I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 22: Crazy fleet building

The blue runes shined brightly, and the three thoroughly converted 120,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carriers had already moved amidst the roars.

Without being controlled by anyone, they moved on the sea level as if they had their own will.

Then, in less than five minutes, the three aircraft carriers have adjusted their positions and stopped in a triangular position to **** the Veranika aircraft carrier in the center.

While the three aircraft carriers were adjusting their positions, the ring after ring of huge mosaic halo around the Veranika aircraft carrier continued to fly a lot of fluorescent light into the decks of the three aircraft carriers.

And just as these fluorescent lights gathered on the decks of the three aircraft carriers, the phantoms of fighters one after another began to appear.

These fighters are very similar to the American sixth-generation fighter h35, but unlike the h35, the overall size of these phantom fighters has been reduced by about a quarter.

Then, one fighter after another began to change from phantom to substance.

The metal on the fuselage of these fighter jets has a very strong streamlined gloss, and there are also a lot of mercury lines on the fuselage.

These lines are like flowing water, and the light shines with a faint blue light, making this fighter plane more full of a sense of magic.

And at the moment when these fighters appeared and turned into substance, these fighters had already started their engines one after another.

Accompanied by a small roar, these fighters entered the taxiing runways of their respective aircraft carriers in an orderly manner, and quickly rushed to the sky with the assistance of the electromagnetic catapult device on the aircraft carrier.

One fighter after another rushed out, and only after the three aircraft carriers adjusted their respective formations to **** the Veranika aircraft carrier, they all soared into the sky.

Nearly two hundred and fifty fighter jets sprinted back and forth in different formations in the sky at a speed that broke the speed of sound. The magnificent scene made countless people quiet.

"Richards, what do you think of all this now?"

In the harbor, on an American aircraft carrier, the commander of the fleet was gazing at the group of fighter jets in the sky, and could not hear the emotions said to the deputy commander Richards beside him.

Richards was speechless, his eyes were always on the three aircraft carriers near the Veranika, as well as the halo that was at least half the size before.

"What do you think?" Richards said in a complicated and stunned voice:

"How do you think I can feel this miracle of reality?"

"Has the Congress come to a conclusion early? We can't fight against the creatures of the gods. Only by cooperating and even actively getting close to each other, maybe we will not be eliminated in the next era?"

"Some outdated thoughts may indeed be time for us to change."

Richards was really shocked by what was happening in front of him, but as a senior navy officer, he still suppressed the wavering and eagerness in his heart.

As a traditional person, although he has seen some of the abilities of the creatures of the gods before, he has also watched videos about the appearance of the eyes of gods.

But the impact of the video is never as real as the reality.

Perhaps many people were still unwilling before, or did not want to let this era or the world be dominated by the creatures of the gods, but anyone with a bit of common sense can know that it is only a matter of time before the world is dominated by the creatures of the gods.

There are still some traditional human beings in various countries. They clamored that non-self races must have different minds and similar slogans, and even declared that they would not want to be dominated by aliens even if they died.

But such people will never be able to occupy a dominant position in the official countries of each country.

The term "dead word" is simple, but it is different when it is really done.

What's more, for the people at the bottom, it doesn't matter who rules them, because the people at the bottom really care about their own interests.

When the social resources allocated by the rulers to the people at the bottom reaches the level they want, and the society is relatively more fair and just, then whoever cares about the ruler above you is a human or a monster?

As long as the monster's rule is better than the current society, the monster's beautification into a **** is a matter of a moment.

Therefore, the most suspicious of the gods and creatures to the United Kingdom of Gods is the official and the former high-level of the social class.

These people worry that their status and interests will be impacted, so it's normal for them to have some radical remarks.

However, no matter how these people clamor, the public opinion environment they want will never come.

This is because the reports on the creatures of the gods in various countries have been too positive before. This means that the top group of people in the countries have already tasted part of the sweetness. Moreover, the United Kingdom of Gods can give too many benefits, at least compared to the simple ones. More valuable for money.

At this point, after three aircraft carriers and nearly two to five hundred fighter jets have taken shape, what Ji Yu will do next is to manufacture submarines in large quantities.

Ji Yu doesn't need the so-called aircraft carrier frigates, cruisers and destroyers at all.

Ships on the water are not of much use to Ji Yu now ~ lightnovelpub.net~ After all, in the Blue Star environment, he would not make beach landings or attack certain countries.

Moreover, no country dared to attack Blue Star, so the submarine is what Ji Yu needs most at the moment.

Because Ji Yu currently needs to use submarines to investigate how many boundaries exist in the sea, at the same time, Ji Yu also needs a large number of submarines to submerge and look for the crooked marine life that was previously polluted by the purple moon.

Therefore, Ji Yu has no reason to lag behind in the manufacturing of submarines.

And just like that, at this moment, when the mosaic halo around the Veranika aircraft carrier was sinking again and shaping at sea level.

Everyone saw a more magnificent scene than when the previous three aircraft carriers were built.

Within a radius of twelve nautical miles, a large amount of fluorescent light floated on the huge halo, which covered the sky while also sinking and converging.

A whole hundred nuclear-powered submarines, nearly one hundred and twelve meters long, appeared.

The consumption of these nuclear-powered submarines in the forming process is much larger than that of the three aircraft carriers.

Therefore, in the process of shaping the nuclear-powered submarine, Ji Yu immediately began to absorb the mines on the shore.

Of course, Ji Yu did not let go of all the chemicals on the other ocean freighter.

And that is, in this continuous absorption and construction, in less than an hour, the entire port and the cargo ship's materials were all consumed.

The rest is still standing on the sea level, and the light blue nuclear-powered submarine is neat and semi-submersible.

Looking at the densely packed nuclear submarines on the sea level that seemed to be invisible at a glance, the naval officers and soldiers around at this moment became more and more silent.

Technology creation can still play like this? Is this a technological creation or a magical creation? They are already a little bit at a loss as to how to judge.
