I Can Extract Proficiency (Dominating the Pugilistic World With My Detective Skills)

v1 Chapter 173: Sword Girl's Team Invitation

Wang Chuyi

One of the Seven True Sons, No. Yuyangzi, Iron Feet Fairy

Level: 77

Qi and blood: 230000/230000

Internal force: 82000/82000


Well, this is a strong aid!

As for why he is so sure that this king is a strong aid, not a strong enemy?

Because Wang Daochang's way of playing was to face Ye Weiming's three backs, and stopped the siege of five super bosses for them.

Not only that, even when the six masters first met, Ye Weiming had already determined the approximate position of the king's chief in the original plot. Seeing his age also knows that it is impossible to be the protagonist, but it is definitely an important supporting role in the plot, at least the supporting role in the plot!

No reason for him. Because Wang Chuyi has an excellent quality necessary for important supporting roles.

He can leave the enemy five or five!

Only such a supporting role can effectively contain the strong enemy, so that the protagonist has ample space to show the existence, and does not require the protagonist to face the too powerful enemy alone too early, leading to the collapse of the power system.

In the whole plot, it plays a vital role.

The question is, if Wang Chuyi is an important supporting role in the plot, then who is the main character?

There are only three people on their side right now, Ye Weiming and Xiaoqiao needless to say. Of course, as players, they cannot be the main characters.

Then use the advanced mathematical formula, the legend has long been lost to calculate ...

Is it this silly Guo Jing around them?

Look at this IQ, it's not like it!

Maybe he still has a hidden mouth?

When Ye Weiming's brains were opened, Guo Jing was walking towards Wan Yankang, walking, and he said, "This son, let your people stop, and then put the girl Mu The embroidered shoes will be returned to everyone, and everyone will be fine. Otherwise, it will be bad whether your person hurts the Taoist leader or he hurt your men. "

Ye Weiming heard a black line of words, is he really talking?

For Guo Jing's bitter persuasion, Wan Yankang's answer was only one word: "Go!"

So is this skill that can be immune to lip service, is it the legendary decoration?

Guo Jing still keeps talking ... Eh, he continues to reason with him, but the players around him have already found the big fish on the ground.

What should I do if I encounter a BOSS that is seriously injured?

Answer: Kill! Kill fast! First come, first served!

Especially those teams of players who have not yet entered the fighting state have already gathered around at this moment, intending to grab the head of Wan Yankang before the five masters are held by Wang Chuyi.

Not just them.

Even after the night was unknown, he was quietly prepared, but saw that his right thumb and **** were interlocked, and a marble the size of a marble was held between his two fingers.

The vacated left hand was not idle, but quickly performed a kind of calculation operation similar to that of a fortune teller.

How Zong Zong Active Mode, Activate!

The persimmon will be picked softly!

What's more, those who want to take advantage of the opportunity are considered to be in danger, and the night is unknown. Because Wan Yankang now has such a near-disabled negative state, he played it out with his own hands.

So in his opinion, the head of Wan Yankang should be his.

The set of claw exercises called "Nine Yin White Bone Claws" exhibited before Wan Yankang looks very powerful. If you can explode it, whether you have learned it yourself or put it out for other good things Is excellent.

And killing Wan Yankang in normal mode, the set of claw work will inevitably burst!

In order to ensure that the plan to grab the head is foolproof, Ye Weiming even upgraded the incomparable stunt of "Fingering Magical Power" before he even started.

Supernatural Power (Advanced)

Dongxie Huang Yao Shi is one of the famous stunts.

Level: 6

Proficiency: 0/50000

Attack + 300%, Precision + 300%

Consumption: 300 points.

Otherwise, the attribute gap between martial arts at the same level may be extremely large.

It is also a high-level martial art with only one move. The power of the sixth level in "Fingering Fingers" is no longer under the full level of "The Same Man and Ghost".

And as the level increases, it can also become stronger!

If you do n’t want this skill to have only one move, and there are no more changes that can be used to confront the enemy alone, Ye Weiming even feels that it is fully qualified to be evaluated as a river and lake!

With Ye Ming's fingerless calculations, Wan Yankang felt a burst of cold hair suddenly.

I barely got up from the ground and wanted to escape strategically, but ran into a group of wolf-like players face to face, completely sealing his way.

"Brothers, kill him."

"Let's not fight first. Everyone can grab it by their own ability. Whoever is strong is who!"

"it is good!"

After a few discussions, several teams of players have determined the fate of Wan Yankang, followed by each holding a sword, scrambling to siege towards Wan Yankang in the past.

Wan Yankang, you run first, we chase you. After you, we will ...

For this situation, Ye Weiming is not in a hurry.

Wan Yankang was beaten by him, and he has a great priority in the system judgment. As long as the last hit of the goods is grabbed, the dropped items are 100% his, and others can't **** them.

With the attack power of his 6th level "Flicker Magic Power", he wants to be as strong as Yan Kang's final blow in the hands of ordinary players without any difficulty at all.

Seeing that Wan Yankang had nowhere to go to the sky and no door to the ground, Ye Weiming frowned suddenly. Because in the calculation process, a math problem ten times more complicated than the previous number popped up!

At the same time, everyone suddenly saw a flash of white shadow in front of them, and followed the group of players who tried to kill Yan Kang, and they were beaten and flew out as if they were unparalleled.

After landing, the blood strips on these people's heads have all turned into dark green. Before they could react to what was going on, they died of poison and returned to live.

Even though Ye Weiming, who was far away, survived, he was surprised by the sudden appearance of this guy.

Ouyang Ke

The young master of Bai Tuoshan, the first of the five masters of Zhao Wangfu

Level: 75

Qi and blood: 215000/215000

Internal force: 80,000 / 80000


Seeing the sudden appearance of Ouyang Ke, Ye Weiming at the same time put away his hands that were brewing "Flicker Magical Power" and calculating "How is Zongzong", but frowned involuntarily.

Originally, this contest of recruiting relatives seemed to him to be a unique systemic activity. It was simply a fun to hold the "idle is idle" mentality anyway.

Even after the appearance of Yan Kang, it was only a little interesting storyline task, just play it casually. Therefore, the reversal of the plot is entirely based on their own guess, and never thought about asking Yin not to lose.

After all, things like face and affection can only be used when they are used less often. It is absolutely impossible to ask for a problem that can be easily solved by yourself.

It wasn't until Wan Yankang was hit hard by him and the five masters jumped out together that he realized that the importance of this contest to recruit relatives seemed to exceed his expectations.

However, when I want to ask again, the plot curtain has officially opened, and the entire area has become a special map. His pigeon biography cannot be passed.

But even so, he was convinced that he could get through the mission smoothly and get enough benefits from the mission.

But following the ranks of Wang Chuyi and Ouyangke, bosses appeared one after another, and Ye Weiming finally found out that the situation was no longer under his control.

After all, the higher the strength level of the NPCs on both sides, the less operable space left for players.

Now there are more than 70 levels of BOSS brush presence, next, will there be a few large BOSS above 100 to suppress everything?

If that's the case ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ In addition to playing soy sauce with other players in this mission, I am afraid it will be difficult to do more.

Just then, a familiar voice suddenly came out not far away: "Hey! The little thick-hearted little catch fast, do you have any interest in cooperating and doing a big vote?"

Looking at the sound, it was not others who spoke, it was the girl in red who had been overcast to death before, slashing across!

Behind her, she followed two familiar faces.

One was Ye Weiming's first opponent in the knockout game.

Another old acquaintance who is still unknown, Wudang Weak Chicken Xia Xuan Xiaobi.

When all players started to score points, they found two players in the quarter-finals with great skills, and now they come to Ye Weiming to cooperate with Xiaoqiao.

It seems that Daomei is planning to do a big wave today!
