I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 24: Violent "demolition"

Although Su Chen's operation was stupid and dazzling, the tactic itself was effective.

The people of Diluo never thought that a top-level spacecraft could suddenly fly out of such a primitive and tattered fleet. This shock was no small thing. In their world of information interaction, countless of them were skipped in an instant. Analysis and countless possibilities, the final result is only one: that is running.

Star civilization does not need face, only needs to survive.

As a result, the situation changed drastically in an instant, and the ferocious Diluo spacecraft turned around without hesitation, and even the weapons in the spacecraft's energy storage were voluntarily shut down.

They know very well that their weapons can't penetrate other people's spaceships at all.

But their speed is far inferior to the drop-shaped spaceship, especially from static to acceleration, Su Chen's drop-shaped drop-shaped flying towards them at high speed, below the relative speed, the Di Luo people's ferocious spacecraft has not really escaped. , Su Chen's drop-shaped spacecraft had smashed into a huge triangular structure on top of it like a cannonball.

The deflection shields and shallow energy shields of the Diluo spacecraft did not play any role. For the drop-shaped spacecraft, these defense systems seemed to be non-existent. With the absolute technical advantage, the Diluo people even blocked it. Without the ability of, the armor of the spacecraft was even easily broken through, allowing Su Chen to plunge into their spacecraft with great ease and incredible ease.

Su Chen's war literacy was honed in countless blood and fire, and as soon as he arrived, he swept through the drop-shaped spaceship without hesitation, and a magic-modified nuclear bomb was directly thrown out by him.

Before the battle of escape, Su Chen had actually prepared seven magic-modified nuclear bombs. Although they were of different equivalents, they were all extremely powerful terrorist killers. However, in the subsequent wars, these things were almost useless. It's not that it's not needed, but Su Chen didn't have the opportunity to use them. In the contest with the Tandan people, whether there are cards is one aspect, and whether the cards you have can be played smoothly is another aspect.

The magic-changed nuclear weapon exploded quickly in the space of the opponent's spacecraft, turning into a ball of incandescent light that was extremely bright, and then it expanded endlessly in the space.

Light and heat are in full bloom at one point.

Strictly speaking, this is the second time that Su Chen has deployed magic-modified nuclear weapons. However, compared with the last time when the ninth caste was destroyed by the Yuanliao nuclear explosion, the current Su Chen is completely different. The third surname's dark energy dispatch Able to "control" the explosion under Su Chen's control to a certain extent-he can guide the explosion of this magically modified nuclear bomb to a certain extent, make it superimpose the power of amplification, and stir it from the inside out in an all-round way. Shatter the entire battleship...

Wait, the whole battleship?

During the strangulation, Su Chen was keenly aware of the first line of anomalies, but he could not be distracted to observe. The explosion and destruction of the demon-changed nuclear weapons spread too quickly, and he had to put a lot of attention to bury himself in the demon-changing. The force guided the entire explosion.

The chaotic destruction in Su Chen's hands seemed to have turned into sophisticated blasting. Every structure of the enemy ship was accurately destroyed, every creature was strangled, and every mechanical AI could not escape death.

But Su Chen did not destroy the entire enemy ship.

The moment Su Chen penetrated the opponent's spaceship, the opponent's spaceship disintegrated in an instant.

This spacecraft is divided into three structures. The upper and lower triangles are separated from the huge columnar structure connected in the center. The uppermost triangular structure that was hit by the drop-shaped spacecraft was wiped out in the starry sky by Su Chen within half a minute, and the remaining two parts However, they separated. With the help of the initial force obtained by the separation, they quickly accelerated and then accelerated, fleeing desperately. Su Chen strangled the triangular structure, turned his head, and the other two ran away, almost disappearing, almost disappearing in his naked eye's field of vision. It became an invisible light spot.

Su Chen was a little surprised and speechless.

But he immediately issued an order to the drop-shaped spaceship and rushed to it.

Different from Diluo’s thinking, Su Chen didn’t plan to raise pigs for a long time. He always killed Liangzi when he got married. Especially at this time, they came to the vicinity of the Chaos Star Territory. They ran away, maybe a few can be left to obtain information and technology, but their spacecraft must be sunk!

Su Chen's only authority in the drop-shaped spacecraft is to control the course. Therefore, he gave the voice command, and the drop-shaped spacecraft immediately rose up, speeding up to terror in a straight state, chasing and fleeing in those two different directions at high speed. Decomposition of enemy ship.

At the same time, Su Chen sent a message directly to the Federal Fleet at the rear: "I'm going to chase that columnar body, you should keep an eye on the other triangle body, determine its location, and kill it when I come back!"

What Su Chen said, Tang Haobo and others on the bridge have already been doing it. When Su Chen guided the demonic nuclear weapons to annihilate the first triangle and could not be distracted, they had already begun to locate and track the two split bodies. But at this time, watching Su Chen sitting in the drop-shaped spaceship turning into silver lightning passing through the sky, they were a little dumbfounded. Although they thought that this group of "starry sky bandits" might not be able to do anything to them, they didn't think that It would be such a result, one contact, this group of starry sky bandits who had just been extremely arrogant had already fled in disarray.

Mr. Su is like the wicked person here, chasing him violently.

Tang Haobo couldn't help swallowing and spitting, and the anxiety and unconfidence in his heart were much less.

It is true that their fleet is tattered ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ is almost like a starry sky, but their composition is extremely unique and powerful. Generally, the same fleet or even a slightly stronger fleet is not. It is even more unlikely to be their opponent.

Mr. Su can be the enemy of one ship!

After all, they survived from the hands of Tandan people!

Of course, in fact, Tang Haobo also knew that Su Chen might be able to destroy the ship by himself, but he couldn't do it alone. With the object conditions of a drop-shaped spacecraft, Su Chen could appear so domineering and powerful, a low-level creature. No matter how strong the individual is, it will still be severely restricted in the starry sky on a macro scale.

Tang Haobo looked at the drop-shaped spacecraft that was on the radar, which was narrowing towards the cylindrical enemy ship at high speed, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He quickly solved the starry sky bandit, and he was able to minimize the threat. I wonder if it is possible to capture a few enemy creatures and capture some of the opponent's advanced weapons and equipment?

Tang Haobo breathed a sigh of relief here, but the desperate Diluo on the other side was almost gone!

