I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 102: I forgot

Listen to the situation, look for Su Chen, make a decision, and start the next step.

This is the plan designated by Lin Mo and the Yegu leader before departure. For safety reasons, Lin Mo only intends to start by himself and follow the two clever Yegu people-Lin Mo also does not plan to show up, only let the Yegu people go. communicate with.

Yegu people are not uncommon in the chaotic star field. One of the advantages of this low-level creature is that the reproduction rate is quite high. If they are not killed for a long time, they will be able to spread their race throughout the chaotic star field. There may only be a dead end, but in the chaotic star field, from the perspective of the continuation of ethnic civilization-although the Yegu people are synonymous with the bottom and trash everywhere, they at least live well and are not easily exterminated by the dead. There is no risk that the whole family will be arrested as a test subject.


Lin Mo looked to the left and glanced at the pretty girl sitting on his left.

Yuki Nakajima noticed his gaze and turned to smile at him. The smile that was enough to kill most men only made Lin Mo's expression more gloomy... gloomy.

Immediately, Lin Mo looked to the right and to his right.

On his right hand sits a young man with tousled hair, with a thick alien straw stick in his mouth that looks like a cigar, chewing and chewing, and a pocket-sized beautiful girl sitting on his shoulder. They look exactly the same, they are all lying on the window. Look out.

Needless to say, these two people are Bai Feng and An.

They were riding in a small land vehicle of the Yeku people, a vehicle approved by the Hutts to be used in their rule. The first half of it was a driving space, similar to a horse-drawn carriage. The two Yeku people operated together, while the back It has a structure similar to a cargo box, but from the inside, the outside can be seen, and the inside state cannot be seen from the outside. From the outside, the Yaku people’s aircraft is in tatters, and it looks like a tattered Yaku people peddling them. Tattered standard outfit.

Weak and small can be called a good disguise under certain circumstances.

Almost no creatures on the street will take the initiative to pay attention to them, because there is no value and there will be no attention.

"So, why on earth did you come out with me? I really think this is going out for an outing!" It was Lin Mo, who couldn't help it at a certain moment--especially when Bai Feng quietly took it out of his pocket. A handful of unique gravel-like snacks from Yegu people stuffed An and took advantage of the trend into his mouth, "Hey! Bai Feng, who are you sneaky guards against? There are three people here, you are bright." Wouldn’t it be enough to eat really big? No, we came out at a risk!"

Before Lin Mo's words fell, Yuki Nakajima on the other side suddenly turned his head and looked at Bai Feng inquiringly, "What are you eating secretly?"

Bai Feng seemed to smile at Lin Mo, humming out of tune: "You shoot one, I shoot two, and the rising sun sings, we are all young teenagers outing."

Lin Mo: "..."

Bai Feng seemed to have a unique habit of honest people like Lin Mo, and glanced at Yuki: "If you eat delicious food, I won't give it to you." Immediately, this guy reached out his arms. He took out a handful of snacks in his arms, "Here, good friends, good friends, share beautiful food with you."

Lin Mo took a breath and resisted all the impulses that unconsciously surged at that moment. He and Bai Feng have not been together for a short time, and he is almost about to figure out this guy. Although he still doesn’t know why he always likes to "mood" himself, but for Bai Feng, no matter what he says, don’t talk to you. , Otherwise, the next situation will become more and more troublesome.

Therefore, after calming down for about two seconds, Lin Mo's expression became calm again, and he faced forward without squinting his eyes: "It's best not to make too much noise. The imperial man who just passed by our side. We don’t know how many flying vehicles there are anymore. What are they looking for in this city. If they are targeted by the Empire, we will be in big trouble."

Yuki Nakajima turned her head, squinted her eyes and looked outside with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I just want to... I just want to see this beautiful world, and it won't cause confusion."

This trick seemed to be surprisingly effective against Bai Feng. He smashed his mouth, turned his head to look soft and dull, and Yu Guang glanced outside, but suddenly solidified.

Outside their broken land vehicle, a gloomy, black levitating vehicle was passing by.

That is the vehicle of the empire.

As a human civilization, the empire may even have the same origin as the human beings in the experimental field. The underlying culture is even the same. The design of some things is very similar to the Federation. The land vehicles used by the empires on the Hutt planet are basically They are all similar to the kind of floating vehicles that only appear in federal science fiction movies. They are not used for war and are allowed to pass by the Hutts.

It is also such a suspended vehicle, with a streamlined structure and a smooth and tidy hull. It perfectly fits the structure of a spacecraft on an alien planet in human ideals. In its exquisiteness, it is full of elegance and luxury. Compared with it, the Yegu people’s The spaceship is like tatters in tatters, embarrassing itself into the mud.

The two aircrafts are driving relative to each other. The performance of each other is good, and the speed is fast.

But it was not the floating car that made Bai Feng freeze his gaze, but at this moment... that side face.

It was a woman sitting behind a suspended car with her head down.

Her face was concealed in the falling long hair, almost only an outline could be seen, but it was this outline that made Bai Feng's whole body solidified.

He frowned slowly: "I...she...she...she...I remember her...I remember her...I remember her..."



The heartbeat is intensifying.

At that moment, the heart that seemed to be dead began to beat faster and faster, faster and faster.

At first it was like beating a drum~lightnovelpub.net~ gradually, as if to jump out of his body.

Bai Feng’s abnormality immediately aroused everyone’s alertness. Lin Mo grabbed him, only to realize that the man who had just had a hippie smile turned his eyes straight at this time, as if he was immersed in another world. He kept rummaging for his own. Notebook, but nothing, finally grabbed Lin Mo's hand with his backhand, raised his head, and looked at Lin Mo with bloodshot eyes, hissing: "I know her! I remember her! She is... She is ……She is……"

In the end, the excited voice turned into a flat statement: "I forgot."

There was a puff.

The madman fell into the messy Yegu flying machine and passed out.



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