I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 45: All descended into another world

At noon, the Zhengyang is high, and everything is going well in the new day of Nolan Continent.

This is already the third day Robyere has regained the city.

Logically speaking, the news of the defeat of the vanguard of the five-nation coalition should also be heard by the five-nation coalition today.

No one knows how the Allied Forces of the Five Nations will decide, but the two hundred thousand army recruited from the south by Prince Edgeworth, the uncle of Robyere's third Prince Will, has successfully arrived.

The arrival of the 200,000 army directly garrisoned north of the royal city.

Inside and outside the city walls, there are joint ventures, and the atmosphere is full of despair.

During this period, many soldiers were assigned and participated in the repair of the damaged part of the royal city.

And it is precisely because of this that these new soldiers saw the death knights stationed outside the royal city with a horse and a man as high as five meters.

These death knights are like machines with no emotions. Each individual is far apart and stands motionless all the time.

Even if it is exposed to sunlight, they cannot be dispelled, and even the dark flames that occasionally burn on them.

In the beginning, many soldiers were afraid of the death knights and did not dare to approach them, but over time, some bold soldiers and little nobles dared to stay nearby and look closely at these terrible death knights.

However, considering that these death knights were brought by the Lord of the Night, everyone still dare not get too close.

On the city wall, two little nobles were standing on it at this time, and at the same time, their sights stayed on the death knight under the city.

"It's incredible. I thought I would die on the battlefield before going on the expedition, but I didn't expect that the Lord of the Night came and saved our kingdom at the same time. It's just like a dream."

"No, you don't know, Baron Chiff, I was even prepared to die before going out and gave the title to my second son. Who would have thought that the kingdom would be kept in this way."

"Thank my lord, thank the gods for your favor!"

The middle-aged man said that he also painted a symbol on his chest to show his devotion to the gods.

Qifu looked at each other and immediately followed him to make a salute. Then he continued: "Baron Corbados, you are not afraid to laugh at you. In fact, it has only been two years since I inherited the title of my father. I haven't gone to the Knights Guild to study. If I go to the battlefield, I don't know if I can hold on to one mark."

Kerbaduo looked at the young man who was only as old as his own son, and smiled slightly: "Growing up is a process. Since you become a lord and inherit the title, then take a little courage!"

"In addition, even if you haven't studied in the Cavaliers Guild, I think your servants and soldiers in your territory will protect you well. As long as you don't give up until the last minute, people, the most important thing to become a knight is persistence."

As a person who came by, Kebaduo comforted and suggested to Chiff.

"Well, thank you, I will work hard."

Qifu didn't have any arrogance at all, and he showed his due respect to his predecessors.

Kerbaduo smiled and waved his hand: "Baron Chiff doesn't need to be like that. What I said is actually useless. The so-called persistence is useless in the face of the five-nation coalition."

"After all, we still have to thank the gods for their blessings, but then again, since the gods have appeared and the death knight is allowed to guard the king's city, why don't the gods keep releasing new enlightenments? It's really curious!"

Qifu nodded: "Indeed, after we came here, I also inquired about it. For two days now, let alone the gods, they seem to have not even shown up. If the death knight was under the city, I would have doubts about things. Is true and false."

"In addition, I have heard that the unknown goddess blessed the royal city at night, and the magic lamp shone in the sky and illuminated the entire royal city."

Under the intentional propaganda of the Holy See of the Night, most of the civilians in the Royal City of Robyere already knew that the Lord of Night’s surrender had brought two unknown goddesses.

Therefore, due to deliberate dissemination, the current King City of Robyere has long since regained its popularity.

"Well, I've heard about this too, and I'm a bit looking forward to the night now!"

Because the two came with the army in the morning, they had never seen the illuminated drones that Veranika had made at this time.

There was a hint of curiosity on Kebardo's face, but this hint of curiosity soon turned into worry.

"The Lord of the Night, plus the two unknown goddesses, I should have been happy that this kind of thing happened, but I'm a little worried when I think about it!"

"Worry?" Qifu's eyes widened, and he reacted quickly, not stupid.

"Baron Corbados, are you worried about the gods of the five great nations?"

"Yes! My lord comes with two goddesses, Baron Chiff, what do you think of the gods of the five kingdoms?"

"You know, in the sect of the gods, except for my lord who is special, the other five gods all have a large number of subordinate gods."

Kebado sighed and said, and looked at the death knights under the city, he also said: "The palace has not made any decision now, and even my lord has not yet lowered the enlightenment. Perhaps the main reason is here. I can't get up!"

When Kebardo said so, Qi Fu's expression on the side also became a little nervous.

After all, Qifu is just an ordinary person. He neither has the extraordinary physique of his father, nor has he participated in the systematic study of the Knights Guild after becoming a baron.

He has never been on the battlefield, has never seen blood, just such a person, how he is not afraid.

Silence, both of them are silent at the moment.

The two of them looked at the scenes outside the city that had been devastated by the war before, and looked at the soldiers who were repairing the city wall. They were silent and thinking about their own thoughts.

However, just as the sun was shining, just as countless people were busy, a scream suddenly came from the soldiers on the wall.

"Look! What is that!"

A soldier on duty pointed to the sky above the royal city and shouted loudly.

As the soldier yelled, the nearby soldiers suddenly screamed one after another.

"Metal sky! That is the goddess who assists my lord, that is the kingdom of the goddess!"

"The kingdom of God? Isn't it? Is there such a kingdom of God? It's incredible."


The soldiers screamed in surprise, and like these soldiers, many civilians in the royal city also noticed the sky fortress exposed in the sky.

Under the sunlight, the silver light reflected by the sky fortress was extremely dazzling.

The sky and sky fortress is moving outside the city, while the height is constantly decreasing.

It crossed the sky of the residential area, and also over the walls of Robyel, and finally came to the high altitude of an open space north of the King's City of Robyel.

At this time, the Kongtian Fortress was only about fifty meters above the ground.

The removal of the sky fortress invisibility caused countless people to be alarmed, and even the three princes and princes who were talking in the palace immediately received a report.

These people rushed out of the palace and rushed to the north of the palace in time.

However, these people obviously couldn't arrive in time, let alone see what happened outside the royal city for the first time.

"Oh my God, such a big disk? Is it all metal?"

Keef was already stunned by the sight outside the city.

The huge sky and sky fortress reflected strong silver light. As it rotated, this silver light continued to scatter and made Qifu be stimulated so that he could only close and open his eyes for a short time from time to time.

"Go up again, is this the metal firmament? The kingdom of the unknown goddess? This is too, too"

Kebbado beside Keiff was surprised that he couldn't find an adjective.

After all, for people in this world, Veranika’s Sky Fortress is too epoch-making difference.

Under the gaze of thousands of soldiers, and many residents near the city wall gathered to discuss the city gate, a huge door suddenly opened on the side of the Kongtian fortress.

The portal is square, with a length, width and height of more than one kilometer, and it is connected to the ground outside the king's city.

Qifu, Barkdo, soldiers and even civilians, everyone saw it, it was a portal that shone with milky white and gleamed with water.

It is like the Lord of the Night revealing the kingdom of God in the dark.

Looking at the portal that almost connected to the sky in the distance, everyone's voice was silenced.

Because the moment the portal appeared, suddenly a giant stepped out of it.

It was a lava monster nearly three hundred meters high.

The monster's eye pupils are beating like flames, and all of its body is covered by rocks, and in the gaps covered by the rocks, a faintly flowing fiery red magma can be seen.

The moment the monster walked out of the huge light gate, the surrounding trees emitted white smoke visible to the naked eye, and then burned blazingly within a few seconds.



The nearly 300-meter-high lava monster trembles and roars just by walking two steps. At the same time, it can be seen on the ground that its huge feet are sinking into the mud.

For a moment, the entire lava monster sank toward the ground, but the settlement stopped in just an instant.

With his own derived magnetic field characteristics, Moffett used the planet's magnetic field to levitate himself, and his feet were just flush with the ground.

Murphy looked coldly at the city wall less than five hundred meters away from him, and also watched the fearful soldiers on it finally stop.

Moffett condensed his own high temperature, but the already burning woods were burning, and they were spreading.

Against the backdrop of the raging fire, Murphy's appearance like the **** of flames made the crowds coming from the city feel inexplicably horrified and shocked at this moment.

And just after Murphy stopped, and when countless people were shocked by Murphy's appearance like a god, another monster suddenly emerged from the huge misty watery portal.

Under the gaze of countless people, the first thing that emerged from the portal was just a huge head.

There are two horns of tree branches that are crystal-clear on the head, and there are even two slender beards about 100 meters long in the front part of the mouth.

The monster with silver-white head and cold eyes looked around when it emerged, and then immediately flew out into the sky under the gaze of countless people as if it were very ordinary.

Alice Phil's body is far longer than the human imagination of Nolan.

Alice Phil, who was more than 1,600 meters long, was silver-white. Her body was winding out from the portal and hovering on the side of the sky fortress.

The silver-white figure flying in a circle, the sturdy and sharp four claws, and the huge head without anger and prestige made countless people sluggish.

However, just when these people were dull, the temperature around Alice Phil, who hovered on the side of the Sky Fortress, suddenly began to cool down.

Afterwards, it was as if a cold wind was blowing, and there was a pouring rain immediately above the sky.

However, this heavy rain was also very miraculous. It seemed to be cut off just in front of the royal city wall. The pouring rain extinguished the fire in the forest. Amidst the billowing smoke, the original heavy rain stopped for an instant.

People saw that the huge lava monster did not move from beginning to end. After the heavy rain appeared, the rain poured on the lava monster and it turned into smoke with the sound of babbling.

The heavy rain stopped and people were still in a trance.

However, in succession, a giant appeared from within the portal.

That's right, it wasn't someone else who appeared in the end, it was Xiao Lu.

At this time, the deer also increased his body very sullenly.

It is about 400 meters long and about 180 meters high. The deer is surrounded by a small amount of colorful streamers.

Its appearance makes more people surprised and curious.

Then, in the surprise and curiosity of these people, the colorful streamers on the huge body of the deer flew to the burned woods on both sides.

Then, under the gaze of countless people, many of the trees that had died or were burned began to recover.

Of course, trees that have been completely burnt to death cannot be resurrected, but on the ground scorched by Moffett, a lot of grass has emerged.

In just an instant, with the deer as the center, countless plants grew wildly, and many wild flowers that would not bloom in this season also bloomed. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.cOM

Everything is revived, and the emerald green of weeds and trees continues to spread around the deer.

Seeing this scene before them, countless people opened their eyes and opened their mouths.

Everyone can't use words to describe the shocking mood in their hearts at this moment. They just look at the four behemoths in the distance and they feel dreamy enough.

No one is a fool. Although these Nolan Stars are short-sighted, the deer and the others appear beside the metal sky and they naturally know what this means.

The gods are the gods who came to help the Lord of the Night

This kind of enlightenment arises in the hearts of countless people.

Fear, fear, and excitement, these various emotions spread in the hearts of countless people.

The fear of the unknown, the excitement of the gods is one's own, all kinds of emotions are mixed in, and only everyone knows what it feels like.

"Is the battle of the gods about to begin? My lord is drawing all the gods to come to help?"

Many nobles and people with a little association have begun to make such speculations.

Looking at the gods in the distance, the soldiers, civilians, or even nobles under the city wall were a little at a loss.

However, just when these people hesitated whether they should cheer, pray, or step forward to greet them, in the huge portal, suddenly there were countless weird voices.

Yes, this voice is nothing else, it is the messenger of the five Blue Star countries during this trip.

There are fifty people in the envoy group, each in ten modified military jeeps.

And to protect them, and because of the immovability of the oak tree, etc.

A huge group of five hundred mutant birds rushed out behind the military jeep.

It is a group of Druids who manage these flocks of birds.

The members of the Druids also appeared in two military jeeps.