I Can Fish All Things In the Last Days

Chapter 80: Don't dissect me!

   Xiao Tun Tun was not satisfied with this, and immediately began to **** the food from the surrounding ants and swallow it directly.

   As the swallowing progresses, his body is constantly swelling and transforming. At this time, the dim exoskeleton becomes shining and completely reborn, forming a sharp contrast with the other ants around.

   But his approach caused a riot in the ant's nest, because it was just an ordinary ant's nest, and no mutant ants had been seen, so all panicked.

   The huge white queen also noticed the commotion in the ant nest at this time, and hurried out to observe the situation, only to see a small Tun Tun the size of a thumb, so she was stunned.

   Xiao Tun Tun used his own thoughts to tell all the ants around that this place has been ruled by him, hoping that they can surrender to him.

   But how could the queen let him get what he wanted, and directly directed the ants around him and attacked him.

Xiao Tuntun didn’t panic at all when he saw it. As the Ant Devouring God, how could he be afraid that the little ants around him would crush all the ants in an instant. The crushed one was crawling on the ground and couldn't get up.

   He did not kill the queen, because the queen must exist. Now that the queen has surrendered to himself, he has begun the real evolutionary road.

   "It's only half an hour, Xiao Tun Tun has evolved like this, amazing!"

   Xiao Zhan was a little admired.

   "It seems that my previous worries are unnecessary. According to Xiao Tun Tun's strength and evolution speed, it is estimated that he will be able to return to the previous level soon, but before that, he still has a lot of battles to go through."

   Xiao Zhan was watching Xiao Tun Tun silently. At the same time, he spent one hundred thousand energy points from the system shop to purchase an A-level elementary evolution potion and gave it directly to Xiao Tun Tun.

   After swallowing the A-level elementary evolution potion, Xiao Tun Tun's strength and size skyrocketed again.

   At this time, Xiao Tuntun can already communicate in words.

   He came to Xiao Zhan and said, "Master, I will take them to a bigger chassis and lead them to evolve. It will take a long time to leave, Master, you must wait for me!"

   "Well, I am waiting for you, I believe that one day, you will return as Ant God, I am looking forward to it."

   "Hey, goodbye master!"

   Xiao Tun Tun left.

   Xiao Zhan suddenly felt a sense of loss.

   Dog System said at this time: "I hope Xiao Tun Tun will not have trouble."

   "I believe he will have no trouble."


   this moment.

   The situation of the avatar Xiao Zhan is not good, he is still trapped by the golden man.

   The human head python took him to a laboratory. The golden man took him to an experimental seat on the line, and the experimental seat automatically imprisoned him on it.

   asked the clone: ​​"What the **** are you doing!"

   The human head python smiled: "Don't be afraid, I will ask you a few questions next. You only need to answer truthfully to survive. Of course, if you don't answer truthfully, I will do it to you."

   Immediately, the human-headed python glanced at a scalpel on the table, and the scalpel hovered directly before the clone.

   "The first question, how did you evolve?"

   This question of the human head python confuses the clone Xiao Zhan.

   What does it mean to evolve?

Seeing the avatar with a puzzled look, the human-headed python said immediately: "It seems that you don’t understand. Simply put, meteorite rain has caused the mutation and evolution of global creatures. Some people are lucky and have evolved, merged with alien species, and were born. With new abilities, it has become a new five. For example, after I merged with the python, I have the ability to control objects. Another example is the gold on your body. He merges with the gold and has the ability to control the gold."

   The clone was surprised when he heard this, it turned out to be like this! It's really amazing.

The human head python continued: "But most people have become terrible zombies because of the meteor shower. They have lost their minds and lives, and have become a group of thoughtless walking corpses. So I am very curious, what are you? How did it evolve?"

"Since you entered Cangmang Mountain, you have been active in the form of human beings, fighting, and have not become other existences. It can be said to be a nearly perfect evolutionary product. So I am a little curious. After the meteorite rain happened, you What did it go through to become so powerful?"

   The avatar understood the purpose of the other party asking this question at this time, to understand the secret of his evolution.

   But there is no secret to Xiao Zhan's evolution, it is entirely because of the acquisition of the system, it is absolutely impossible to say this.


   The clone thought of a way.

   can change the mind of the python.

He mobilized the strength in his body, and his body shape began to change in an instant. His limbs and body gradually swelled, and the skin on his body began to turn green. The seat under the buttocks suddenly left, and his body was tied to his gold. Then it was stretched.

   After a while, the tall hulk-like body appeared in front of the crowd, and he roared, frightening the human-headed python in front of him.

The human-headed python saw the huge body in front of him ~lightnovelpub.net~ and smiled slightly: "Interesting and interesting, I didn't expect that you are a product of the evolution of mutant zombies. This is even more interesting. This brings it. A new question, since you have become a mutant zombie, why can you return to the state of human form? This is an impossible thing from an evolutionary perspective."

   The clone sniffed and sneered.

  How can it be impossible? Isn't that the way the king of urine is like that? You can become a giant octopus or a soul ninja. As long as it is fused with a deformable crystal ball, everything can be changed.

   It seems that the human-headed python in front of me doesn't know much about the outside situation.

   But Xia's words from the human head python dispelled the suspicion of being cloned.

   "Even if it is fused with a deformable crystal ball, there is no way to perfectly transform back into a human form like you, only to become a humanoid form, so after all, it is no longer a human."

   The human-headed python said: "But I see your body form, human beings are humans, I am really curious, what are you really? Don't you want to say it? If you don't want to say it, I can only study you."

   At this time, when the head of the human-headed python moved, a powerful invisible force directly pressed on the clone's body, and directly forced the clone onto the ground.

   "This strength, at least a C-level intermediate!"

   The clone guessed and was not afraid. After all, he was just a clone. After he died, he could fuse with the ontology. At that time, he could also warn the situation in the ontology laboratory to keep him away.

   But at this moment, a scream came from outside.

   "Ah! Let me go! What are you doing! Don't dissect me! I'm a good person, I'm not a bad person! I don't want to die! Mom! Save me! I don't want to die!"