I Can Extract Proficiency (Dominating the Pugilistic World With My Detective Skills)

v2 Chapter 647: The death of Kang Quan

Seeing the beggars' attitudes so consistent, March and Feiyu's faces could not help but be covered with black lines at the same time.

As a girl, March was inconvenient to say something, but Feiyu did n’t have this jealousy, so he asked directly on the team ’s channel: “All the beggars on the scene have been opposed to letting March ask who and Kang Min have Dye. So, shouldn't this woman really be a beggar to help thousands of people, and all the callers here ... "

"Fold away your bold thoughts."

Ye Weiming denied his guess on the team channel at the first time: "Even if Kang Min is no matter what, it is impossible to have relations with all the beggars of different classes."

"And according to my observations and judgments, the only one of these people who can be identified and unclear is probably only the oldest Xu Elder."

"Others, they should all be innocent ...?"

Obviously, Ye Weiming is not very sure about his own judgment.

Hearing the words, Feiyu not only asked curiously: "I just looked at you, it seems very determined that the beggars will definitely prevent March from asking about this matter, and even betray the leading elder brother for this. How is it so far? confirmed?"

"Whether the beggars helped prevent March from asking about this matter was not directly related to whether they and Kang Min were involved."

"Because it's about the century-old reputation of the beggars."

Ye Weiming explained patiently: "You might as well imagine that if only one or two scums had a relationship with Kang Min among the beggars, more people would participate in it, including even the most senior Elder Xu, Will these two be a concept? "

One or two people have problems, that is an isolated phenomenon.

But if there are more "individual" people, it will make people think that this is a common phenomenon of beggars!

Although I don't know if this is a common phenomenon, everyone who believes in the beggars will not be willing to let the beggars' pictographs look like that.

After seeing Feiyu's understanding, Ye Weiming smiled and continued: "So, although more people are innocent themselves, they will never let Kang Min implicate other people."

"Sometimes it's rare to be confused!"

"As for taking the lead?"

"Except for Elder Xu, who is not clean by himself, no one knows who he is."

"How safe is a person who doesn't know his name, compared to the century-old reputation of the beggar?"

In the team channel, although the content of the exchange is more, it is extremely fast.

After all, everyone communicates by inputting text through ideas. In addition, everyone's reaction properties after martial arts are far superior to ordinary people, and the reading speed is naturally fast, far from being comparable to conversation.

There were so many exchanges in the team channel. In March, just outside Qiao Feng's request, Kang Min was asked for the name of the leading brother.

After all, when Qiao Feng issued the mission reward, he was unambiguous. He directly increased the favorability of the three arresting divisions, and naturally he was happy to help him when he could, and completely clarified the situation of the leader .

After hearing March's inquiry, Kang Min replied without hesitation: "The big brother who took the lead is a very powerful person, he is ..."


Just as Mrs. Ma was about to name the lead brother, a stone suddenly flew in the woods.

The speed is fast, and the strength of the disease is even stronger than the three-pointer that Ye Weiming played with the "Magic Finger".

Among the crowd, neither Qiao Feng, the first to react, or Ye Weiming, the second to react, failed to prevent it. They could only watch Kang Min's great skull, which was directly hit by the stone. , Into a mass of red pull fresh mosaic!

March, who was almost splashed by Sai Marc, exclaimed, and quickly exhibited the unique technique of "Cloud Dragon Nine Appearance".

When Qiao Feng saw Kang Min's tragic death, he could ask about the opportunity to take the lead and lost the opportunity. It was also furious. He shouted "someone" immediately, and his body flashed, and he chased out into the dense forest.

You know, so far, Kang Min is the only NPC who knows the truth and is willing to say it!

As for players?

Even if you know the plot, no one will believe what you say without the relevant pre-plot conditions.

Seeing Kang Min's death, the beggar could not help but take a long breath.

As long as she dies, the matter of her gangster gangster was completely turned over. Not only does she not have to worry about asking her about related matters in March, and no one will even take the initiative to raise the matter.

After all, only Kang Min knew those scandals ...


Among the elders of the beggars, there are some bright heads, and immediately thought that there seemed to be a flaw in this matter.

After all, another person who is related to Kang Min, that is, Guan Guanqing is not dead yet!

To the extent that the goods are despicable and shameless, once faced with the threat of being dealt with by the regulations, there is no guarantee that they will not bite like a crazy dog.

Do not!

It's not that he won't do it, but he will definitely do it!

Thinking of this, Elder Wu immediately asked Elder Xu: "Elder Xu, although the lord has now left, but Quan Guanqing cannot be spared. What should we do?"

Elder Xu has a ghost in his heart. He didn't want any mistakes in this matter, so he pretended to say: "According to the gang rules, the beggars helped the people to commit gang rules and should be handled by the host."

"If the accomplice is absent, the law enforcement elder can also serve the sentence."

"But our law enforcement elders ..."

"Hey ..." After a long sigh, Elder Xu finally continued to say, "If the lord and law enforcement elders are not there, you can also gather more than five people to vote for positions such as the elder and helm master. You must vote. It is only possible to implement the regulations when they are passed in full. "

"We have enough people here!" Elder Song stepped forward at this time and said, "Today, the heroes of our beggars are gathered here. There are far more than five people. Everyone will vote now. I agree to Quan Guanqing. Enforcement! "

After the three of them sang together, other senior leaders of the beggars had already thought of various keys, and the vote was passed without a vote.

Then Elder Wu sang loudly: "Beggars help the disciples to obey orders, execute gang rules, and beat dogs!"

With the order of Elder Wu, the beggars who had previously controlled Tan Gong's Tan Po, Shan Zheng's father and son immediately turned his finger and rushed to Quan Guanqing!

According to the gang's gang rules, a disciple who violates the gang can choose to make his own decision. If he breaks by himself, his sins will be washed away. In the future, the gang will still maintain his reputation ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ But the problem Yes, it is obvious that this matter can no longer be covered. There must always be someone to memorize the black pot.

On the rivers and lakes, the truth of some things is not particularly serious, but the half-piece of information is more likely to be imaginative.

Coupled with Quan Guanqing, he deserved the crime. Who wouldn't he blame?

Therefore, all the beggar elders present have selectively ignored the fact that Quan Guanqing can choose to make his own decision.

Poor Quan Guanqing has now been stopped by Qiao Feng, and was previously hit by a dumb point in the "Yiyangzhi" by Ye Ming. Now he ca n’t move, ca n’t speak, but it ’s the most brutal to face the beggars. Fight dogs ...

The result, of course, was that Quan Guanqing was killed by a large group of beggars and helped his disciples without accident and disappointment without any resistance.

This method of death, or scientific name is ...

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