I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v3 Chapter 45: If you have a chance, please kill "them"

Federal calendar May 7, 178, 0:7 Tokyo time.

In the sky, the hole began to spread as soon as it opened, like a ripple of a water wave, but the spreading speed was close to the speed of light, and in the blink of an eye, it seemed to have enveloped the entire Tokyo.

Everything changed at that moment. The "inside world" Tokyo collapsed at this moment. The tall buildings and streets were all changed and replaced like bubbles at that moment. What Nakajima Kayin said is inside and outside. The two worlds themselves were in the same position. At the moment of overlap, the inner world of reincarnation was wiped out, and the real Tokyo appeared in the field of vision.

The real Tokyo is like a dusty handicraft. For seven or eight months, no one has set foot in this city closed due to the chaos of time and space. The streets and lanes are covered with dim dust, and some vehicles are even pulled into the chaos of time and space because of the drivers. The world of reincarnation caused vehicles to hit other cars or streets, some important arterial roads, and even cars and cars collided, and the chaos revealed the bleak and desperate scene of the apocalypse.

At the moment when the two worlds overlap, the real people who were drawn into the world of reincarnation return to this city of Tokyo. All of them wake up like a dream, resulting in a large amount of time and space dislocation, amidst the chaos. Chaos, and in the space, some scarlet "catkins" began to float, swinging in the air...staggering...

But none of this has anything to do with Su Chen at this moment, or in other words, Su Chen has no time to care about how ordinary people in Tokyo are doing.

The moment the door opened, the two worlds overlapped, and the chaotic time and space were completely annihilated. Everything was indistinguishable from what Nakajima Hanatone said, and the location of the Skytree changed several times.

In the space on the top floor, countless glass mirrors twisted and rotated at that moment, turning into a series of terrifying doors.

That's what Nakajima Hana sound said, the passage to Galefa 7, but Shen Yue showed a little hesitation at that moment, as if he was hesitating whether to really leave, but Nakajima Hana sound seemed to have expected it a long time ago. At this scene, she hung a force in the air, almost shattering the top floor of the entire Skytree, caught off guard, Shen Yue directly smashed into the doors and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The doors twisted and sank, turning into dark spots that were difficult to observe, floating around the skytree.

And Su Chen looked up at the sky at that moment.

The disintegrated glass fragments and building materials fell one after another, Nakajima Huayin dragged the power of world annihilation to herself, and with the final awakening, crashed into the sky at a height of 10,000 meters.

That scene is extremely beautiful. The turbulent flow of energy in the sky outlines a colorful world of light and shadow that almost covers the sky of the Skytree. This world of light and shadow is still flowing, rising and rising like a river, and the figure of Nakajima Hana sound has been lost. Engulfed by this ocean of light, you can't see it anymore.

The entire Sky Tree Tower was illuminated, reflecting the colorful light inside and out, bright and dazzling, like a beacon in this bleak world of apocalypse.

In Tokyo, from far and near, countless people screamed, looking at this scene here, panic-stricken.

In the eyes of these people and Su Chen, the location where Nakajima Huayin crashed was nothing at all, it was a clear blue sky. Su Chen even asked Kukas who reconnected to him for the first time to scan the sky above his head. Nothing was found.

But Su Chen must make a choice as soon as possible. He only hesitated for about a second, then brought out the silver armor from the ring of Anova, and added the armor to his body. Only then did he regain his sense of ignorance from his armor. When I flew out of the ground, I heard Su Chen's cold voice: "Clash with me."

Immediately afterwards, his figure was like electricity, following the colorful world, swiping into the sky.

Nakajima Huayin didn't have the need to lie to him, let alone give up her life to fight the air!

Su Chen rose to the sky against the colorful world of light and shadow, and at this moment, that piece of light and shadow world had already hit something in the sky before him.

Su Chen saw a half-arc-shaped eggshell-like energy layer flashing in the sky, and the terrifying annihilation energy rolled along the invisible eggshell. The two violently collided and overlapped in mid-air, igniting a more terrifying flame. It is even impossible to look directly at it.

Kukas's voice sounded.

[Dear Enlightenment, the impact location has been confirmed, it is 13,000 meters high, there is something extremely advanced there, this is a kind of energy shield, it...]

During the electromagnetic interference, Kukas's voice was suddenly interrupted, and there was a dark energy connection, which has never happened before.

But Su Chen couldn't take care of so much anymore. He opened the bow without turning his head back. Moreover, the scene at this moment has proved the light and shadow and the hunter and what he said.

"They" are right above the Tokyo Skytree, at an altitude of 13,000 meters above the ground.

The location of the cluster is correct.

Su Chen must not miss this opportunity.

In the sky, the silver figure turned into a flash of light, flying across the sky in an instant, crashing into the colorful world.

However, the annihilation energy of the colorful world did not have any effect on Su Chen. Wherever he went, those rays of light voluntarily separated to make way for him.

Nakajima Huayin, who has no idea where she is, came from a moving and dim voice~lightnovelpub.net~, but for the first time extreme viciousness and bottomless hatred were revealed in her tone.

"I can only send you here.

"I know it's very slim, but...

"Mr. Su...

"You are not many people who have the courage to challenge'them' nowadays...

"Please let me, a dying person, entrust your extravagant hopes...

"If you have the opportunity, please replace me, my brothers and sisters, my mother, countless planets, thousands of worlds, and countless human guinea pigs, kill them all, kill them!! !"

This word was extremely vicious, it was not like what Nakajima Huayin would say, but the sound was caught in Su Chen's heart, making his heart shocked.

Su Chen raised his head, and the end of the light channel that Nakajima Huayin had separated for him was a gap cut out by that invisible "shell".

At this moment, Su Chen didn't hesitate or hesitated. His figure is like electricity, flying at high speed, and in an instant he passed through the colorful world made up of high-energy exploding light particles, and went along the gap into the "shell"!

Suddenly, the surroundings were suddenly empty.

The terrifying energies and rays of light that overlapped and collided outside were weakened, and only escaped a little through a gap cut by Nakajima Kayin.

But Su Chen felt a huge shadow.

At this moment, he slowly raised his head and looked into the higher Tianye. After only one glance, his pupils suddenly shrank.

He didn't see the invincible **** or any incredible terrifying creature, but—

A huge disc-shaped spacecraft spanning half the sky of Tokyo City was reflected in his pupils.



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