I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 104: Alliance in the Dark

Su Chen's answer seemed to plunge the queen into a moment of contemplation, and there was a brief silence in the air.

Su Chen is also thinking and observing.

The racial structure of the Hutts is also very peculiar, similar to the Zergs in StarCraft games that Su Chen had previously played in the Federation era, but compared with them, the Hutts are more like an advanced version of civilization, each of them They all have self-independent consciousness and behavioral abilities, like a normal civilization, but on this basis, they are also under the control of the Queen, and there are almost no staff and support teams.

This kind of thinking and cognition did not come out of Su Chen suddenly, but the judgment that he had seen countless races in the chaotic star field for such a long time and slowly accumulated.

In Chaos Star Territory, many small and medium races have similar structures. They have not moved towards the state of equal society explored by human civilization under the Federation. Instead, they have placed the decision-making power of civilization on certain leaders and let them come. Decide the direction of civilization and race, and even the rise and fall, and equality is reflected in other parts of civilization, equal distribution of resources and equal value of creatures-the more powerful the civilization and the advanced creatures, the closer the abilities of individual creatures. , The more able to achieve the equality created by the same biological value.

This sounds a bit deformed, but it exists truly and widely, proving that it has a unique meaning and function.

At this moment, the "Queen" of the Hutt finally spoke again. It said: "If you reject us, we will also provide you with help. We will not disclose your information to the empire. On the contrary, we will Help you get out of the sight of the empire."

Su Chen asked a little puzzled: "Why did you do this?"

"Because you are also enemies of the empire." The queen replied almost without thinking, "The enemy of the empire is our enemy. If you want, I can invite you into our front, in the chaotic star field. , Especially in the Molomon area, we have a force hidden under the deep water, always standing on the opposite side of the empire.

"We want to get the thing in your hands, but we don't want the Empire to find it smoothly.

"That is no good for our entire anti-imperial alliance, but we have determined that you are also enemies of the empire and are unwilling to surrender it. We will not force it, let alone do anything to you because of it, just, I still hope you can understand that with our strength, even if you are a powerful fourth caste, the things in your hands are safer with us."

Su Chen didn't take the next words, he just slightly nodded and said: "I represent my person, thank the Hutt people for their selfless help."

The Hutt queen stared at Su Chen silently for a moment, and said, "Are you willing to join us?"

This is the second time it has asked this question. The previous time was mixed with other sentences, which was more like a lip service, but now this sentence is a real and formal invitation.

Of course, this queen could not say any nonsense. Su Chen heard it the first time and understood its meaning, and did not follow up. When the other asked the second time, Su Chen showed a pensive expression, and then asked directly. Said: "Why should I join?"

"The expansion of the empire is without morality. The emperor is openly tearing up the peace with the endless civilization of the Molomon region for thousands of years, and is also provoking the laws of the chaotic star field. We have the obligation and have the ability to stop it. We need to let The empire knows exactly what this place is." In the icy electronically synthesized sound, it seems that a hint of coldness and determination can be heard.

The two regions mentioned in these words are not just regions, they refer to the anti-imperial alliance in the Molomon District and a certain trader civilization behind the Chaos Star Territory.

The anti-imperial alliance in the Molomon area dared to take the initiative to prepare for war. It must have received the support of a large force behind the chaotic star field, at least at the same level as the Tandans. Otherwise, the civilized combat power of the Molomon area would be added. Harmony is also difficult to be an opponent of the empire, especially for a disorganized civilization of different races, the same idea may exist, but it is impossible to fight back to back with the enemy on the battlefield, which naturally weakens their combat power.

Unless there is a strong arm behind it.

The Hutt queen had already made the situation extremely clear.

At this moment, Su Chen really got a shock.

He has no interest in the empire. The empire is also made up of humans. Although Su Chen was never soft when he killed the empire, Su Chen’s sentiment towards the empire was very complicated, and he did not intend to kill the empire. It doesn't make any sense for the fleet.

But this is undoubtedly an opportunity to deal with Tandan people.

On the face of it, this is a contest between the empire and the anti-imperial alliance, but in fact, whether the empire or the anti-imperial alliance, they are just two more terrifying civilization puppets-the Tandan and another chaotic star field. Terror civilizations of the same level. They organized anti-imperial alliances to attack the empire. They were declaring war on the Tandans. If used properly, they could eventually develop into a confrontation between the Tandans and the civilization behind the anti-imperial alliance...

Then, for the Federation humans, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Once the Tandan people are caught in a war, the experimental field of endless light years cannot be seen at all, and will even be penetrated first. Then, Su Chen and the others can go back and take away all human beings, if there is a bigger one. Opportunity, it may even take this opportunity to cause a devastating blow to the civilization of the Tandan people.

Biting the Tandan back is not important to Su Chen.

But if you can push the Tandan people into the abyss...no one from the Federation will be uneasy.

Su Chen still remembers the scenes on Galefa 26, those deaths and sacrifices, those lives and light...Walk into the starry sky, although he rarely mentioned it, but there is a voice in his heart shouting-let Tan Dan People pay the price!

Su Chen knows that ~lightnovelpub.net~ is not just him, it is the voice of everyone in the Federal Fleet.

It was the voice in the heart of Saixi Platinum, the voice in Xiao Ping's heart, the voice of Qiao Zheng, Dick, Alice... and so on.

Coming from that kind of **** and death, who can be truly peaceful? Who can look forward with peace of mind? Wander around like traveling in the stars?

It is only because they are too weak that these shouts have been hidden in my heart.

After a long silence, Su Chen slowly raised his head and looked at the Hutt queen who was waiting in silence.

After a while, he spoke slowly—



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