I Can Extract Proficiency (Dominating the Pugilistic World With My Detective Skills)

v2 Chapter 648: Majesty Jade Mako

Quan Guanqing died, much more miserable than Bai Shijing and even Kang Min.

But Ye Weiming didn't feel any regret for his death, at least it was far worse than Bai Shijing.

Who keeps him low?

"Hey ... dust returns to earth, soil returns to earth. Since people are dead, the sins of their lives should have ended." Seeing that Quan Guanqing was stabbed by a group of beggars to help his disciples, and everything came This is over. There are only two dead bodies of BOSS, Bai Shijing and Quan Guanqing on the ground. Ye Weiming's hands are left and right, and his palms are facing up. A Nanmu coffin and a yellow birch coffin appear on the palms of his hands at the same time.

While holding the coffin, Ye Weiming also said the words of compassion for the people: "Let my official collect the corpses for them, by the way, let them be reborn as soon as possible, hoping that they can be a good person in the next life ... or kind Animals. "

Get "Capturing Experience" × 1!

Get "Inner Skill Experience" × 1!

Get "Staff Experience" × 1!

Get "Inner Skill Experience" × 1!


The beggars did not have any nostalgia for the bodies of Bai Shijing and Quan Guanqing. After all, it was also a trouble to deal with this matter.

It would be better for professionals to take care of this matter and worry less.

However, for Ye Weiming's willingness to take the initiative to bear the funeral of the two, although the beggars were satisfied, they were not satisfied.

Still the oldest of them, Elder Xu, who had the oldest for sale, came forward and said to Ye Weiming, "The Lord is compassionate and the old man is very impressed. Since the Lord is willing to surpass these sinners, it is better to put Mrs. Ma together. Take it away. "

Ye Weiming originally refused to do this, but he just said "Dust to dust and soil to earth". It's not good to turn his face back so quickly?

In desperation, Ye Weiming could only take out a precious straw mat worth several copper plates, and rolled up Kang Min's body together.

Get "Shixiang Mihun San Recipe" × 1!


Huh! Still a windfall?

This wave is not lost!

"Shixiang Mihun San" as a poison formula does not require any practice proficiency, the configuration is successful or not, and the quality of the finished product is completely determined by the grade of "Poison".

Ye Weiming was too lazy to read this kind of thing, and immediately patted it to use it, and then put Kang Min's body in the baggage, ready to go back and find a place to overdo it.

Seeing that the tasks that people should complete have also been completed, Ye Weiming and the three plan to leave the beggar to help the people and return to God's arrest department to make a business trip.

Unexpectedly, at this time, I suddenly heard a rush of horseshoes, rushing towards here from far and near.

Hearing the sound of these horseshoes, he was shocked at night, and said on the team's channel: "Damn! I used to patronize the mission and almost forgot about Yipintang."

During the conversation, a medicine bottle had been taken out at hand, which was the antidote for the sadness and breeze. He handed it over to March and said, "I have a high resistance to poison, and I am not afraid of what is" grief and crisp breeze. "The two of you are holding defenses. They will take a sip once they are poisoned, and then rescue Aju and Abi first. Others will talk later. "

After speaking, he looked around, but found that there were only some beggars to help his disciples in the woods.

Those who were still watching their performances will enter the wine, Tibetan star feather, and others, at this time no longer know where to go.

At this time, the sound of the horse's hoof was approaching, and suddenly the horn sounded three times. Eight horses were divided into two lines and rushed into the forest.

The eight horse riders all held spears, and a flag was tied to their spears. The spearhead was glittering, and we could see the two white letters "Xiaxia" embroidered on the four flags on the left, and the white words "Helian" embroidered on the west on the right.

Followed by eight horse riding in two lines, Mercedes entered the forest.

Immediately the four players played the trumpet, and the four played the drums.

Looking at this battle, it was all marching and fighting, but where was the meeting of heroes and heroes on rivers and lakes?

After the trumpeter and drummer, eight Xixia warriors came in.

It can be seen from the temples of these eight people that they all have high martial arts.

The eight warriors separated to one side to the right, and one horse slowly walked into Xinglin. Immediately, the passenger was wearing a red brocade robe, 34-year-old, with a hawk nose and a mustache. Immediately behind him was a man with a very tall body and a huge nose. As soon as he entered the forest, he drank, "Xi Xing Guozheng Dongda General Helian Tieshu arrived, and the beggars came forward to see him." The voice was yin and yang, and it sounded extremely lacking flat.

I heard that this talk was so rude, and the beggar helped everyone to fill it with injustice.

This is, but I heard Ye Weiming suddenly say, "Xixia Yipintang is an official institution set up by the Xia Kingdom, not a sloppy river and lake. It rushed into the hinterland of my Central Plains. Is this a problem that is no longer a river?"

When Hellen Tieshu heard the words, he turned his head to look at Ye Weiming. When he saw three people wearing the official clothes of the Central Plains, he couldn't help but be shocked, but then said, "I'm waiting for a mission. In the Central Plains, it was natural to submit the credentials to the Emperor Central Plains, and then they could only operate in the territory of the Central Plains after being allowed to do so. Today, I am only here to fulfill the agreement between a warrior and a warrior. Do n’t read too much and rise at will. ”

"That's fine." Ye Wei nodded and motioned to continue.

Helian Tieshu ate a ravioli here at night unknown, and then immediately turned to the beggars and said, "I heard that the Central Plains beggars have two skills, one is the method of playing cats, the other is the eighteen palms of snakes. Come today Therefore, I want to see. "

When the beggars heard it, they were all furious. This person deliberately described the snoring stick method as a cat stick method, and the dragon and eighteen palms as the snake and eighteen palms. It was a great insult. Seeing today ’s meeting A fierce battle of life and death and survival is already inevitable.

However, when it comes to fighting, is the Helian Iron Tree from the Xixia aristocracy an opponent for everyone? But I saw Elder Xu take a step forward and said with a smile: "You need to see the cat's stick and the snake's eighteen palms. That's not difficult. As long as there is a stove cat and a snake, the beggar will deal with it. How do you learn to be a cat or a snake? "

Elder Wu aside laughed, and then made up the knife: "The other party is a dragon, so we drop the dragon, and the other party is a snake, and the beggar cannot catch the snake."

Hellen Tieshu was fighting again and was thinking about what to say. A man behind him said rudely, "Whether it's a cat or a snake, come on, who will fight with me first?" He squeezed out of the crowd, standing with his hands on his hips It is the third youngest man of the South China Sea Crocodile Shen Yue who ranks third among the four villains.

Upon seeing the appearance of the third old Yue, Duan Yu exclaimed: "Hey, sir, you are here too. Why not scratch your head when you see Master?"

When Yue Sansan saw Duan Yu, she was startled, and suddenly looked embarrassed. Although she was extremely reluctant, she still stepped forward and gave Duan Yu a knee and scratched her head. The scene was as funny as it was funny.

After standing, I got up, Yue third thought that this place must not stay more, even when he was planning to put oil on his feet, he suddenly heard a familiar woman's voice behind him: "Yao third, see you another Master, do n’t you have to come up and scratch your head? ”

Needless to say, those who have this status can take advantage of the fact that March is no doubt.

Turning his head and glanced at March, and another gloomy night was not clear, the third Yue Yue immediately fell down and went forward to scratch his head, and then suddenly jumped up, ran to his feet, and ran into a rage in his mouth. Where did you go?

As soon as Yue Laosan appeared, he was run away by Duan Yu and March for the bullying. This was a slap in the face of Helian Tieshu.

However, in addition to Duan Yanqing, even Helian Tieshu had no choice but to leave it alone.

At this time, everyone suddenly saw the red figure flashing, but it was all evil and Ye Erniang jumped onto an apricot tree and looked down at the beggars with no intention.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a more agile gray figure stepping on the bucket, and the figure appeared extremely elegant in the middle of the two people. At the same time, they said leisurely: "It's a cat or a snake. Let them Let ’s take a look at the tricks that the beggars can use to help the men. ”

Everyone looked for a sound, but saw that this man was tall and thin, with a silk gown in his robe, splendid and luxurious. The crown of the road was inlaid with a piece of crystal white jade, shining brightly, carrying a sword, and there was a dusty flutter, about four Fifty years old, with a clear air, was a man of high morals.

At the same time, a system alert sounded in the ears of the players who were already present.

Ding! Trigger the temporary task "The Challenge of Yipintang".

The challenge of Yipintang

The Central Plains martial arts are connected with the same spirit, and one party has difficulties and support from all directions.

Quest level: Six stars

Mission rewards: depending on mission completion, reward experience and cultivation as points

Task Penalty: None

Remarks: Due to the strength of the enemy, it is recommended to form a team to challenge. The number of challenged teams cannot exceed 5.

Accept the mission?



Still have temporary tasks?

Ye Weiming didn't make a choice in the first time after hearing the task prompt, but set his eyes on the Taoist priest who just appeared.

Because with the emergence of the task, above this Taoist priest, he has revealed his BOSS attributes.


Newly recruited substitutes for the four wicked men, former masters of iron swordsmen, lascivious and wicked

Level: 114

Qi and blood: 2100000/2100000

Internal force: 660000/660000


Unexpectedly, after Yun Zhonghe's body was killed, Duan Yanqing actually recruited new members.

Taking a closer look elsewhere, it was found that only Ye Erniang and Yu Zhenzi were present. Except for Yue San, who had just run away, he had not seen Duan Yanqing who really made him feel discouraged.

That being the case, what hesitation is there?

Although I know that there will be some story changes in the follow-up ~ lightnovelpub.net ~, as a player, it is very wrong to not do the task within my ability!

After simply exchanging two sentences with Feiyu and March, Ye Weiming, the captain, immediately chose to accept the task.

However, this time, after successfully receiving the mission, instead of immediately entering the combat state, a system prompt pops up again:

Ding! Please choose your challenge goal.

1.Challenge Mamako

2.Challenge Ye Erniang

Without hesitation, Ye Weiming directly deducted 1.

The next moment, all players except the three of them disappeared.

The three knew that they had entered the replica scene challenging BOSS!

(End of this chapter)

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