I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v2 Chapter 16: Su Chen's plan

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At this time, Su Chen's car had been parked under the factory building.

Su Wenhao and Su Chen got out of the car side by side and said, "Professor Chen has already arrived. I think he must be very happy to see you."

Before the two of them entered the building, Su Chen saw another figure waiting for him at the entrance of the building.

That was a middle-aged man with a lazy temperament. Su Chen probably remembered his name, Xiao Zhicheng, who was the manager of the survivor circle in Tucheng Street before he arrived at the Heihe Survivor Base. I saw it once, but after repeated battles, I never saw it again.

Compared with his previous appearance, he hasn't changed much, but in that lazy temperament, he is more bloody, and Su Chen noticed that the sleeve of his right hand was empty, and that arm had long since disappeared.

Su Wenhao said: "Your people, we always said that we gave the highest priority. Most of them came. Old Xiao is also an old talented person. After the war, he has been contributing to us. In addition, Xia Chuwei also After coming over, she has been by Professor Chen's side. I guess she hasn't heard the news yet, He Xuanheng... He seems to have something to do in Yuanliao, so he hasn't come here yet."

With the effort to speak, Xiao Zhicheng had already stood in front of Su Chen.

He was a little excited: "Mr. Su, he is older than him... if he wasn't trying to pull me..."

"Yu Hualong, he..."

"Yu Hualong is in a deep coma, he is seriously injured [567中文]." Su Wenhao took the conversation.

Su Chen sighed and said, "It's okay, I'll go look back at him-without you, he would only die faster."

What Su Chen was telling was the truth. Without Xiao Zhicheng's powerful talent, Hualong's ability might not even have the chance of a deep coma, he would have died a long time ago.

"At that time the core battlefield...I...we were desperately trying to squeeze in... I'm sorry... Mr. Su..." Xiao Zhicheng bowed his head deeply.

After the Great Liao War, Xiao Zhicheng's psychological changes seemed to be greater. Su Chen could see that what he said at this time did not seem to be false, and was very different from the Xiao Zhicheng he had seen before. At that time, Su Chen only knew him well. Familiar with the face, but it can also be seen that this is a person who likes to play tricks.

Wars and disasters are changing everyone.

Quiet, but not to be ignored.

Su Chen no longer comforted him, but patted him on the shoulder, and walked into the building with Su Wenhao.

When the staff on the road saw them, they all stopped to signal.

Su Chen responded one by one.

Su Wenhao said: "Mr. Su, do you know what's going on here? Those ‘ghosts’ that claim to come from the Arthurian period?"

Su Chen shook his head: "This is exactly what I want to ask you. As far as I know, I only know that they also come from another world, and the mist is a channel to communicate between the two worlds, just like connecting the two worlds. The only difference is that the British Peninsula is not trapped in a space blockade like Yuanliao, and it can still communicate with the outside world."

"It seems that the information we have now is the same." Su Wenhao nodded regretfully, and said, "In the plan we initially formulated, we also took into account other dangerous situations after we came out, but we really did not expect it. , It will be such a situation, those "ghosts" are almost indistinguishable from humans. Clothing, armor, etc. reflect cultural aspects. According to our experts, although they are different from the British Kingdom in history, they are similar in origin. It seems to have evolved over the years. The core point is that their appearance, behavior, and culture are almost indistinguishable from ours, but at the same time, they possess countless powerful dark energy individuals and fully-member dark energy. Ability, this is very similar to the evil gods and servants who attacked Yuanliao. Therefore, there are actually some differences and opinions in our team. Some people want to contact them formally, while others want to keep a distance and hold extremes towards them. Great distrust and vigilance."

"This situation is normal. It's just..."

"What's the matter? Mr. Su?"

"It's okay." Su Chen shook his head. At that moment, what he thought of was the scene he saw when he passed through the door to the world opposite the door.

Destroyed cities, mountains of human corpses.

Where is that?

Another lost city that was captured?

still is…

Those monsters originated here?

What if the people in the Lost City became the twisted evil **** and all kinds of monsters and attacked other worlds?

But why do they want to do this?

Prior to the journey down Far Liao, Su Chen's understanding of the favored ones and servants gradually increased. Humans can be transformed into elongated ghosts, and some favored ones are very similar to human beings. The possibility of orientation here makes people shudder. .

Facing Su Wenhao's inquisitive gaze, Su Chen shook his head slightly and said, "It doesn't matter whether it is a human or a monster. Human beings are not scarier than monsters."

Su Wenhao was taken aback for a moment, and then slowly nodded. After a moment of silence, they stopped at the door of the temporary office area where Professor Chen and other experts were located.

"One thing, I want to talk to you Mr. Su first." Su Wenhao looked at Su Chen, "It's our current plan."

Su Chen also looked at him, did not say a word, motioned for the other party to continue.

"So far, if those'ghosts' will not attack, the plan always refers to is to use this time to contact the Federation and directly withdraw from the British Peninsula. No matter what the origins of these mists and ghosts, we people in Far Liao cannot explore. Go down." Su Wenhao said, "So, we plan to return to the Federation as soon as possible and withdraw all our staff...

"I don't know Mr. Su, what are your plans?"

Su Wenhao was halfway through, but Su Chen actually guessed what he really wanted to say. He always pointed out that he and the military wanted to keep him.

Su Chen couldn't help but touched his nose. He remembered that when the original owner of this body was looking for a job before, it was not even so easy. Now the Federal Army wants him to be a civil servant?

"I only want to do one thing next: development." Su Chen didn't plan to fight a dumb puzzle with Su Wenhao. He said his thoughts, and then followed up with his concerns. "Deputy Battalion Commander Su, we are all the way Those who came out of the Liao Dynasty, I won’t go around with you. According to the few words I have learned, the current situation of the Federation is not good. I can become a member of the federal system, but I must first know what I can get. Today is different from the past. I may be a very strong combat force in the space-blocked Yuanliao. Now, I may also be Qiao Chu among talented people, but in the global federal military system, I am not indispensable. People, so, under this premise, can the Federation spare no effort to support me?"