I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 202: This is our planet

The C-02 administrative star was completely taken over by the Federal Fleet.

On the night when the planetary control system was restored at the hub, Xiao Ping and Luo Zhijie issued a joint statement to broadcast this fact to the world.

The three warships of the Federal Fleet set sail from the three positions of the hub. They will travel around the human settlements of the entire planet within the next day, showing the civilization of the Federation and the identity of the same human beings to the civilizations on this planet.

In the starry sky age, the same human beings, similar civilizations and similar inheritance are more than all powers.

And Luo Zhijie is responsible for continuing to collect the remnants of the empire scattered in various places in the empire and bring them together.

The Empire’s planetary defense system is mainly composed of two parts, one is the empire’s administrative star garrison, and the other is the executive officer. Executive officers are similar to the federal police and armed police system.

The number of these two is huge. When C-02 was divided by the three major civilizations before, those civilizations didn’t care about these empire remnants, because these empire remnants on the ground did not pose a threat to them. They only needed to control the ground. Ninety percent of the global defense systems at the front line of the hub control center will be offline. What storms can be brought out by only a group of ground troops?

And now, if Xiao Ping wants to restart these ground defense equipment, he needs a large number of trained emperors.

These imperial defense equipment are complex and not complicated, but they are still a problem for Union soldiers who generally do not have any advanced knowledge.

While the three federal spacecraft set sail, the safety of the hub control center is still absolute.

There are two fourth castes sitting here.

Sisi is still suppressing the misty creatures.

Xiao Ping didn’t communicate with them or persuade them to surrender. Instead, the crystal cluster directly communicated with these cloud-like creatures. Their purpose was to extract information from these cloud-like creatures as much as possible—they were already in this area. After fighting for a long time, he must have mastered a lot of information about other civilizations competing for empire resources in this area.

And Xiao Ping personally promoted a dinner party.

Throughout the whole day, the emotions of the Federal Fleet were very high.

Before leaving Hutt III, many members of the Federal Fleet did not hold much hope for this action, but no one thought that the first battle for the C-02 administrative star could be so smooth.

Everyone's face was filled with excitement and excitement.

The ordinary soldiers Xiao Ping saw, they showed excitement when they saw Xiao Ping, and said excitedly: "Captain, we have our own planet!"

Although the matter has not been completely settled yet, Xiao Ping is still preparing to hold this party to gather some of the Union soldiers, and then they will convey such joy.

The Federal Fleet finally has its own planet.

The empire did not attend the lively banquet scene.

Lu Anbang stood in the corner with a wine bottle.

Joe was coming to him and said: "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Why don't I come if I have wine to drink?" Lu Anbang said, "You...and Su Chen are all owed to me. I don't come when the food is delicious, then I am not getting worse and worse-this is authentic. I haven’t had the imperial liquor for a long time."

Joe was just looking at him, shaking his head and laughing.

The two of them stood in the corner and watched this scene silently.

The soldiers of the Union were excited and excited, just because they regained a planet.

They don't have to look at the eyes of the people from Sawakawa anymore.

For a moment, Qiao Zheng heard Lu Anbang suddenly say: "You said, if the empire becomes such a federation, what will it look like?"

Joe is turning his head to look at him.

The middle-aged man's face flushed, and he squinted at everything in front of him.

At a certain moment, Joe thought this was the true thoughts of the other party.

Until the next moment, Lu Anbang staggered forward and fell down.

He drank too much.

When the lights of the banquet went out and the federal soldiers who participated in the banquet passed the heat to the entire federal fleet, Xiao Ping slowly returned to the top floor of the hub control center. He stood side by side with the crystal cluster today, looking over. The three moons in the night sky first sent a message to the federal headquarters of the distant Hutt III, and then he opened the entire fleet's channel.

As the supreme commander of the Federal Expeditionary Fleet, he has the authority to speak to the entire fleet and ensures that every spacecraft and everyone in the fleet can hear his voice.

After switching on the channel, Xiao Ping was silent for a long time before speaking slowly. His voice was hoarse, but the eyes under the reflective glasses reflected the magnificent world.

"Everyone, this is Xiao Ping.

"At present, the empire C-02 administrative star is completely under our control, and the planet’s defense system is already online, but don’t be overly optimistic. Now the empire is being eaten by wolves, and countless civilizations want to carve up. Here, we were able to take the lead in taking this place, but it was only because of the poor resources of C-02, and those sufficiently powerful civilizations did not have time to take care of this planet for the time being.

"But with the passage of time, when those good planets with rich resources are divided up and cleaned up, they will turn their attention here.

"No civilization feels that getting more resources is a bad thing.

"Therefore, I hope everyone can stay vigilant, because today's victory is our easiest one.

"Every battle in the future will be a huge test for us.


"We will not back down, and the Federation will not back down.

"From Caleb 26 to today.

"We have gone through too many people, countless deaths, countless wars, we lost the planet we grew up on, and we lost countless colleagues and comrades who stood by our side.

"The Tandan people see us as ants, and the Sawa River people use the planet to make us slaves for eternity.

"Now, the Tandan people can no longer become a threat to us, and the Sawagawa people can no longer use the planet to restrain us.

"Because now, we have our own planet.

"This is our home.

"From today~lightnovelpub.net~ I hope we can stay here, no more fleeing, no fear, no death...

"Federal... never back down!!!"

This was Xiao Ping's last words. Even after he cut off the communication, he continued to feel the long-lost peace.

In the Federal Fleet, among the warships, the soldiers of the Federation spontaneously burst out shouts.

No matter where they are, no matter what position they are, at this moment, people all have the same voice.

"This is our planet.

"The Federation will never back down."

Saixi, who suppressed the misty creatures, raised his head, as if he saw many familiar figures in the bright starry sky.

They are watching the Federal Fleet, blessing this bright future.

