I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v2 Chapter 44: Castes and gods

The Yuan Liao people gathered in the port of East London are retreating, or by car or on foot, pulling a long dragon on the street.

With the help of the Knights of the Kingdom, the Far Liao military and the members of the Federation garrison maintained a simple order.

The crowd was looming in the fog.

The atmosphere seemed depressing and heavy.

In the Far Liao Dynasty, they suffered countless deaths and failures, but only this time, they looked extraordinarily heavy, and the crowd even cried faintly.

That is people's hope was crushed.

The natives of London had already left, and Lance, who had just appeared in the sky, was long gone.

Of course, the people in Yuanliao don't care about those people and things anymore.

Su Chen and Joanna came to a secluded place on the edge of the crowd and the street and watched this scene silently.

"If you want to understand the caste rank, I can answer it for you. Although most people don’t like to tell you these things, it’s not a secret. You are the first surname in your life. If you know more, maybe it’s for you. It is helpful, and I will not do stupid things that want to challenge the fourth caste.

"As far as I know, there are nine levels of caste, from the first to the ninth caste, namely the first surname is arrogant, the second is jealous, the third is vain, the fourth is outraged, and the fifth is lazy. Laziness, sixth caste greed, seventh caste hate, eighth caste madness. Of course, few people use rank names to call them, only the first type of surname. It is said that these castes are named the first in the world. The growth process of the dark energy individual."

Joanna squinted at the crowds on the street, and slowly said: "The first time I took control of the dark energy, I became a different existence from other people of the same race, and the arrogance born from this;

"Dissatisfaction with the status quo of one's own life, jealousy of the good material life of other people;

"There are many ways to eliminate jealousy, especially when a person has the power to surpass others, so that he can have everything about others, everything he was jealous of, and he can no longer get rid of the dreams brought to him by matter. , The vanity born from this;

"The power beyond the mortal world and the supreme vanity finally gave birth to an arrogant and manic soul. He found that power and vanity could not make his admired lover like him, nor could he have a true friend, so he became angry.

"The end of anger is complete boredom. When an individual stands high enough, the understanding of the opposite sex, primitive impulses, friends, and the same kind is no longer important, especially after everything has been obtained-thus entering the fifth stage. Laziness.

"Indolence will be an extremely long process, and its end starts with opportunity. He encountered a dark energy individual who was stronger than him, saw a more supreme future and a higher platform, and began to yearn for it. He discovered that the talents in that world were at the same level as him, and that the things in that world were what he really needed, and greed was born from this.

"He didn't get the help of the stronger, and he couldn't find the threshold to enter the magnificent world he saw. When others didn't extend a helping hand to him, he became a target that could be hated. His arrogance, jealousy, and vanity were all affected In response to the challenge, he breeds greed in his rage, and greed gradually turns into hatred because of its incomprehensibility.

"Hatred is the source and the end of everything. The hatred produced by arrogance is put to suppression, the hatred produced by jealousy is reduced to plundering, and the hatred produced by vanity evolves into slaughter, produced by rage. Hatred is made a big mistake, hatred caused by laziness extends out of boundless regret, hatred caused by greed brings everything back to its origin.

"What is born from this is madness."

Joanna's description, since then, she slowly stretched out her arms, and slowly spread her palms in mid-air.

There are fine raindrops, penetrating through the mist covering the entire London, and falling between her palms, turning into a little drop of water.

Su Chen was stunned for a moment before realizing that she had finished speaking.

Joanna's description is like a road to promotion in a cultivation system, more like a road to madness.

From the very beginning to the end, the individuals described by the caste have become more and more paranoid and distorted, and finally accumulate and become crazy.

Su Chen couldn't help asking: "What about the ninth? You said that there are nine castes, but what you said only reaches the eighth caste: madness."

Joanna turned her head, glanced at him silently, and said: "The ninth caste rank is a god."

This sentence made Su Chen's heart slightly shaken.

"What I know for the first time is also very surprised. Why is there a **** at the end of madness? Is this saying that only a madman can become a god?" Joanna looked at Su Chen with a somewhat surprised look, but she smiled and said, "However, these things are legends from a long time ago. Most of us humans have achieved dark energy individuals by taking the path of innate talent. I have never seen any dark energy individuals whose changes are really the same as in this story. Of course , Some gods are indeed no different from madmen, but...you are close at hand, our eternal king is a true knight king, where is there any madness?"

"Ya...your king, is the ninth caste?" Su Chen frowned, "Before Gao Wen told me about a Lord of Eternal Darkness..."

"That's also the ninth caste." Joanna looked at Su Chen, and said, "I don't know much about the high-ranking existence. I don't know who the one you used to fight against in Yuan Liao is, but it must also be the ninth caste. .

"Only the ninth caste can open the door to the world.

"Only the ninth caste is qualified to carve up the world."

"What exactly is dividing the world? What are they fighting for? Why are we dividing up?" Su Chen asked three questions in a row.

But Joanna only glanced at him deeply, and the topic returned to the caste level, saying: "The nine castes are the way to ascend to the gods. Many of these nine levels are clear and known, but Few people really know how to take each step. Many people, including me, don’t even know what incredible strength the high caste has.

"In terms of science in your age, this is like the secret of advanced technology. A large company has developed a new type of advanced technology and has overcome an important technical problem~lightnovelpub.net~ They will announce it to the public. Own achievements, but no one will publish all their own technology and research and development materials. I know, but I don’t have to tell you, or even hide it from you, especially in the world of dark energy individuals.

"So, I don't know much. Although we have gods, for some reason, I only understand the level of the third caste and the combat power of the fourth caste.

"As far as I know, the ability to achieve the first type of surname is closely related to talent. People with no qualifications will not be able to achieve it in a lifetime. The second caste requires sufficient dark energy perception ability, which is almost innate. Human beings are not dark adaptors. With these two innate thresholds, countless people have been cut off. There is no mysterious magic potion in the real world to improve their aptitude. Great technology may be able to do it, but I never I haven't seen it before. Therefore, for most people, achieving the first and second caste is the biggest threshold.

"And the third surname..."

Hearing this, Su Chen immediately cheered up.

He himself is on the way from the second caste to the third caste!