I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v3 Chapter 46: Sword to Tokyo!

Thousands of threads flickered in Su Chen's heart. The moment he saw that spaceship, there were many answers that he could not answer at all. At this moment, there seemed to be some kind of explanation, even that sounded a little inexplicable. Shimakayin's last words, at this moment, also had the correct answer.

When the whole picture of "they" appeared, everything seemed to be in front of you.

But Su Chen didn’t think about it, because he didn’t have time to stabilize his figure in mid-air, and he saw that a strangely shaped thing was adjusting its direction on several sides of the huge disc-shaped spacecraft. Although Su Chen Some are difficult to distinguish, but it can be confirmed that 80% of those things are weapons.

Su Chen immediately rose into the sky and headed straight for the huge disc-shaped spaceship.

Before the heavy artillery faced him, Su Chen had already hit the disc-shaped spacecraft like a cannonball.

He wanted to get directly into the spaceship, and he was extremely urgent.

The current situation is actually extremely dangerous. Su Chen himself has come into contact with a lot of black technology, whether it is his own magical transformation, or the half-claws that he saw from the crystal cluster of ten people, and even the experience of being forced to fall from London to Tokyo. , Su Chen realized that the horror of a truly technologically advanced person is unimaginable.

This spacecraft can set up such a battle, the advanced level is self-evident, Su Chen can't wait for it to shoot himself, once he shoots, maybe he won't even have a chance.

But Su Chen did not succeed. He hit the outer periphery of the disc-shaped spacecraft with one head, as if hitting some spring at a high speed. How could he hit it, he was instantly bounced off and fell at a high speed, waiting for Su Chen to use his dark energy to reach the ground. The moment the battle armor stabilized his figure and raised his head, he found that he was already under the muzzle of that strange weapon!

Su Chen's hairs pierced in an instant, but at this moment, Kukas sent a crazy alarm. Before Su Chen even heard anything clearly, he felt a bright ocean of light.

——At just that moment, the outer shield finally collapsed, and the force of annihilation swept the sky and swept the field of vision.

Su Chen was directly pushed forward by this terrifying force and hit the disc-shaped spaceship again, but this time, he was not bounced back. The shield on the surface of the disc-shaped spacecraft that enveloped Tokyo seemed to disappear. Maybe it was against the violent annihilation energy, but this gave Su Chen a chance. His shoulder cannon roared, and the miniature missiles hit the target like raindrops. In the light of the explosion, Su Chen stepped into the spacecraft along the gap. Among them!

What he didn't know was that at this moment, this huge sky spaceship, protected and invisible, was slowly appearing above the sky, bathed in the flash of annihilation in the sky, and it looked extremely magnificent and magnificent.

The news flew like wings.

Tokyo was lifted from the weird state a few minutes ago, and it has already attracted the attention of the world, and the changes now are transmitted to the world in an instant.

The Federal Dongying Region took immediate action. Several air force formations that rushed to Tokyo first received a new order to abandon the rescue of Tokyo City, which was the first priority, and fly to the ship that suddenly appeared in mid-air. Horror spaceship.

At this time, the top executives of the Federation have not really paid attention to it, but on a global scale... the weird people are changing.

The plant world that swept through the two cities adjacent to Tokyo in the Toyo Region also surged at this moment, seeming to be carnival, dense spores flying towards Tokyo like raindrops.

Under the deep ocean of the Pacific Ocean, a splendid voice that cannot be interpreted by humans came from the huge palace. The entire ocean boiled at that moment, and countless humanoid sea monsters like deep dives gathered from all directions and turned into a wave. The vast torrent is heading for Tokyo, and as it progresses, other weirdness continue to join in, making this "army" bigger and bigger, and within a few minutes, it has gathered into one that can easily The torrent that was observed.

In the deep sea, a terrifying creature resembling the legendary giant Leviathan burst out of the water, swallowing sea water and flying into the sky, and among them, there is a blue humanoid sea with dual characteristics of fish and birds. The strange creatures fly in their center, like their leader, driving all kinds of things.

Not only that, at the same moment, in Baiye City, China Region, bright figures are slowly rising into the sky, spreading their wings like angels, holding spears, looking straight, and marching in line!

The land of Australia, the countless weirdos that were in **** battle with the Australian Federal Army suddenly retreated at this moment, and withdrew from the battlefield like a tide. Even if they were killed by the Federation in pieces, they would pay a very heavy price, as if they had received an extremely important order. ,retreat! Crazy retreat!

The images sent back from the satellite, they even returned to the door of their invasion of the Federation, it seems that even the Australian battlefield has to completely give up!

In the British Peninsula and the London area outside the vision of the Commonwealth, black mountains smashed to the ground suddenly rose from the ground, and countless strangers from **** scrambled to climb these self-rising peaks. The world of **** flew away, and the knights of the Kingdom of the Undead looked at each other on the battlefield. Only in the depths of Buckingham Palace in London, behind the curtain of water in the deepest part of the palace, a long sigh came.

At Xinghan Technology Company, Joanna rushed into the building by sword and knocked down five talented people. She came to He Xuanheng all the way and said in a deep voice: "Su Chen has found'them', the world's weird king, at least five A god, a million weird, you must send troops!"

He Xuanheng looked at her silently: "Why do I believe you?"

"Su Chen is alone~lightnovelpub.net~ If you don't send troops, he will definitely die!"

He Xuanheng fixed his eyes on Joanna. For a long time, he slowly stood up from his position and looked at Zhao Miaomiao and Xiao Zhicheng who rushed in behind Joanna and others. His eyes were cold and he said every word. : "To mobilize Quanyuan Liao and go to Tokyo."

At the same moment, the senior leaders of the global federation have also been shaken, because from the current situation, these weird destinations are all one, all in Tokyo, not only the evil gods and servants, but even the extremely powerful and unowned scattered weirdness. He also rushed to Tokyo at high speed like a chicken blood, as if it was too late.

Combined with that spaceship, everyone realized that this matter must be crucial. The changes in Tokyo even disrupted the weird global war situation in an instant!

This is not even critical anymore. It may be extremely important. It is extremely important to the weirs and even more important to humans. At that time, the Federal President and high-level officials did not really realize what was going on, but they immediately made a decision. , Mobilize soldiers from all over the world, go to Tokyo, do weird things, they have to do the opposite!

This is also a helpless act. In the past few months against the weird and evil gods, although the Federation has still resisted stubbornly, it has actually shown its decline, and the gods of the weirs have not yet arrived. If this continues, the Federation will undoubtedly lose. , This may be an opportunity.

The mobilization order was transmitted to the entire Federation in an instant, the China Region, the European Union Region, the North America Region, the African Region...Countless battlefields and countless soldiers set foot on the road to Tokyo.

The world is in turmoil, the world will meet, and the sword is pointing to Tokyo!



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