I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v3 Chapter 11: Stalker woman

Su Chen walked on the streets of Tokyo.

It was dusk at this time, broken clouds spread in the sky, and the gentle breeze in May brought a slight warmth.

The streets of Tokyo are bustling with people.

Su Chen frowned and looked at his side.

Dressed in light purple, he was following him, seeming to notice Su Chen's gaze. The woman raised her head and tilted her head to show him a smile that could kill a young man in seconds.

That is Su Chen's blind date today, Shen Yue, an ordinary name, not so ordinary looks. Of course, Su Chen thinks that maybe she has better makeup, and the level of makeup removal will be reduced by 10% or 20%.

But Su Chen was not interested in this, and he asked with an unhappy expression: "Why have you been following me?"

"Blind date, go to your house for dinner."

Su Chen's face collapsed: "What were we doing just now?"


Su Chen walked a bit fast, and the woman needed to step up to keep up, but the answer still seemed natural.

This broke the beautiful scene of men and women walking side by side on the streets of the city at dusk, but the abandoned woman was trying to save her unfeeling boyfriend.

"Then what are you going to eat at my house?!" Su Chen had two big heads.

"But you didn't eat much. I thought you would have to eat it when you go home, so you must have noticed it? I didn't eat it too much. After all, our blind date meal was finished in less than five minutes. , This is simply the Guinness World Record in the history of blind dates, ah, I’m not saying that you pay the bill and leave within five minutes and you don’t have any demeanor. I want to...I want to...um...I want to go back to see you with you. Take a look at your parents, um...Try auntie's craftsmanship." Shen Yue showed an expression of expectation.

To be honest, it is difficult for anyone to say the word rejection in the face of this face.

But Su Chen is an exception.

At this moment, he finally stopped walking like a race, turned his head to look at the woman beside him, took a deep breath, and said: "Miss Shen, I think you may have misunderstood something. I am going to have a blind date with you today. It is not me. You are interesting. I just hope my mother is happy. As for what you and I said, I don’t understand. I don’t have any feelings for you. I don’t think my ordinary face can attract you. A beauty of this level? Unless you want to negotiate a price with me, but... I don’t think you are that kind of person? So? Let’s stop here for today."

Shen Yue was slightly stunned when she heard these words? Her eyes widened and bright: "You...how can you say that to me..."

"What do I want to say, I am living well? Don't bother me."

This was the last words left by Su Chen? Immediately, he turned around without looking back, and stepped forward.

The woman stood on the spot, buried her head? It seemed a little discouraged? But after a moment, she still gritted her teeth and stepped forward again.


Su Chen rolled his eyes to look at her side.

"Huh...huh...huh..." The woman panted, half-bended, her black hair slid down her shoulders? But she raised her face to look at Su Chen, "Wait for me? Everyone here is the same After being beaten back to the original state of balance, we are all ordinary people? You walked too fast, take care of me a little bit..."

Su Chen stared at her for a moment? No longer speaking? Instead, he stepped forward on his own.

Shen Yue has a beautiful face and a soft voice? But this does not mean that her character must be in line with these two points. It can be seen from the call with her a few months ago— —

This woman is definitely not a believable man, let alone a fuel-efficient lamp.

Su Chen moved forward quickly, while the woman still followed behind like a dog skin plaster and smiled: "That... that... I ate too fast just now, I haven't had time to introduce myself too much. I am Shen Yue, Huaxia University. I’m from Kyoto Prefecture, I’m a graduate student from Kyoto Prefecture University, and I majored in electronic information science... Um... Ah, yes! I’m 26 years old this year, and I’m an anchor now by profession..."

"Anchor?" Su Chen was a little surprised, but he regretted talking to him before the question was raised.

"Ah, yes, I am the anchor, haha, although I am a graduate student in electronic information science, I am stupid and stupid. I have not been doing very well at my job. I am a poor peasant at home. I think I'm good at growing up. , So I went to be an anchor, and the anchor earns money fast... I can fall even more stupid than me. I smiled and said a sweet thing or two and someone would reward me with hundreds of thousands... This is how the rich second generation of my girlfriends got to know him. You should know him. When you called me last time, I thought of you as him. I'm really embarrassed... Hey, don't get me wrong, I can Not a random person, I didn't roll over the sheets with him, but I actually...Huh, did I digress?"

Su Chen has already begun to regret why he heard his mother's words~lightnovelpub.net~ What it said to eat western food is best to drink two glasses of red wine without driving over, so he stopped by the road and beckoned to take a taxi.

Soon, Su Chen hit a car, and in the stunned gaze of the woman behind him, he directly pulled the door, got in the car, closed the door, and left.

Su Chen did not go home immediately, because the time for his blind date was too short. When he went back, his mother was worried, so she had to take a taxi and wander around the city. During the period, his little leader called and asked a few words, of course, nothing. Good words, it's accountability, and Su Chen can't get used to him, and directly swears: "I bought a watch last year, I don't want to do it."

Then he actively hung up the phone.

After swaying outside for more than an hour, the sky was completely dark, and Su Chen returned to his home.

What Su Chen never expected was that the woman was sitting on his sofa, holding a cup of hot water, smiling and chatting with Su Chen's mother.

Su Tong stretched out her little finger to stab Su Chen in the waist, winked and said, "Yes, brother, you can trick the little girl. This pretty sister has a crush on you!"

Su Chen's face gradually became gloomy. He went directly to the living room and stood in front of Shen Yue, condescendingly, looking at her with an unprecedentedly cold gaze: "You have crossed the line."

The bright smile on the woman's face finally became stiff. She stared at the cold face for a moment, slowly lowered her head, was silent for a moment, then stood up and walked out the door.

Su Chen's mother immediately stood up and said, "What are you doing? It's just the first day I met and I just talked to others."

Su Chen shook his head, stepped upstairs, went straight back to his room, and closed the door.

There was no light in the room, and it was dim, but Su Chen keenly noticed that there seemed to be a little abnormal reflection outside the window.



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