I Can Fish All Things In the Last Days

Chapter 241: The rewards of hard work

At this time, in the air less than a hundred kilometers away from the city of Sioux City, Longguo showed 23 figures wearing wing suit flight suits flashing past.

About half an hour later, this team of Delta State Special Operations Elites from Citigroup landed steadily at the designated position.

After searching for the locator in the jungle for less than ten minutes, they found their armed supplies in a tightly camouflaged cave.

The equipment inside is very complete, and there are clothes and props for disguise, as well as cosmetics...

After all the staff were assembled, they got together again.

Captain Zhang took out the map again and said:

"Here, here, and here, is the secret whistle set by the Dragon Kingdom to protect the target person. We must clear this place silently first."

After speaking, the captain turned his head and said to "Bai":

"Bai, take off your equipment and let you pretend to be the lost people of the Dragon Kingdom, waiting for the opportunity to assassinate these secret whistles!"

Bai, sticking out his tongue and licking his lips, grinned and nodded:

"No problem! It's better to let'Pak', who is also a yellow face, cooperate with me!"

The captain nodded and made an OK gesture.

Bai, disguised himself as a local ordinary villager, and "Pu" disguised himself as a wounded with a leg injury!

Twenty-three figures, under the cover of night, touched Xiao Zhan’s refuge...

The top of a towering giant tree five kilometers east of Xiao Zhan Refuge.

Xiao Wu was holding a V-95 heavy sniper rifle in his hand, and the observer who was in charge of observing beside him was the same Sister Xuan who asked Xiao Zhan what he was digging in Fan Xiaoxue's mouth.

The two of them are firmly hidden in the canopy of this giant tree overlooking everything.

At this moment, Xiao Wu was closing her eyes to rest up her mind, and Sister Xuan was staring at the surrounding situation through the infrared night vision observation glasses with her big beautiful eyes.

"Sister Xuan, do you have a boyfriend?"

Xiao Wu closed his eyes and asked with a slight smile at the corner of his mouth.

Sister Xuan freed her right hand and squeezed Xiao Wu's forearm fiercely, Jiao Jiao said:

"We are performing a task, you are a bit upright, otherwise I will go back and tell the team leader to see how the team leader cleans up you~!"

Xiao Wu trembled all over, opened his eyes and stopped talking.

Sister Xuan was silent for a long while, while patrolling the surroundings, she whispered:


Xiao Wu was taken aback for a moment, and then became a little excited, turning over and placing the **** of the V-95 heavy sniper rifle firmly on his shoulder.

"Sister Xuan, take a break, change the urine bag, and have something to eat. I'll stare."

Sister Xuan's face turned red, and she passed the infrared night vision observation mirror in front of Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu shook his head, and used his mouth to make an effort at the scope on the gun, "I'm more used to this."

Sister Xuan just put the observation mirror into Xiao Wu's hand and whispered softly:

"This has a wide field of vision!"

At this moment, Xiao Wu's face suddenly sank, and he made a silent gesture to Sister Xuan.

Xiao Wu's ears moved slightly and then he gave a wink to Sister Xuan, and told her with a gesture that it was 500 meters southeast!

Sister Xuan warily picked up the observation mirror and looked there.

Not long after the branches swayed, two figures appeared in the observation mirror.

Sister Xuan's heart tensed, she hurriedly fine-tuned the focus, and when she looked carefully, she found that it was two young people dressed up as local villagers.

One of them seemed to have a leg injury.

Xiao Wu frowned, using the scope of his sniper rifle to point them back and forth, looking for the strangeness.

Bai, Pu, and the two of them staggered to the bottom of the giant tree for a short time, as if they were exhausted, and sat down leaning on the giant tree.

And ‘White’ even lay down on his back.

Xiao Wu and Sister Xuan watched the two under the tree nervously...

The two under the tree are also cautiously trying to find the position of the Dragon Sniper in the tall canopy.

Finally, Xiao Wu's sight reflected a glimmer of moonlight in the sky.

Bai's eyes narrowed slightly, and his index finger kept tapping the sensor in his pocket.

Xiao Wu suddenly noticed this detail through the scope.

"Morse code?"

At the same time that Xiao Wu had an epiphany, Bai had already completed the transmission of information.

Xiao Wu's index finger pressed the heavy trigger without hesitation, just when his index finger was about to exert force...

From the canopy of a thousand meters away, there were three faint beeps.

It turned out that when Xiao Wu and Sister Xuan focused on "White" and "Park", the two ace snipers of the Delta State Special Forces had quietly climbed to the commanding heights...

Bullets are much faster than sounds!

When Xiao Wu heard the sound, the bullet had penetrated his head.

As soon as the thick branch blocking Sister Xuan broke, another bullet exploded her head.

The blood ticked down, dripping on the'white' face.

Bai smiled, stretched out his tongue to lick the blood dripping off his lips, one stood up, and one cat's waist disappeared among the trees.

"Captain, let's go to the next location!"

Bai, came to the captain and bared his teeth and said with a smile.

The captain stretched out his right hand and gently patted his shoulder:

"It has been resolved over there, go directly to the signal tower!"

Bai, surprised!


The captain just nodded slightly and moved on, without speaking.

At this time, in the secret post four kilometers west of Xiao Zhan Refuge, Tian Weibing watched incredulously as the group leader wiped his neck with a knife.

Hot blood spouted from his neck cavity, and his eyes were puzzled and angry... and finally turned into a desperate and unwilling look.

There was a trace of apology in the team leader's eyes, and he covered Tian Weibing's mouth to prevent the choking blood from spraying out of his mouth~lightnovelpub.net~ so as not to make any noise.

Seeing that Tian Weibing in his arms finally died, the team leader turned over and lay on the ground, looking up at the starry sky, and let out a long sigh...

At this time, Xiao Zhan had just walked out of his gym, wiping the sweat bead on his forehead with a towel, his explosive power and strength were stronger than before.

Through the test of the boxing strength test machine, the power of his right fist has reached 900 kilograms, the power of his left fist has reached 800 kilograms, and the power of the leg kick has reached a terrifying two thousand kilograms!

Ordinary people’s bones and muscles are simply not able to support such a strong blessing. In other words, if an ordinary person can really kick such a large amount of power, then his own bones and muscles must be injured first, and it may even cause Broken bones!

It is no exaggeration to say conservatively that Xiao Zhan now punches a cow to death, and can kick a bear to death with one leg.

This also shows from the side that the strength of Xiao Zhan's bones and muscles is no longer in the category of normal people!

After the shower, he nestled his body on the sofa and called out his panel:

【December 25th, 2022. 】

【Name: Xiao Zhan. 】

[Health value: 10 (at full 10 points)]

[Comprehensive ability value: 17 (over 20 points)]

【Shouyuan: 95 (over 120)】

[Energy value 0 points. 】

Xiao Zhan is very satisfied. It seems that the rewards for taking the "Nourishing Pill" continuously by himself, coupled with hard work and hard work, are still great.

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