I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 105: voyage

Lin Mo couldn't find Su Chen in the end.

Bai Feng's abnormal state made their actions have to be stopped. Even after waking up, Bai Feng appeared in a trance, as if he had changed a person, and even apologized for the failure of his actions.

Lin Mo had never seen Bai Feng apologize to anyone. He was silent for a moment and sat down beside Bai Feng.

Lin Mo can't comfort people, and his emotional intelligence is not high, so he can only sit next to him, which can be regarded as a kind of company.

An is on the side, watching them carefully.

Until the Hutt came to the door.

That made the entire Yegu ship instantly entered a state of first-level alert, but Su Chen followed the Hutt.

Taking the Hutt spacecraft, Su Chen returned to the Hutt III planet three full days early, and with the help of the Hutts, he avoided the empire's eyeliner.

According to the Hutts, the Empire’s actions were extremely rampant. Although they did not deploy any large-scale weapon systems on the Hutt III planet, various monitoring equipment and a large number of personnel have already landed. On this planet, the empire The intelligence network at his disposal is second only to the Hutts themselves. This behavior is an absolute insult and provocation for a civilization, but the Hutts can only turn one eye and close one eye—before the war really starts, any small and medium civilization in the Molomon District Facing the empire, they can only swallow their breath.

In fact, when the empire has confirmed that Emmons and Suchen are from Hutt III, there is no direct army to suppress the territory, which is already very face-saving, and the reasons for not doing so seem to be twofold: First, the empire is fighting on multiple fronts. , Can no longer start the war easily, especially the Hutts themselves are not weak; secondly, because the Empire blocked the news of the Chiron planet War I, they don’t want others to know what they are looking for.

But it is a pity that although the empire has taken full control on the Hutt III, it is the Hutts themselves that are opposing them.

With the help of the Hutts, unless the Empire captures here, they will never find Suchen and Yegu.

After Su Chen returned, the Yegu quickly set sail and ascended into space.

Until the Yegu converged with the Nautilus in space, they were both under the shelter of the Huttians, and until the two sides converged and gradually moved away from the territory of the Hutt civilization, their traces gradually disappeared, and they also helped Su Chen and Su Chen and The Yegu erased the traces in the starry sky, making the Empire completely unable to find them.

The Yegu was tattered and unremarkable in space, and was recalibrating its course during flight, flying to the second planetary fortress under construction by the Flores.

Su Chen must first determine the existence of that fortress.

That fortress is also in the Molomon area.

The Flores do not have such strong technology and background, and they cannot cross the macroscopic spatial layout of the chaotic star field. They can only build ships at two points inside the Molomon area.

It's just that the Yegu spacecraft is slow and unable to jump, and it takes a long voyage to reach its destination.

The long voyage was not empty.

At the beginning, Lu Anbang was making trouble.

This middle-aged decadent man was dumbfounded on the Yegu. He didn't expect that he and his spaceship were kidnapped, and he was always making noises, but when he arrived on the Yegu, he couldn't even see Su Chen. The Nautilus was surrounded by a group of Yegu people. It was no longer his spacecraft, it became the spacecraft of Yegu people and Su Chen.

It's unbearable to lose the madam and lose the soldiers. This not only lost the spaceship but also got himself in. This is how decadent people can't stand it.

But it is a pity that Lu Anbang’s anger has nowhere to vent. When he was on the Nautilus before, he could see Su Chen anyway, but although the overall performance of the Yegu was not as good as the Nautilus, it was a big spacecraft at any rate, and Lu Anbang had the authority to do so. Very low, not even the leader of the Yegu people, only to see a group of twittering Yegu engineers, it can be said that the Qiqiao gave birth to smoke, and finally had no choice but to give up, ran into the corner and drank every day.

Fortunately, Su Chen didn't really forget him, and it was inevitable in desperation to bring him. Su Chen is still a bit guilty. After all, he and Lu Anbang are innocent and innocent, and he can find Emmons and even use the Nautilus by borrowing other people’s light. Su Chen is really embarrassed not to see him. , But also instructed the Yegu people to tilt the resources of the Yegu ship to provide Lu Anbang with a steady stream of synthetic wine.

Most of the people in the spacecraft performed their duties. After he set foot on the interstellar route again, Lin Mo began to work hard. He has the right to be in the body. It is a matter of course for him to reach the fourth caste, as long as the dark energy level is enough. , He can directly enter the fourth caste, without even entering the breakthrough stage such as Su Chen and Saixi Platinum, but because of Lin Mo's extreme variant, although his caste is high, he has a very good grasp of dark energy. Low, which led to the fact that he, who should have reached the fourth caste first, has not yet reached it.

He is also working hard to make a breakthrough at all times.

Lin Mo wanted to help. He knew very well that becoming the fourth caste was the only way to help.

And Anze mingled with Su Chen all the time, maybe because the time of parting was a little longer this time, she began to get tired of Su Chen again.

And Yuki Nakajima is in a completely different state. She spends a lot of time idle every day. In this Yegu spacecraft, she looks like a beautiful **** vacation. Su Chen even felt that if it weren’t for Yegu and Because of the federal humans, Yuki Nakajima may have already traveled through the chaotic star field, but she also has a problem, that is, she also likes to join Su Chen's side, and He An even formed a hot spot for grabbing a Su Chen. scene.

This makes many Yegu people envious: Look, as long as you become a powerful individual, countless females of the same kind can be posted upside down.

Su Chen didn't care about this at all, the gossip of the Yagu people, and the leisurely Nakajima Yuki Kazuo were all left behind by him. Through the journey of sailing, he desperately cultivated the level of the fourth caste~lightnovelpub.net~ Familiar with the ability of the object, he is also working hard to bring out more analytical power. With the passage of time, the analytical power he brings out is becoming more and more, and gradually, there has been a silhouette that can be condensed into a sword. , It can be used.

However, the amount of analytical power is still too small, but it can't be used for a single use.

The only thing Su Chen cared about was Bai Feng's state.

Ever since Su Chen came back, I found that Bai Feng had been babbling, doing only one thing a day, circling around the star map of the chaotic star field, constantly deducing and calculating what and recording it in his notes, but the star map is huge. There is not much content that can be recorded in the notes. Standing in front of the star map every day, Bai Feng almost has to start from scratch, but he is tireless, studying the star map day and night, seeming to want to find and confirm something. But there has been no gain.



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