I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 201: All human

While Su Chen was still confronting Cracking Life

Empire territory.

C—02 Executive Star

The empire is ushering in a brand new collection.

Facing Xiao Ping’s invitation, Luo Zhijie couldn’t refuse

The current empire is completely messed up. The top circles are fighting for power. The apocalypse knights and the core army are fighting to defend the capital star circle. They are borderline administrative stars with almost no resources. It is a completely abandoned existence.

These past days have been the most tormented period of Luo Zhijie's life.

He watched the fleets of other civilizations roaring in, eroding their land and treating the people of the empire as resources, but they had no choice but to watch and even give up a large piece of land.

Countless people died

Those are ordinary people who have nothing to do with war.

In fact, even at this time, many people do not know what happened and why the powerful empire fell into such a situation overnight.

Even a person of Luo Zhijie's level can only know more about the movement of the capital star circle war and know nothing about everything that the Tandan people and the empire did before.

_Even if he is a big man here, he is no more than a sad **** in the power system of the empire.

In a certain period of time, Luo Zhijie even had to believe this fact in despair

The Empire has abandoned them.

This is normal for a mature starry sky civilization

A large population is often useless.

And now Luo Zhijie had to make a choice.

This fleet of unknown origin is at least human.

The conditions given by Xiao Ping are very tempting. Luo Zhijie can maintain certain rights, and all he has to do is to help this fleet of humans that have appeared suddenly and persuade other emperors to protect this human planet together.

Watching Xiao Ping personally untie Luo Zhijie and pull him up

The crystal cluster curled his mouth and slowly moved to one side.

But this is indeed what the Federation needs.

From the Caleb 26 star system all the way to the present, it is not only technical backwardness that has plagued the Federal Fleet, but also demographic problems.

Whether it is the army or ordinary people, the Federal Fleet is already in serious shortage.

By attacking the empire, you can directly incorporate these ordinary people in the empire.

Xiao Ping in the back was talking with Luo Zhijie something. He may not be called a qualified military strategist, but he is a successful lobbyist. Luo Zhijie was persuaded by him and soon helped him to convince others.

The atmosphere that was still a bit tense just now eased somewhat.

When Luo Zhijie went to persuade the other imperial fighters in the control room who were **** by the Big Five Flowers, Xiao Ping took the initiative to retreat, and the frustrated federal fighters also stepped aside, leaving time and space to these imperial people.

The expressions on the faces of the Federation soldiers seemed a bit complicated.

An adjutant who was following Xiao Ping couldn't help but whispered: "Are we really going to do this? We have been with the empire before... Mr. Su and An are because of the empire..."

Xiao Ping only shook his head slightly and said, "They are humans just like us, and they don't even know what happened. What is the difference between these imperial people and our federal people? Human-controlled, more advanced experimental subjects.

"We are federal people, they are imperial people. But in essence, we are all humans."

And not far away, Luo Zhijie was persuading their people.

Some people are silent about such a decision.

The current empire is like this, they have no choice.

And some people were very aggressive. A burly imperial warrior violently pointed at Luo Zhijie and said, "Are you worthy of the empire's award of honor? Are you worthy of the empire?"

Luo Zhijie only touched him and said lightly: "I'm sorry for the empire, but I am worthy of the countless humans on C-02. They have not made any mistakes. The strength of this human fleet is also limited. We can only be able to cooperate with them. Keep this planet.

"Only humans can really not slaughter humans.

"Everyone's family is here, do you want to watch them die in this turmoil?"

The emotionally burly man was stunned.

Most of the local troops of this administrative star are selected from the locality. This is why these emperors are so desperately protecting this planet. They are not only performing their duties, but also protecting their families.

The burly emperor could not say anything, and sat down slowly.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ping was not staying in the control room either, turned and walked out silently.

His adjutant behind opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he stared at Xiao Ping's back, and finally said nothing.

Xiao Ping came all the way to the outer walkway of the control center, above the platform.

The crystal cluster was standing on the edge of the guardrail and staring at the sky.

Xiao Ping came to him, looked at it for a while, and said, "This is the same sky as the Federation."

The crystal cluster will not take care of this emotion. It points to the three moons in the fading sky and splashes cold water: "This is not Caleb 26, three moons. The night light on this planet is Caleb 26. The time is two and five times.

"Also, you should be very clear that now is not the time to enjoy peace."

Xiao Ping glanced at him and said lightly: "Of course I know that the real threat is not any civilization on this planet, whether it is a cloud-like creature, or that semi-biological and semi-mechanized civilization, it's just an appetizer. Before coming here, we have fully understood them.

"The next thing we have to do is how to hold this planet and make it truly a planet that belongs to us and to the Federation."

The crystal cluster glanced at him, gave a short laugh, stopped speaking, turned his head and walked down.

And Xiao Ping is still standing there~lightnovelpub.net~ This is one of the tallest buildings on the planet. From here, you can see the cloud-like creatures gathering on the square of the control center building not far away. If you look far away, you can see the wider world.

A city with stacked buildings, a battlefield bathed in flames, billowing smoke...and an infinite blue sky.

This is a vast and infinite planet.

Behind him, the hub of the empire was operating again. Many people in the empire didn't know what this meant. They thought that the empire had regained control of the planet, and cheers faintly came from the ground.

That crystal cluster is right, the real difficulty is the subsequent defense.

However, Xiao Ping still felt the surging and excitement like never before.

This is the first victory for the Federation.

An infinitely bright future will begin today.

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