I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 213: Advantages on the battlefield

c-02 on the planetary plane.


   Saixi lifted the height for the first time.


   As the two fourth castes of the Federal Fleet, the division of labor between Seth and Lin Mo is very clear. Under the premise that the three warships of the Federal Fleet are all defenses, Sisi, as the true fourth caste and the “god” of the ground, is the existence that stays on the ground; while Lin Mo acts with the warships and is responsible for space deployment. Although he does not The fourth caste in the normal sense absolutely controls power, but in the originally large-scale starry sky battlefield, this is not so obvious.


   Therefore, just as Saixi was preparing to fight, in space, Lin Mo was already flying out of the battleship and standing in front of the Yunhai.


   is roaring through the air because of the enemy fleet's second round of blows. After the flame-burning spaceships changed their formations, their own strike power and ship mode have not changed. Their own technological mode is destined to lag far behind the federal fleet that has obtained advanced spacecraft.


   However, this flame civilization has another set of "algorithms."


   Numerous non-threatening blows reproduced the scene just now. Under the action of the strange dark energy array, those plasma **** flying in space, even seeming to be a little down, were integrated to the front in an instant.


   This time, when Lin Mo was in space, he caught a little bit of this strange change.


   These blows were not teleports that appeared out of thin air after disappearing out of thin air, but left an indistinguishable trajectory in space. It was only because of the speed that they were so fast that they showed such an amazing posture when they appeared in the front.


In the acceleration, these plasma **** gathered together are disintegrated and reconstructed under the traction of a certain peculiar force, thus entering a state of pseudo-annihilation, and bursting out of power in an instant, which realizes the horrible blow of its multiplied power. power. Destroyed the previous battleship Shanhai in one fell swoop.


   However, how can the blow be so fast?


   Lin Mo didn't have time to think about it.


   This is not a question he should think about. The Federation is in the process of modeling. All he needs to do now is to help the Federation smoothly pass this gap!


   Lin Mo directly opened the space channel in mid-air and guided the blow to the unknown starry sky.


   But compared with the blow itself, Lin Mo's opened space channel is still relatively small, the shock wave spread from all directions, Lin Mo's body was directly retreated by the terrifying impact.


   However, at this moment, the other arm slowly supported Lin Mo's back.


   Saixi's figure appeared beside Lin Mo.


   Behind them, two federation warships opened fire.


   The fleet of flame civilization in the distance split suddenly. From the change of the dark energy array that had just been rigorously reorganized and revealed an incredible magnificence, it returned to its previous state of zero, in order to avoid intensive blows.


   At this time, their advantages of small size and high speed are finally reflected.


   Under a certain spatial distance, there are very few blows that they cannot intercept and avoid.


   This is the meaning of their use of this kind of spacecraft.


   Standing in the center control tower command center on the ground, Xiao Ping realized the cunning of this civilization.


   They are very aware of the technological weakness and backwardness of their civilization, so they simply use this backwardness to combine their strange dark energy formations and dark energy creatures to develop fast warships, complement their weaknesses, and change other mechanisms in space.

   They are like having two brains, the first is the outer visible battleship and machinery, and the second is the invisible web of dark energy.


   The technical support team is rapidly analyzing this fleet. As their first attack succeeds, the dark energy characteristics cannot be hidden. The Federal Fleet has also found the direction of the attack, pulling this line to analyze it all the way.


   At the moment, not only is the starry sky battlefield extremely critical, but the expert group on the ground is also extremely nervous-whether they can quickly "eat through" this flame fleet is the key to when the Federal Fleet will win.


   And the first batch of preliminary predictions and analyses on this creature had already appeared in front of Xiao Ping at this time.


This civilization is actually an extraordinary creature with dark energy. The pilot in each spaceship is a dark energy individual with at least the first surname, and these dark energy individuals with castes are connected by a wonderful connection. , In the space of intangible matter, a new web of dark energy is formed by unconventional physical means.


   That is the dark energy array they use.


   But how exactly this dark energy array was formed, and how to achieve this function, has caused the expert team and supercomputers of the Federal Fleet to enter an infinite loop of algorithms, unable to draw accurate conclusions.


   And the kind of medium that these dark energy creatures connect to each other is exactly what Su Chen once mentioned, the dark energy individual's promotion is extremely necessary and inevitable...


  Darkness can perceive.


  Even the first surname can have formed dark energy perception, which means that this is a mature dark energy creature with a complete inheritance.


   Xiao Ping's eyes narrowed slightly.


This kind of civilization is not common in the starry sky. The cultivation of dark energy is not the kind in the so-called story. The previous generations of groping can find a forming method of promotion. This cannot be achieved through computer deduction. The civilization that can study the forming method on its own must be a civilization that has not known how many years and how much it has paid on this road ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ This may be the reason why their technology is so weak.


  Perhaps, they are just a dark-energy biological civilization. It was only in the continuous progress that science and technology were developed little by little, and then they became what they are today.


  The expert team on the ground tower is using supercomputers to fully model the current flame civilization war mode, trying to analyze and study their characteristics and weaknesses, but in the starry sky, Lin Mo and Saixi are backing away.


  The dark energy array of the flame civilization is showing another form.


A large number of enemy spacecraft are scattered in space in order to evade the strikes of the Federal Fleet, but their strikes are uninterrupted. In seemingly scattered flight, there will always be a moment of recombination in a completely unexpected situation and attitude The array of energy-the array of dark energy is 10%, the blow will be instant!


   It's like two superb dancers passing information through dance. Others can't see what happened, but the dark energy array is formed again and again.


  The blow quickly appeared on the front of the Federal Fleet.


   And with this level of attack, the Federal Fleet can't stand it. Whether it is Yunhai or Canghai, as long as any one is hit, it will become the same end as Shanhai!


   Therefore, Saixi and Lin Mo couldn't play at all, and they couldn't even leave the fleet too far. They could only defend with all their strength!



