I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 225: By the side of the dark night

Empire capital star circle.

Capital Outer Ring No. 3, Pvt. 3 Planet.

Ma Qisi stood in the trenches on the ground, looking up at the sky.

This is the 73rd day of the Empire’s invasion. The empire’s vast territory and the barrel-like internal defensive system in the star system have lengthened the war to the utmost extent, and the various civilizations from the depths of the chaotic star field conquered each other. It also made this war longer and longer, especially in the outer galaxy of the empire. The battle in the border areas should have ended first, but even now, most of the planets in the empire are still sinking in the cloud of war. in.

There are local forces of other civilizations and empires. Although they cannot get help from the capital of the empire, they are all fighting for their country, and they are not afraid of sacrifices and spare no effort.

The millennium empire may have begun to decay from the top, but the huge "country" means that it is not really a rotten country, and there are still countless people who are fighting for the empire with confession in their hearts.

Ma Qisi sometimes thinks about not saving the innocent people on the border of the empire, and what is the significance of Chen Chongbing's guarding this capital star.

Is it for the honor of the empire, or just to protect the dignitaries of the empire.

However, Marquis is not optimistic about the direction of the war.

Now the fleet attacking the capital star circle has become six units, entering from all directions. Each unit is either a civilized coalition or a fleet dispatched by a civilization that is almost as powerful as the empire. The empire’s line of defense is strong. It's precarious, and if this continues, it won't last long.

The defense of Pvt. 3 planet is still tight, but that's it.

Marchis retreats from Pvt. 7 to this place. Which Pvt. planet is not tightly defended with guns like forests? And now, they were all eaten away one by one, like onions, being torn apart all defenses little by little.

As for Marchis, he no longer worried about his future.

The imperial nation will not be a country, and the family behind him is now counting on him, a mature knight of the apocalypse, to come back to help the family at a critical moment, how dare to take him?

At this time, Maqisi became stiff.

But Mackis did not have the joy of turning over, he only felt at a loss and panic.

If the empire is gone, where will they go, their homeland will no longer be, even if they are a knight of the apocalypse, will they be rootless duckweed?

He is not a true sixth caste, but only relies on the apocalypse armed to reach this level. If he loses the empire as a dependency, the apocalyptic armed on him will instead bring him a murderous disaster-the empire is destroyed and the Tandan people are overwhelmed. The big threat is gone, where is there someone who doesn't want to get the armor made by Yuanchushi?

At that time, Ma Qisi had only two choices, either hand over the apocalypse knight and become an ordinary person, or flee the **** battle all the way, and spend his whole life in panic and vigilance, until one day he was beheaded by someone and the apocalypse changed hands.

These are not what March's thought wants to see. Such a future is even worse than being deprived of the right to use the armor of the apocalypse by the family.

And because of this, March's thoughts must grasp all the life-saving straws that can be grasped.

——Ma Qisi has always maintained close contact with the female auxiliary emperor.

He gradually realized.

The conversation on that day was not essentially the solicitation of Emperor Mingxuan, but the auxiliary emperor who was throwing an olive branch.

The auxiliary emperor wins over the apocalyptic knight.

This is incredible.

However, Marches didn't tell anyone about this. On the contrary, he even wanted to further deepen the connection with the auxiliary emperor.

Ma Qisi is also betting. He thinks that the woman wearing the glass mask seems to have some terrible plan. If the bet is correct, maybe the future will not change so badly, at least there is a way to go.

The emperor of the empire is really disappointing at the moment. From the outbreak of the war to the present, he has hardly issued any effective military orders. It is said that he has been hiding in the deep palace, quarreling with everyone, and scolding all those who follow him. After that, I watched the situation develop to the point where it is now.

Emperor Mingxuan's incompetence is already a fact.

In the past, although many people were dissatisfied with his tyranny, there were still a large number of people following him, and two-thirds of them were from his side. From this, Emperor Ming Xuan could still amidst the grievances. Sit firmly in the position of the emperor, but now, he has been rebellious, and the ruling and the opposition are up and down. Where can anyone support him anymore?

Ma Qisi's bet was naturally moved away from him.

Ma Qisi knew that the current empire was turbulent, and there might be more and more powerful forces planning something, but Ma Qisi was an outsider. He could only contact the auxiliary emperor, so naturally he had to firmly grasp this thread.

In fact, among the four apocalyptic knights of the empire, only Maqisi’s Lu Shu and Zulong are fighting the enemy outside. The situation on the battlefield is getting tense day by day, but the roses and signs of the sky in the empire’s capital star circle are not seen.

It is said that it is their assistant Capital Star, but fools can see that they are actually looking for a country.

Whoever stays in the capital star circle will get a share of the pie.

Today, Marches, who was on Pvt-3, was a little distracted, constantly looking in the direction of Capital Star.

Because just two days ago, he received a message from Fudi.

[The rebels in the capital of the empire will rise, and wait for my edict, and return to the court to help. 】

The auxiliary emperor didn't mention King Qin, and it should be the auxiliary emperor himself who rushed to help here.

However, after this news, Marchis received no more news, and his people in the capital star did not bring back any useful content. Only a steady stream of enemies of foreign civilizations kept coming.

It is said that today, another fleet has joined the battle. The hard power of that fleet is not strong, but there is a super dark creature suspected of being above the eighth caste, which forcibly aroused the ability of the entire fleet, and suddenly emerged. , Straight into the core battlefield.

Sometimes, Ma Qisi also wonders ~lightnovelpub.net~ Will there be such internal friction inside these civilizations? Will they compete for power like humans?

Ma Qisi didn't know, he only knew that if there were no more changes, then the Millennium Empire would truly be destroyed.

No one will be the winner of this fight for rights-because the foreign civilizations from all directions will thoroughly eat the empire like a pack of wolves, and put all these things that the empire people are fighting for under their own name.

But in such an anxious wait, Marchis finally waited for the next message he was anxiously waiting for.

[Capital Star tomorrow at 14:27. 】

This message came from Fudi, it was extremely simple, even just a time point, but the light in Mackis's eyes brightened inch by inch.

Because he was sure, his chance to wait finally came.



End of this volume