I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 35: market place"

Unknown liquid rain floated in the sky of Dahlor, and it was extremely cold.

After that, the crystal cluster stood on the spot, the figure in the black robe was extraordinarily tall, with his hands in his pockets looking at the drizzling sky above his head and the huge flying objects that looked like an airship passing through the air, he said: " I admit that I did this wrong. When Bai Feng wakes up, I will... eh? Are none of you listening to me?"

It recovered and found that Su Chen, Lin Mo and others had pointed and pointed a tentacle monster who was suspected to be striptease dancing and could not tell the gender and had gone away.

The cluster of crystals was suddenly three big with one head, and had to keep up.

The aimless sloshing didn't last long, and the crystal cluster quickly found a remote corner.

Zhong Liang didn't know anything about their plan, and asked a little confused: "What are we going to do?"

The other crystal cluster glanced at him and said, "We need money. Chaos Starfield is a good place. As long as we have money, we can get anything we want, spaceships, advanced equipment, and even a large number of sites. Even the high caste and strong fighters can be hired. But the prerequisite for all this is to have money."

"We are now thinking of ways to get money." Su Chen also said at this moment. He looked at the crystal cluster, but what he thought of was the words that this guy and himself said that day.

Here, money is not the kind of currency within the scope of the federation. Whether it is paper currency or electronic currency, it has no meaning between the starry sky and different civilizations. Money is just a popular term. Money here refers to resources. .

Material resources, population resources, biological resources, dark energy resources, technological resources and even information resources are "money", and for different organisms and different civilizations, the same things often have different values.

According to the introduction of the crystal cluster, as well as the confirmation and supplement of the Diluo people, the chaotic star field is full of existences like interstellar mercenaries. They will shoot the order, and as a reward, the person who placed the order will give them rich rewards, the resources they need, etc., and there are places like mercenary guilds on black market planets like Dahloron. , Is a gathering place of this type. There are not only public employment information, but also private transactions and sales. Under the advanced information technology, although the existence of this kind of guild is also a form of communication, but in terms of transactions, It is like a regular vegetable market or ancient mercenary employment, but more like an offline mode of online shopping shopping. Double selection plus ** protection can ensure the safety of both parties to a certain extent, while also providing intermediate Party services to ensure timely payment of remuneration.

When he heard this, Su Chen thought that the crystal cluster had a disease, and planned to run as a mercenary, but Su Chen was obviously wrong.

That was what the crystal cluster said at the time. Its ruby ​​eyes gleamed with a cunning light, and said: "As mercenaries, are we all right? Of course it's impossible. It's not good to show up. The vast majority of those who do this are those struggling with food and clothing, especially we have no way out. Even if we become a mercenary, we cannot get any money-making tasks. Even if it is a money-making task, we may not be able to. Do it, so my plan is to rob and become a mercenary."

Su Chen was shocked at the time: "What do you mean?"

"Dahloron is a black market planet, and all kinds of transactions are indispensable. There are always valuable activities. We only need to know who is doing this kind of thing, and we can grab it with a knife. Anyway, I don’t care about this place. I bought it. What we want, the shotgun is changed into the starry sky, and no one can find us." With a grimace on the corner of the crystal cluster’s mouth, he said, "Dahloron said it was a black market planet, but I said, Of course, there are great civilizations in this kind of place, but most of them are trash fish. Even if it is a great civilization, there is nothing here for me. With my technology, I can guarantee that any information on Dahloron is good for me. They are all undefended. As long as I have time and equipment, I can monitor the world. Finding a suitable target is not a problem."

Su Chen frowned: "I understand the time, the equipment..."



In the gloomy alley, the crystal cluster's eyes were falling on Su Chen, and said, "Su Chen, it's up to you. The Federal Fleet can't get out what I want. You sell your ones first. Tattered, help me fix the monitoring equipment."

Su Chen’s face turned black, and he was digging out his own magic-modified power bank and the like. The crystal clusters of these things are not good enough, and they are called "a bit magical tattered", but according to the statement of the crystal clusters, There is still a little market for these things in low-level species.

"You are a very evil way of transforming items. Although I don't like the things you transform, the transformation itself is incredible and unbelievable. Just this point can fool you and don't know how many big idiots."

Zhong Liang and Lin Mo behind only knew all of their plans at this time, and they couldn't help being stunned.

The serious landing operation of Dahloron turned into a street stall operation?

Especially Zhong Liang. Before he came, Tang Hao Bobo said hello to him. Mr. Su, Mr. Lin and the first ten people are all big figures and also ruthless characters. This time I’m afraid it’s extremely dangerous to reach Luolong. Good preparation for sacrifice, but even if it is sacrifice, it will be a glorious and infinite dream.


Zhong Liang looked at Mr. Su who was expressionless and carrying a large bag of things and walked out~lightnovelpub.net~ He also looked at Mr. Lin who decided to follow up after "deliberation", and with a look of disdain from beginning to end. But still insisting on setting up a stall, the Ten Lianren cluster...

What the **** is this!

Zhong Liang thought for a while, but could only follow it out silently.

Stalls can’t be set up casually. Su Chen had obtained relevant information from the Diluo people before he came. Dah Lorong has the largest market, similar to a human’s stall market, which is a market along Daluo. The huge transaction corridor established by the Super Rift Valley of Long Planet extends for thousands of meters, but there is no need for people to show their faces. There is a set of semi-automated processes for uploading items and transactions. You don’t need to set up a stall, you only need to upload your own things to its trading system, and then you just need to wait, and such a place can exist, and it is also guaranteed and maintained by the joint organization of Dahloron. Can't get out of relationship.

That place, the name translated by the Federation is——

Candle dragon.

