I Can Extract Proficiency (Dominating the Pugilistic World With My Detective Skills)

v2 Chapter 649: Yu Mako burst

Ye Weiming likes killing boss bosses.

But about this Mamako, he really hasn't heard of it.

Although he had previously obtained plot strategies for "Swordsman", "Sculpture Trilogy", "Tianlong Babu", "Knights" and "Liancheng Jue" from Yin Buqie, he was quite sure that in those strategies The name of this Mamako did not appear in it.

Among the jade masters who appeared in the Taishan faction in the story of Xiao Ao, there is no such person.

Although subjectively speaking, Ye Weiming is more inclined to be a master of Taishan jade characters, but the other party ’s level is as high as 114. Although he can challenge, he ca n’t dare to speak alone and win. It's three-for-one, and you need to be careful before you figure out the details of the opponent.

Thinking of this, Ye Weiming and Ye Weiming immediately said on the team channel: "Let's detour first, wait until you understand the opponent's routine, and then it will not be too late."

A message was sent out, but saw that Jade Makoko had re-launched his stance on the occasion of agitation, and rushed towards them.

The first of them, Ye Weiming, immediately waved a "see dragon in the field" to block the other's footsteps. At the same time, he was mastered by the Brahma, and groaned softly in his mouth: "Killing life is protecting the life, but not killing people!

With the exit of the murderous poem, the Zanyang Lixue sword has ejected from the scabbard of the Buddha's lotus. After passing through a beautiful arc in the air, the upward and downward stabs have just broken the jade of the internal force. Makoto brow.

Yu Mako was just blocked by Ye Ming's "seeing dragon in the field". After breaking through, she encountered a master of fists who would make "The Dragon and the Eighteen Palms", but then she met the volley unexpectedly. Yu Jian and other exquisite methods, in a shock, quickly swayed the sword to pick, with the intention of picking out the uncontrollable Yangyang Lixue sword to fly out.

From this seemingly savvy move, it can be seen that he knows nothing about Ye Weiming's "off-sword style".

Ye Weiming saw a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth. The sword turned between his fingers, and the sword in the midst of the sky immediately changed. The sword sharply reversed, avoiding Yu Mako's pick, and turned towards the same time. The big hole in the middle of his chest stabbed.

Yuzhenko was shocked when he saw the situation, and quickly slashed under the sword, but saw a finger from Ye Mingming, and the sword in the midst of the sky changed his sword once again, forcing him to respond accordingly.

After so many tricks in a row, Feiyu and March have also been fenced up from the left and right sides at the same time, Daoguang and the palm shadow flew together, and instantaneously put Yuzhenko into the dilemma of being besieged by three sides.

But the strength of this Mamako is also real.

It was only through a simple confrontation before that that he had discovered a law from the change of Ye Ming's swordsmanship.

That is, the change in the style of the Zhanyang Lixue Sword in the mid-air seems subtle, but there is still a trace to follow.

All the changes in Feijian's moves must be pulled by the unknown volley sword.

In other words, as long as you stare at the change of Ye Mingming's fingers, you can predict the trajectory of Feijian to a great extent!

After confirming this, Yu Zhenzi calmly under the siege of the three men, and after insisting on a few moves, suddenly burst out, the sword palms came out, and at the same time forced Feiyu and March, followed the sword in hand A sweep swept away and chopped down again to the stabbing sword of Yangyang.

When Ye Weiming saw the situation, he immediately raised his finger up, and Yuzhenko smiled coldly, but he already preliminarily turned the sword forward, attempting to take advantage of the opportunity to directly blow the sword of Yangyang blood, and then hit Ye Weiming. One was caught off guard.

Unexpectedly, with Ye Mingming's finger picking up, the sun sword in the midst of the sky did not move upwards without being dragged by Ye Mingming's finger. Instead, it sank downward, turning into a red streamer, straight towards his The lower abdomen stabbed!

Turn into elbow and armpit! Is it too late for Yumako to make a prediction?

I just barely avoided the vital part of the abdomen, but was still swept by Jian Feng from under the ribs, leaving a wound with deep visible bones.


There is no blood, because the wounds created by Canyang Lixue Sword all have burning and hemostatic functions.


The underbelly was attacked, Yumako exclaimed, and immediately began to escape from the siege of two people by launching her elegant and graceful method.

Looking up again, I saw that Ye Weiming had already summoned the sword of Yangyang Li blood at this moment, holding the sword in his hand, and pointing at Yumako: "You don't really think that I have to use my finger to pull to control the flying sword Track it, it's really naive. "

In other words, with his left hand pointing, Yumako's eyes burst into endless murderous power.

The Active Effect of "How to Zongzong"-Taunt!

Under the role of "taunt", Yu Zhenzi immediately did not retreat, and her body began to violently rise. The strength seemed to increase a lot in a moment. At the same time, a huge blood loss floated above her head. digital.


With the drop of qi and blood value, the momentum of Yuzhenko's body was slammed up by three points, and there was a faint sword on the sword in his hand.

This Nima is actually self-harm!

Ye Weiming could not help but frown. Seems like this type of attack is explosive, or BOSS with explosive exercises is the most headache.

For players, never mind BOSS anti-blood.

Because the player can slowly recover their own consumption by using drugs and other methods in battle.

No matter how high the BOSS's blood volume is, as long as it takes more time, it can always be killed.

But if the BOSS becomes highly skilled, it becomes uninteresting.

After all, BOSS is always BOSS, no matter how crispy it is, players can't kill it in a few tricks.

But once this BOSS can be a second, it will be terrible!

This kind of BOSS is not only more troublesome to deal with, but also has a fault tolerance rate that is extremely low.

This jade man in front of me, without any accident, is such an existence.

Immediately after the outbreak, Yumako leaped in front of Ye Weiming, and the sword in his hand stabbed more than ten sword lights in succession, as if it had covered many key points on Ye Weiming's body!

The strangeness of his moves ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ The tricky angle and the fierce point of the landing, but there is no shadow of decent martial arts, even if compared to the "Sword of Evil Spells" that will be drunk, it is not too much!

Ye Weiming saw this gaze, followed by the Yangyang Lixue sword in his hand and immediately turned into a cold mang spike, hitting the blade of the sword in the opponent's hand.


With a crisp sound that shocked the audience, the overwhelming Jian Mang disappeared instantly, but was cut by Ye Weiming's seemingly simple sword.

Intercept sword style!


However, although Ye Weiming relied on the exquisiteness of "The Nine Swords of the Sky" to completely resolve the change of the opponent's sword, he was still hit by a five-digit crushing damage by the violent boss!

(End of this chapter)

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