I Can Enhance My Talents Using Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 418: 1 unfamiliar radio wave

in the starry sky.

The space barrier will soon be automatically repaired to its original state.

The middle-aged man in battle armor held a crystal clear diamond-shaped crystal in his left hand, and put his right hand down, shaking slightly.

After all, this is just a temporary space barrier, not in a turbulent space environment, and there is no continuous support of space energy, forming a space gap that does not automatically close.

The terrifying twisted storm broke out for a while, violent and sudden, but it was essentially a rootless source, and as long as it was blocked, it would be powerless.

The strong bald man and the strong man with scars, one left and one right, guarded both sides like guards.

"It's overcast."

A middle-aged man with an ugly face, gritted his teeth and coughed.

Although the core of the spacecraft was preserved, such a remote star field made them find a place capable of building similar spacecraft.

The silver shuttle-shaped spaceship is a multi-functional spaceship that integrates exploration, tracking, and attack. The destruction of the spaceship is almost equivalent to a mission failure.

"Boss, the one who will set a trap in advance must be the perpetrator of killing the Protoss. The other party is likely to have space capabilities. What should we do?"

The bald-headed man asked anxiously, ignoring the cold sweat dripping from his forehead along his cheeks.

"There's no way to avoid it. I've dealt with the troubles in front of me first. Under the cover of the residual twisted storm, I feel that there are two abnormal points of energy fluctuations, so be careful."

The middle-aged man nodded and reminded.

"Are there two exceptions?"

The bald-headed strong man's face froze suddenly. When the twisted storm broke out just now, the disturbance was serious. He thought that the three abnormal points reported by the artificial intelligence broke out at the same time.

The scarred strong man next to him felt the tingling sensation from the scar and his face was solemn.

It is good to be the enemy of the space-capable person, and the difference in strength is not bad. If the strength gap cannot reach the level of crushing, it will be a big trouble for the non-space-capable person.

Especially the place where their spaceship was destroyed is located in a remote starry sky area, where the fist is the truth.

The three of them are already equivalent to the role of law enforcement officers, and they are very deterrent in the face of ordinary perpetrators with a little strength, but in the face of space-capable people who want to fight and go, the deterrence does not exist.

Even, to put it badly, they may not be able to get out.

Just as the three of them were waiting, the other two spatial anomalies erupted almost at the same time.

I saw a red-haired arm suddenly stretched out from the space crack, and then the fleshy palm opened, and the sharp claws on it lit up with white light.

The fleshy palm was unprecedentedly large, almost completely covering it, and an unusual starry sky appeared in this space.

The sharp claws are not to be underestimated. With the flickering of the white light, the power of the terrifying restraint quickly spreads out, and the starry sky is faintly blocked.

At the same time, the last space rift.

Although nothing strange rushed out, a terrifying suction force suddenly appeared, and all the matter in this starry sky was sucked into the space turbulent flow.

Don't look at the direct lethality of this suction, but it is the most disgusting.

No one knows what kind of existence is waiting in the turbulent space behind the suction, maybe it is an unimaginable mouth, maybe it is a desperate environment, maybe it is...

Once you get sucked in, you can imagine it.


The middle-aged man in battle armor groaned, took a step forward, and folded his hands together.

The energy fluctuations in its body suddenly climbed from a very low value to the near peak in an instant, and the mere fluctuation shook the starry sky.

This is to prepare without any reservations, to mobilize all the power of the inner world, to deal with the arms covered with red hair, and the increasing suction.


The bald brawny and the scarred brawny, shouted. .

The two were extremely alert, guarding from left to right to prevent the middle-aged man from being suddenly attacked by a space-capable person when he made his move.

Even when necessary, it will take the initiative to wear off part of its own will in the world in the body, and send the power of the world to the middle-aged man to supplement consumption.

This is the way to go when there is no other way out of desperation. The middle-aged man is the strongest in the three-man team.


However, the three people headed by the middle-aged man quickly realized that something was wrong. Whether it was the arm covered with red hair or the terrifying suction, it seemed that the target was not them.

Outside the space anomaly area.


Chen Yiming was also dumbfounded at what he had provoked.

Judging from the arm covered with red hair, the phantom of the giant beast seen before is real, not a mirage.

The turbulent flow in space is too dangerous. If it is not necessary, don't mess with it, otherwise...

At this moment, a fleshy palm covering the starry sky covered Chen Yiming's position, and it became sticky before reaching the surrounding space.

This stickiness is not a little bit of restraint power, but the physical strength of Chen Yiming's condensing star realm, and he also feels obviously uncomfortable and feels a strong sense of restraint.

"Can't you see it so close?"

Chen Yiming was startled when he saw this.

What he didn't know was that the disturbance of spatial turbulence was very serious.

The arm covered with red hair locked his breath, and was able to cross the countless layers of space and find the corresponding space gap.

And like a blind man touching an elephant, except for the locked aura, all other auras in this starry sky are disturbed by the turbulent flow of space.

For example, as long as the three people whose spaceship was destroyed, their arms covered with red hair would not be perceived as long as they did not actively contact them.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Faced with such a terrifying arm, Chen Yiming immediately used the space anchor to make continuous space jumps. The power of restraint could not stop the space anchor, and he escaped from the coverage area in a blink of an eye.

After escaping, he did not dare to stay and continue to escape to the farther starry sky area.

At this moment, the movement in the distant starry sky came, and the three people who were resisting the suction also found the person who provoked the strange arm.

It turned out to be a yellow-skinned human.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man in the battle armor immediately shifted some of his attention to the figure who fled in the blink of an eye. It has a very powerful space ability, a fast activation speed, and a long space jump distance.

The bald-headed strong man had a strange look on his face, and said to himself, "Do you think this is self-inflicted?"

The scarred strong man secretly said: "What did the perpetrator of the killing of the Protoss do in the turbulent space, the arm with red hair, its body is definitely an existence that has gone far in the **** level."

The turbulent flow of space is at the level of gods, and it is also a forbidden place. Most of the daring people are only excited when they become gods, and they return after a first exploration.

The three dragon gods who are escorting the human spaceship team are of this type.

Including middle-aged men in battle armor, even if the cultivation realm is above the condensing star realm, the understanding of spatial turbulence is still relatively small.

The deep-seated reason is that space-capable people are very secretive about this, regard space turbulence as a retreat, and are reluctant to let other non-space-capable people know too much about it.

Soon, the arm covered with red hair chased Chen Yiming away.

However, the terrifying suction of another space crack also exploded and increased a few strengths, as if trying to make a mistake and swallow this starry sky.

"We're going back too."

The middle-aged man in battle armor frowned and explained.

The voice just fell.

An ancient Buddha phantom appeared in the starry sky from a middle-aged man. Its face is neither sad nor happy, its body is comparable to a star, and thousands of arms grow from its back.

Then, the ancient Buddha looked angry.

Countless arms, pointing into palms, stretched out in a large circle, hitting the space crack that emitted terrifying suction.


In an instant, the terrifying concussion ripples spread, the galaxy is shaking, the stars are shaking, the matter is annihilating, and the power is not much weaker than the terrifying suction.

The terrifying suction force from the space rift took a bite, and its strength was greatly reduced.

"It's now."

The middle-aged man in battle armor shouted. Taking advantage of the short interval, the three of them held the suction which weakened a lot, crossed the void with their bodies, and fled outside the abnormal area of ​​​​the triangular space.

The farther away, the weaker the suction, and it didn't take long for the three of them to escape the dangerous coverage.


More than ten minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

There is an abnormal triangular area starry sky in the space, and the terrifying suction has weakened to almost nothing.

Except for the red-haired arm that was shrinking back from the pursuit, there was not a single piece of gravel, and it was sucked cleanly.

Although no one was seriously injured, I still have lingering fears when I look at it again.

In the end, the arm covered with red hair and the suction from the space crack only had a short time difference and completely disappeared one after the other.

in the void.

Chen Yiming looked at all these changes and pondered: "The interval between disappearing completely and the interval between me breaking through the space barrier exactly correspond to each other."

"Then using the space turbulence as a medium to affect the unknown real space, is it fixed in time?"

When he used the space anchor to escape before, he thought that he needed to completely get rid of his red-haired arm, but this was not the case.

The arm covered with red hair locked his breath and chased after him for a while. No matter whether he caught up or not, he would retreat to the turbulent flow of space at a certain point in time.

"It seems that there is an indescribable existence hidden in the turbulent flow of space. If I make a big move in it, it will expose the corresponding coordinates, that is, the weakness of space."

Space turbulence, due to the existence of multiple space superpositions, most coordinate space barriers are so thick that there is almost no possibility of breaking them.

Among the spatial abilities, the most common spatial perception is that it is only by virtue of the keen spatial discrimination ability that it can move in the spatial turbulence.

On the other side, it is also in the void.

The middle-aged man in the battle armor looked directly at the space gap and completely disappeared.

If the red-haired arm was aimed at him, and the terrifying suction was interfering at that time, he would not have the confidence to retreat.

This is the gap in the level of cultivation, and it is the natural difference between the superior and the inferior.

The perpetrator who killed the Protoss could escape the pursuit of the red-haired arm unscathed, and it would be extremely unfortunate to exclude the two subordinates, even if he was entangled with such a space-capable person.

A space capable person can come and go freely, but if he makes a wrong step, he may step on a trap set by others. If such a trap is escaped once, it does not mean that he will be able to escape the next time.

At this moment, the bald-headed man let out a sigh of relief, his whole body softened and relaxed.

The state of the whole person, how can there be a half-point of the fighting intention to follow, it is completely the frustration of the rest of the life.

He opened his mouth and asked: "Boss, you see that the spaceship is also broken, and the perpetrators are so difficult to face. If you don't ask the organization for help, just go to the destination to investigate, in case a similar pit is set up on the road ahead... "

I don't know what to say next.

To sum it up simply, it is to report the failure of the mission to the head, ask for help or return in despair.

The scarred strong man heard the words and looked up at the bald strong man.

As a member of the same organization, it stands to reason that it is time to scold such retreating behavior at this time.

They were just on their way, the spaceship was gone, but the personnel were uninjured. Even if the perpetrator had special abilities, it should not be a reason to back down.

But as soon as he recalled the previous encounters, and indirectly encountered an invincible existence, most of his confidence disappeared.

The three were silent for a while.

After a long time.

This starry sky is still extremely quiet, but the quieter it is, the more disturbing it is.

"Temporarily retreat one after another and wait for the order above."

A middle-aged man in battle armor weighs changes in the difficulty of the task and makes a final decision.

Hear this.

The bald strong man and the scarred strong man breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The perpetrators who killed the five protoss, barely showed up to make them unnecessary, really couldn't afford to rely on the strength of the three to find trouble for the other party.

If you want to continue the mission, you must at least be equipped with a space capable person as a temporary foreign aid.


the next few hours.

Chen Yiming remained cautious and completed the space jump with the help of the space anchor, searching for the whereabouts of the three people who were destroyed by the spaceship.

It took a while to determine the location of the three.

It turned out that they were hiding together in a small energy shield. The energy shield was maintained by a strong man with long scars on his face, and it was difficult to distinguish it with the naked eye.

Although the cosmic space is vast and boundless, a small piece of starry sky that determines the coordinates is quite difficult to hide because there are no obstacles in the void.

Because the energy shield is a barrier-type ability, its function is to hide and interfere, but it is still energy in essence.

Chen Yiming relied on the space anchor to open the way, and when he touched the energy barrier, an abnormality would occur immediately, and the abnormality immediately exposed the coordinates of the three people's hiding.

inside the energy shield.

The space energy fluctuates and collides with the energy cover, causing a wave of waves.

"We have been found!"

The scarred strong man suddenly changed his face.

There is nothing in the void around the energy cover, so there is only one possibility, and there is no chance of luck.

When the bald-headed man heard the words, his face changed greatly.

Chen Yiming's way of harassing people has left a serious shadow, and he is afraid before fighting.

"There's no other way, that person has a special space ability, and he can't wait for support to arrive. The information is not enough to support us to entangle with each other. Let's withdraw."

The middle-aged man in battle armor decided to evacuate without any hesitation.

No matter how fast the support is, there is no way to immediately come to this starry sky.

And the price of opening the long-distance space channel and quickly descending on this starry sky, with this mission level, obviously cannot be equipped with such conditions.

At least in the organization where the three of them are located, it is not enough to ask for such a price.

Soon, the three of them rushed out of the energy hood without any reservation, and at the fastest speed, their bodies crossed the void.

In the distance in the void, Chen Yiming's figure emerged, but he did not catch up.

"Am I that scary?"

However, in the heart, it was still dark and refreshing. After all, the strength of the trio was not weak, and the reason for fleeing without fighting was more because he was frightened.

For space capable people, space turbulence is also indirectly a part of their strength.

In Chen Yiming, spatial turbulence is involved, and some behaviors that seem to be deadly can be used as a hole card after gradually understanding the rules.


Time passes day by day.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye, and the forces related to the Protoss have not sent anyone back for a long time. They seem to have given up on tracking Chen Yiming and killing the Protoss.

"It's been so long, it's time to go."

The voice just fell.

With the help of his special connection with the spirit villain and the space anchor coordinates on his body, Chen Yiming made a space jump across an extremely far starry sky distance and appeared in the Daxia spacecraft.

The three spaceships of the Daxia Kingdom, named according to history, are the Daxia, the Dashang, and the Dazhou, of which the Daxia spacecraft is the core one.

The space flickered, and a secret training room appeared in front of him.

This is a sealed room completely shielded from interference, right next to the core powerhouse of the spacecraft, which is equipped with a full set of living equipment.

Of course, the spiritual villain is essentially a mass of spiritual power, and does not need to eat and drink.

Open the electronic door and go out, the monitoring equipment in the corridor found Chen Yiming's figure, and within a few seconds, the top human beings knew that he was back.

After half an hour.

The Daxia spacecraft control center is a large room with a thousand square meters.

In addition to the staff ~lightnovelpub.net~ every spacecraft has a representative to come here, and there are important things that need to be decided.

Soon, Chen Yiming heard a slightly unexpected news.

"A radio wave with a certain pattern?"

This radio wave has obvious traces of intelligent civilization, such as several repeated bands, and there is a logical connection between the bands.

It is even very similar to the history of human beings, when an unmanned probe was launched into the universe in a certain year, and the probes continued to send radio waves to the distance, seeking responses from alien civilizations.

A signaling expert said in an apologetic tone: "The advanced results used on the spacecraft were not developed by humans themselves, and the generation difference and system are far behind."

"Actually, human technology is still at the level of Blue Star. We have received this radio wave for a few days, but we still can't fully decipher it."

Chen Yiming nodded and understood the expert's apology.

For human beings, contact with alien civilization, especially the same scientific and technological civilization, used to be very eager, hoping to take advantage of the technology level and no longer be trapped on a planet.

In particular, the decreasing number of non-renewable resources has further ignited this anxiety. If it were not for the sudden invasion of another world, there would still be frictions between major powers due to the resources in the aerospace field.

Now, an opportunity for the exchange of scientific and technological civilizations seems to be at hand, and the strength of human beings is even more confident.

No matter how you look at it, there is no reason to miss it.

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