I Can Extract Proficiency (Dominating the Pugilistic World With My Detective Skills)

v2 Chapter 411: Dali Monarch Duan Zhengming

The latest website: From Song Bingyi, Ye Weiming and March have not only received the tasks of advanced martial arts and remnants, but also learned another useful news.

That is, after the player's chivalry value reaches the realm of chivalry, he has certain privileges in the game.

For example, some martial arts or secret areas with rivers and lakes, these places are not allowed to enter the rivers and lakes, even if the rivers and lakes, to enter those places often need some credentials such as letters of introduction.

But if you are Xia Sheng, it is very convenient to report the name directly.

Speaking of it, you may not believe it, Dali's Royal Palace is such a very "jianghu" place.

Ye Weiming even suspected that Song Bingyi saw the advantage of "Xia Sheng" and only opened his task to Xia Sheng. Because of the previous conversation and secret observation in March, Ye Weiming also found something very interesting. Things.

This Song Bingyi, like Wei Xiaobao, doesn't know words!

So, shouldn't he write a recommendation letter?

So where did he get his cheats for "Kang Long Has Regret"?

Wife Ghostwriting?

When Weiming and March came outside the gates of the Dali Palace and reported their names, the two guards at the gate of the palace saluted the two respectfully: "It was two chivalrous saints. The younger one went to report to His Majesty. Please wait for two. "

"Trouble this big brother."

Watching the guard disappear into the gate of the palace, Ye Weiming suddenly said in a serious tone on the team channel: "Be careful, the task that Song Bingyi gave us, I always feel weird. After entering for a while, Pay attention to observe with your 'sense of observation'. "

"Well, you don't need to remind me to be honest. When someone lied, remind me on the team channel the first time."

In March, he couldn't help but hesitated: "Amin, do you mean that Song Bingyi has a problem?"

Ye Weiming nodded calmly: "First of all, he is a former elder of the beggars. Where is the cheat of" Kanglong Has Regret "in his hand? It is better to keep it in Dali ’s palace, and this Dali palace Are there even a group of people in the rivers and lakes, and it is said that even the emperor is, what is the difference between putting cheats in Wudang of Shaolin? "

"There are two tasks assigned by Song Bingyi to us. It seems to be one thing. Why do we have to use two different terms to explain from the perspective of two different NPCs?" She shook her head in depression: "I can't say anything specific, but I always feel something is wrong."

Hearing the words in March not only wondered: "Since you feel there is a problem, why don't you ask Yin not to lose."

Ye Weiming shook his head: "Now we haven't even seen the NPC that released the specific task. It's too early to ask directly. Without a more specific task introduction, even if it's not bad, it can only give me a rough overview. The time it takes for the guy to complete a full raiders is about one day ... "

According to Ye Weiming's thoughts, if this Dali palace is really related to a specific story mission, then the overall strategy should still be required, but it is not in a hurry.

Still wait for them to see the mission NPC, after understanding the specific situation, first a small-scale detailed strategy for this mission, so as to ensure that the mission will not be delayed.

As for the overall strategy, I'm not in a hurry to meet at this time anyway, let him help him write slowly.

Just after the conversation between the two players, the palace guard who ran in before ran out again, and said with excitement: "Your Majesty's mouth, I have invited the Gongmen Knight March Girl, Gongmen Knight Blade Man Night The unknown heroes meet in the palace, please follow me. "

Shente, the prince of the sword, the holy sword man, the night is still unknown!

The title of the palace guard apparently made Ye Weiming feel powerless, and even the obedient and obedient March girl was holding back a smile, looking very hard.

The two followed the guard into the palace, barely holding back March without laughing, curiously asked on the team's channel: "Amin, I remember that you are not a habitual verbal loser, No matter how savage the boss is, you should just slap it. How can you guard the palace without going back? "

"Fuck a fart ..." Ye Weiming said depressed, "At first glance, that guy is the kind of low-level NPC whose intelligence is almost negligible, even the type that speaks in a fixed pattern. For example, when talking, he will be in The player ’s name is preceded by certain titles identified by the system as a sign of respect, but it does not know the specific circumstances of the world, let alone the quality of the title. "

"It's impossible to get angry with this robot."

In fact, not only that, Ye Weiming could even imagine that Duan Zhengming's original words after hearing them should be simple explanations such as "have please" or "have two chivalrous saints", without instructing them to come to disgusting night unknown.

Even so, Ye Weiming still felt very depressed.

Although no one was wrong in this matter, he was indeed disgusted!

In this regard, Ye Weiming had to write down the account first, and decided to wait for a harmless opportunity to return in the future.


Duan Zhengming is a middle-aged man who appears to be about 40 or 50 years old, and gives a mature and stable feeling without being angry.

After the duo came to know, Duan Zhengming could not help expressing the expression of nostalgia, murmured in his mouth: "Song Bingyi's life is a happy life, even though we all live in this city , But I have n’t seen each other for more than a decade. I remember the last sentence he said to me that year was like this. "

When Duan Zhengming talked, he did not stand high as a monarch. Even he used "I" instead of "朕" as his title, which shows that his recognition of his identity is still above the monarch.

Of course, this may also be because he is facing two "people in the rivers and lakes". After all, the identity of Ye Weiming and March is quite special among the rivers and lakes. If he is the monarch of Dali and the two The Central Plains catches a quick conversation, any topic may be trivial.

"At that time, Song Bingyi told me that the people who decide how large the beggars are are not the benefactors of the beggars, but the kings of the nations in the world. If the nations in the world do not go to war, they will govern the country to the state and the people. Willing to be a beggar? "

"For more than ten years, Elder Song's Jin Yuliang's words faintly lingered in my ears. When I think of it, it makes me feel so brave on my shoulders, and I dare not be half slack."

After listening to Duan Zhengming ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ Ye Weiming and March could not help but look at each other.

It is really hard for them to imagine that Song Bingyi, who was not very tuned at first glance, could even say such thought-provoking words.

However, Ye Weiming and March were not interested in this kind of royal theory. What really concerned him was: "Elder Song said that His Majesty seems to have encountered some troubles that are not convenient to use official power to solve. He specifically asked us to come and help, and also said that the task The reward is a cheat book of "Kanglong has regret" that he deposited here with His Majesty. I don't know ... "

Seeing Ye Weiming's look straight to the theme, Duan Zhengming felt that his previous remarks were all against the cow.

Sure enough, the people in the rivers and lakes are the people in the rivers and lakes. Even if they are of public origin, it is difficult to get interested in such a major event in the world, but this kid is frank.

Shaking his head, Duan Zhengming sighed, and then said, "Unfortunately!"

"It's like this, it's like this, it's like ..."
