I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 189: Happy dreams (thanks to the leader Yingh

Lu Anbang came to the center of the battlefield and found the apocalyptic knight.

He knelt on the scorched ground.

The surrounding buildings have long collapsed.

The apocalyptic armor of the same height is exactly the same as before, the flowing silver structure, the perfect state seems to be always inscribed to tell the world the power of the original original stone.

But the head of the apocalyptic knight hung down and did not move.

The sixth caste of the Zixuan people is rising on the battlefield. They have done their homework and know how precious the apocalyptic knights are to the empire. It is enough to kill it. And this original stone armor, they are not Dare to take it away easily, because behind it are the Tandan people and the original life, and the giant behind the Zixuan people is here to kill the apocalypse knight, you have to think about whether to take the original stone.

The Zixuan people just want to rob the empire, open up their own situation in this area of ​​the chaotic star field, plant their own seeds, and don't want to provoke those terrifying existences and trigger more serious wars-they are against the giants behind them. For Ba, it's not that important yet.

It is impossible for it to destroy the apocalypse weapon built entirely by the original original stone, but it is very simple to kill the human driver inside.

It rises straight from the battlefield and heads to the farther control tower of B-06.

And at this moment, Lu Anbang came to the "Rose" knight's side.

He jumped off the black warrior, his leather boots stepped on the hot scorched earth and even emitted a faint blue smoke. He first called the name of the apocalyptic knight, and then reached out and pushed.

The rose knight fell down.

But what Lu Anbang never expected was that the apocalyptic armor attached to the pilot-those flowing silver armor spreading like life.

They separated from the driver named Guan, and plunged into Lu Anbang's arms as if they had found the real owner's pet.

The investigation of the Zixuan people is very thorough. Because of the match with the original stone, the pilot of the apocalyptic knight is inexistent, and has always been in the hands of several big families in the empire, relying on the continuous family blood to maintain the apocalyptic knight There will be no vacancies for the driver. But they miscalculated a bit. This is human civilization. It is not the inheritance method of the apocalypse knight to determine the driver of the apocalypse knight with the optimal pilot plan. In the long years, only the blood of a few big families can become the apocalypse knight, nor is it because no one else in the empire has The matching degree with the Apocalypse Arms.

In fact, few people in the empire knew this. Everyone really thinks that only a god-given bloodline can become a driver of the apocalypse armed forces. Because these four apocalyptic knights are too legendary and majestic in the history and culture of the empire.

However, the truth is--

Regardless of whether it is appropriate or not, humans always like to hold their authority firmly in their palms.

The Knights of the Apocalypse, in the empire, are second only to imperial power.

Strength, reputation and glory.

Who drives the apocalypse knight, can anyone in the empire have a high degree of match?

Of course not, then whoever had a high matching degree in the family that mastered the Knights of the Apocalypse at that time could become its driver.

And no one thought, not even Lu Anbang himself, that he was the one who had the matching degree.

On that day, the administrative star B-06 in the southern border of the empire, a person who shouldn't be a knight of the apocalypse became a knight of the apocalypse.

On that day, Lu Anbang felt that he was the so-called man of choice. It was destiny that pushed him to that point. He did not die as he expected the worst result. Instead, he became a pilot armed with the apocalypse, and became an apocalyptic knight admired by the empire.

Because everything that follows becomes a matter of course.

The sixth caste of that Zixuan had been injured in the battle before, and he did not expect that the "dead" knight of the apocalypse could stand up, and was attacked by Lu Anbang and almost died on the B-06. Then, the new rose The knights battled with the imperial fleet to crush the fleet of the Zixuan people.

New heroes are born on the battlefield.

Lu Anbang stood on the top of the starship that day, listening to the cheers in the message, although most people thought he was the pilot of the Guan family, but he also felt the supreme honor.

In the empire, who didn't grow up listening to the story of the Knights of the Apocalypse? To be a knight of the apocalypse, to be a knight of the apocalypse, sweep the stars and fight for the empire... For an emperor, nothing is more important than this.

And Lu Anbang completed his mission.

He defended the borders of the empire.

that's enough.

On that day, he really felt that his future was bright. Although he was very old, he also thought of a lot. Perhaps because of his age, he could not keep driving the Apocalypse armor, and even the end of the battle would be handed over immediately. After all, I heard that the Guan family had already cultivated the next Qiangwei's heir, and she was still a female driver. But the merits of this battle and the honor of the Knights of the Apocalypse are enough for him to eat for a lifetime, he will get a lot of money, they can change to a bigger house, he can customize the most perfect life extension service for his parents, he can her The wife bought a new hovering car, and his children could walk into the noble school that he could not even think of before with his head held high...

That is the future where everyone can wake up with a smile.

Lu Anbang is getting older, he just wants to do his duty to leave the army and bring a better life to his family. Then go back to accompany his family and children.

This is more important than the Apocalypse Armed Forces. It is also something he has owed his family for many years. He didn't expect to get it all at once today.

At that time, Lu Anbang only felt that life was like buying a lottery ticket. Day after day, one day, he might be hit suddenly, and his life changed suddenly.

But the future did not have the changes that Lu Anbang had imagined. He only became the man of choice for one day.

And when he realized this, it was too late and too late.

Although he has served in the Empire’s army for half his life, he is just an ordinary person, an ordinary soldier. He has no idea what this apocalyptic armor means, and he doesn’t even know that it will be offended if he wears this apocalypse armor. How many people benefit.

In a world of interest, Lu Anbang’s merits in saving the B-06 administrative star can be almost zero.

On the second day after the war ended, Lu Anbang was left in his personal cabin for various reasons, and the Apocalypse armed forces were taken back. Those reasons seem to be justified. The last apocalypse knight died and the apocalypse weaponry was damaged. It needs repair~lightnovelpub.net~ and it is also because of the death of the last apocalypse knight, in order to avoid the empire that has not completely escaped the shadow of war. In the internal turmoil, Lu Anbang must be wronged and the death of the last rose knight must not be made public for the time being.

And in this process, in the war against the Zixuan people, Lu Anbang took the opportunity to pilot the Apocalypse Arms, and repeatedly won the battle, which made him believe in what those high-level officials said to him. It was just because the time was not ripe to disclose his merits and identity for the time being, the members of his team even thought he was dead.

But Lu Anbang doesn't care. He can bear this for the sake of the empire. After all, he is also an empire, and his home is also an empire.

He is already forty years old, and what he values ​​is not the honor of the Apocalypse Armed Forces, but the good changes it can bring to his life and to his family.

That's what a man his age wants.

He really didn't want to be a pilot armed with apocalypse forever.

But others don't think so.

