lies in where the corpses are placed.

The proposed location in the document is the northern prairie, and for good reason.

Chen Yiming mentioned on the same day that while the corpse is constantly escaping the essence, it may be accompanied by the transformation of the surrounding living substances into ghosts.

The reason for this phenomenon cannot be explained. It was seen in the mysterious space deep underground, but will this phenomenon still occur when the body is brought back to Blue Star? It cannot be verified yet.

As Wang Ronghui, a member of a province of the Great Xia Kingdom, from the perspective of the Great Xia Kingdom, the proposal in the document is naturally more appropriate.

After all, as a large coastal province, Jiangnan Province not only has a high density of cities, but also the surrounding provinces. This corpse with uncontrollable risks should be placed on the sparsely populated prairie.

However, for Jiangnan Province, while not taking uncontrollable risks, it will also lose what may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

What's more, the space channel from which the corpse came from is located in Jiangnan Province, and was excavated by Chen Yiming from the province himself from the depths of the other world.

Just letting go of this opportunity so easily, he can definitely predict that the name 'Wang Ronghui' will one day be reviled by all Jiangnan people.

After Wang Ronghui thought about it again and again, he said solemnly: "To be precise, the body was not excavated by the Jiangnan provincial government, so we will reply that we have no right to dispose of it."

After listening to Zhang Cheng's understanding, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do it now."


While the parties were still discussing the plan for the placement of the corpse, Chen Yiming had already left Jiangnan City, entered the wilderness area alone, and practiced normally.

In fact, in the underground mysterious space, the accumulated essence released by the corpse was all converted into skill points at one time. After that, he seemed to have entered the time of a sage, and his interest in the corpse was greatly reduced.

Now he is more concerned about how to use the more than seventeen thousand skill points.

There are two ways to add points. The first one is to give the sword spirit, the spiritual villain, to upgrade the swordsmanship talent to level 5.

After killing all the ghosts in the mysterious underground space, the need for additional points for level 5 swordsmanship talent has been reduced by nearly 10,000, which means that only about 3,000 skill points need to be accumulated.

The second is to raise the indestructible talent to level 3 and the giant talent to level 2.

The two schemes have their own advantages and disadvantages. Level 5 swordsmanship talent can almost certainly make the spiritual villain undergo a qualitative change, breaking through to the same level as the tree person, but the skill points are still a lot worse.

In the second plan, only 6,000 skill points are needed to improve dual talent. After the upgrade, there are more than 10,000 skill points left, but for Chen Yiming's own strength.

Indestructible body talent is more about the combat power of the current realm, while giant talent can be inherited, with a breakthrough in realm.

As for the level 2 giant talent, it is almost certain that he will not be able to break through the current realm, and it is more likely to unlock another ability of the giant.

This made him extremely entangled, one was more than the other, and he had never been able to make a decision on how to choose.

At night, Chen Yiming simply went home.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Zhu Song, one of the four in Beijing, sitting on the sofa in the living room, chatting with Dad Chen.

The two were quite close in age, as if there was no generation gap. Dad Chen had a cheerful face and chatted very harmoniously one after another.

Chen Yiming was a little surprised.

It stands to reason that Zhu Song should stay in Jiangnan City at this time, representing the northern cities headed by the capital to fight for the interests of the corpse.

"I'm back! Your subordinate... Your colleague has been looking for you several times!" Dad Chen greeted him when he saw Chen Yiming entering the house.

"It's about Yuan Chengwei, and the above has been uncertain about it. There is no way but to send me here." Zhu Song laughed and explained the purpose of his visit.

"I've been cultivating outside and just came back." Chen Yiming replied.

Yuan Chengwei's affairs are not suitable for detailed discussion at home.

The two exchanged a few more polite words, and Chen Yiming proposed to go out to eat and chat while eating.

After Chen Yiming and Zhu Song left Chen's house, Chen's mother asked Chen Yingying curiously, "Didn't that Yuan Chengwei be on TV some time ago? What happened?"

Chen Yingying also looked puzzled. Yuan Chengwei had never seen him since he went to the toilet when he felt unwell that day, including the Jiangnan Wuyuan delegation, who never showed up.

So she shook her head and said she didn't know.

Dad Chen seemed to have guessed something, he warned: "Yingying don't think too much, your brother has brought you so much all-purpose blood, you should focus on martial arts."

Chen Yingying snorted and continued: "Then I'll go back to the room and apply the universal blood."


East Lake Hotel.


The long legs, stockings, and black high-heeled shoes at the door greeted the young lady, bent over enthusiastically, and extended her hand to sign in.

The stunning scenery, although fleeting, was still captured by Chen Yiming's out of the corner of his eyes, and the young lady was always smiling, and she didn't know she was gone.

The two asked for a box, a table of side dishes, and Zhu Song also ordered a bottle of expensive liquor.

Soon, wine and dishes were presented in turn.

Zhu Song did not continue with Yuan Chengwei's topic, but first talked about the news brought back by the military investigation team.

All three teams found no trace of the tree man, but found a cave hundreds of kilometers away.

After a simple exploration, I returned at the first fork, and did not dare to go any further.

The expedition team found some remaining marks on the stone wall, and it was judged that it was probably used as a road sign, representing that intelligent creatures entered the depths of the cave.

After Chen Yiming heard this, he almost sentenced the tree to death.

The ability to split does not mean the ability to recover from injury.

Since the exploration team searched for hundreds of kilometers and could not find any trace, it was almost certain that apart from the chess pieces left on the blue star, the split tree people were all concentrated around the space channel.

He killed almost all the tree people at one time, unless the tree people have the same talent as his indestructible body, and they must be high-level.

Otherwise, the physical level, the spiritual level, double such a severe blow, it is impossible to restore to the complete body.

It is certain that the tree man was attacked by him and the spirit villain twice in a row, and he has completely fallen.

Next, Zhu Song talked about Yuan Chengwei: "The other day, you slapped him to death underground. After we dug him out, the opponent suddenly turned into a tree man and attacked."

"Fake death? Or surrogate death?"

Chen Yiming was a little interested.

Zhu Song explained: "The corpse was dissected later, and there were two kinds of cells in the body. It should be a surrogate death."

After that, Zhu Song went on to describe the fighting situation at that time.

Yuan Chengwei, who became a tree man, actually mobilized three natural forces to launch an attack. If it hadn't been for the fact that the Jingcheng group of four had been abused by Luo Fu of Sam Kingdom and had experience in fighting with the martial artist, they might have been in the middle of the battle.

After Zhu Song finished speaking, he drank the baijiu from the glass and showed a wry smile: "At that time, we didn't dare to approach each other, we only dared to hang far behind, but for some unknown reason, Yuan Chengwei, who became a tree man, suddenly died suddenly. "

Chen Yiming nodded.

Of course he knew the reason. The three giant treants were attacked by him with a single move from the sky, and the main body's mental power was completely destroyed.

Next, the two chatted while eating, and it didn't take long for a table of wine and food to be eliminated.

As for the liquor, Chen Yiming didn't drink it, and Zhu Song killed it all by himself.

Before leaving, Zhu Song's face was flushed, and he sighed through drunkenness: "Half-step martial artist level and martial arts level, this half-step brings a world of difference, the two fights at the martial arts level, we were all embarrassed, almost dead. die."

After sighing, he hoped that Chen Yiming could give the four of them some pointers.

Chen Yiming was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was going to ask about Wanmi's body, but he didn't expect that Zhu Song never talked about this topic.

Seeing this, Zhu Song thought that Chen Yiming was obstructed by his opinion. After all, strictly speaking, the four of them belonged to another Zhenguo martial artist.

So then the alcohol took the initiative to end the topic.

In fact, Chen Yiming relied on the inheritance obtained by adding some giant talent, and naturally knew how to mobilize the corresponding natural power, which was similar to an instinct.

But let him teach others, that's not enough.

The main thing is that they don't dare to teach indiscriminately.

Spiritual power is in contact with the power of nature. Those who are able are simple, those who are unable will be severely damaged at the spiritual level, and the spiritual power will be wiped out on the spot.

It can be said to be a very risky attempt.

If there is a problem with the teaching, it will be troublesome. The loss of four and a half-step martial masters at once is not a trivial matter in Daxia.


the next day.

After another night of consideration for the plan to add some points, Chen Yiming decided to keep it unchanged, and then wanted to lie down comfortably at home for a day.

Wang Ronghui called with a bad news: one of the troops in charge of guarding the corpse, shortly after returning to the Blue Star on rotation, suddenly deformed his entire body and turned into a monster to start killing.

After Chen Yiming heard this, his face was solemn.

"The corpse was buried in the deepest depths of the earth, it's not without reason."

Confused, he rushed to the scene of the accident.


Jiangnan City, a large shopping mall.

The mall was horribly damaged, with leaky walls and shattered glass.

At this time, the surrounding streets have been blocked by heavily armed soldiers, and on the rooftop of the nearby building, there are military martial arts experts in charge of guarding.

In the sky, three helicopters were circling, and some soldiers were speaking with horns to maintain order in the city.

Chen Yiming came around, and his mental power swept through the mall. There were two groups of eight people in it, and one of them was a group of four in Beijing.

In addition, a monster corpse was lying in a pool of blood, and human body stumps could be seen everywhere, and many people died.

Wang Ronghui had been waiting outside, and when he saw Chen Yiming's arrival, he hurried over and asked the soldiers to leave a passage.

"The monster has been solved?" Chen Yiming asked in a low voice.

"At the time of the incident, there was a meeting in the province, and there were people from the two Zhenguo martial artists from the north and the south, so they were able to provide timely support and work together to kill the deformed monster." Wang Ronghui walked over to the mall and explained.

After finishing speaking, he added: "Now all those who have had contact with Wanmi's body have been arranged to return to the other world, and no second person who has been distorted has been found."

Chen Yiming nodded and entered the mall with Wang Ronghui.

Two groups of people surrounded the corpse of the deformed monster, one on the left and one on the right. When they saw Chen Yiming coming in, they all automatically moved aside.

From the expressions on their faces, the relationship between the two groups was not very good, and it meant a bit of tit-for-tat, but as soon as Chen Yiming came in, he had to respectfully step aside.

Chen Yiming was not interested in understanding the contradiction between the two sides. He looked at the deformed monster corpse, and saw that it was nailed to the ground by an arrow~lightnovelpub.net~ The face has long lost its original human characteristics, and the facial features may become larger or smaller, Or a discoloration variant, in short, it becomes extremely ugly.

In addition, the body grows thick hair, there is a long tail full of barbs, and it emits a vomit-like stench.

"How strong is the distortion monster?" Chen Yiming asked.

Another group of people wanted to answer, Ling Zhongyun hurriedly stood up and said:

"The extraordinary power mastered by the aberration monsters is not the same as ours. During the battle, I felt that it was a kind of polluting power.

This kind of extraordinary power does not have the defensive ability like our inner strength to protect the body, and it pursues the ultimate aggressiveness, especially the aggressiveness.

The strength of the opponent's breath is equivalent to the martial artist realm, but it once assimilated some of the substantial spiritual power I released, which is very dangerous. "

Chen Yiming's eyelids jumped.

Is it that great?

Judging from the breath, it is a bit like the ghost possessed by the 10,000-meter corpse.

As for the ghost, he and the spirit villain killed an unknown number of people in the underground mysterious space, whether it was the sword energy or his fist.

In short, except for the large number of ghosts, there is no place that he can look at directly.

But after thinking about it calmly, maybe the ghosts can't help him, but it's different for others, including the tree people who are higher than him.

According to Ling Zhongyun, normally speaking, aberration monsters are obviously much weaker, but they can injure half-step martial arts human beings.

In this way, the extraordinary power mastered by the aberration monster is worthy of attention.

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