I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 50: Hidden Murder

Zhuoken yellow sand filled the sky.

Without the protection of the atmosphere, and the distance from the sun is quite long, the temperature of this hemisphere with light is also very low during the sunshine period. The yellow sand and low temperature constitute a peculiar space look.

But Su Chen could hardly feel the temperature change. The Scarlet Armor could construct a relatively independent space layer for his body, which was not only on the dark energy level.

The five-meter-high robot was walking away with heavy steps, and the yellow sand concealed its figure.

Su Chen also began to rise.

Qixing is waiting for him in the orbit of this planet. The absence of an atmosphere means that Su Chen will have no obstacles when he travels between space and the ground.

Su Chen boarded the Magic Kaixing Spacecraft. In the Kaixing Spacecraft, the crystal cluster was still magnifying the information attacking spacecraft on the ground and staring at its dynamics.

Su Chen just came up, and the crystal cluster said: "There is no problem with the information, but I suggest that we better follow it out of Nojaf. There are many means in the starry sky, and their levels are relatively high, and your spacecraft is too bad. Many things cannot be verified, nor can we determine whether there is any potential danger. We can only follow it, and if there is an accident, we can take the original stone back to avoid loss."

This is not the first time this guy has criticized Su Chen’s spacecraft. Su Chen has nothing to refute. You must know that in the Ground Age, during the period of Galefa 26, his Demon Reformation Star was the top of the Federation. It's a great spacecraft, but when it reaches the starry sky, the Magic Kaiqi Asterisk is really only broken in speed.

In the universe, this cluster of crystals has more experience than himself, and Su Chen is not Bai Feng, and he feels reasonable and would not say anything, so they stayed in the sky.

For a long time, the flat spacecraft on the ground did not move, and the dual convenience seemed to be in a stalemate.

After about twenty minutes, the flat spacecraft of the information attacker on the ground suddenly moved. It rose vertically from the ground, as if it didn’t even care about the magic star staring at it, and quickly Flew away in one direction.

The cluster of crystals did not hesitate, and immediately drove the spaceship to follow.

The hardware of Mogai Kaixing is very tattered. When it is thrown into the stars, it can hardly detect anything except for those of the Federal Fleet level or voluntarily ran out. Only the speed is fast enough to bite the ship's information. The spacecraft of the attacking party.

According to the plan of that cluster, if there is no problem, they can be separated from outside the star system. If it is an experienced starry sky civilization, they will surely complete this journey safely and vigilantly with each other, provided that both parties in the transaction do not have any other thoughts.

But the situation changed a little. The flat spacecraft did not take the shortest route, but made a circle, passing through a meteorite belt on the edge of the Novjav star system.

Seeing this, the crystal cluster accelerated again and immediately said, "Su Chen, I'm afraid something is wrong."

Su Chen's face also darkened, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he watched this crystal cluster drive the Magic Kaixing swiftly forward, and the flat spaceship following the other side plunged into the meteorite belt, just entering They were instantly attacked on the meteorite belt. A giant meteorite crashed and shattered, and a silver spaceship concealed in it whizzed out, with heavy artillery fired, and launched an attack on the nearby Mogai Kaixing.

The structure of the silver spacecraft is similar to that of a flat spacecraft, but it is much larger, almost the size of a federal light assault ship. Compared with the confederation’s broken spacecraft, it is full of cutting-edge materials and technology. The exquisite sense of the spacecraft, the outer armor plate of the spacecraft has a large number of movable built-in beam energy turrets, and in an instant, there are more than 27 turrets that fired at Su Chen's Mogai Kaixing.

And the worst thing is that even if it has been revealed within easy reach, Su Chen's Moga Kaixing radar did not mark this spacecraft.

In the face of the crisis, Su Chen first saw a touch of shame.

Limited by the modification of the item itself, although the power of magic modification is strong, there are times when the created items are not so good to see.

Lin Mo and the crystal cluster had already reacted together. The crystal cluster directly forcibly lowered the height of the magic star, and almost collided with a meteorite the size of a football field. Passing by, the blow of the large branch was blocked by the meteorite. The huge meteorite was fragmented by bombardment in space, and the fish that slipped through the net were deflected and guided away by Lin Mo with the help of space power.

It was because of the magical Kaixing that had entered the meteorite belt, it accelerated madly at this moment, ignoring the dense surrounding meteorites, and forcibly chasing the flat spaceship ahead with extremely thrilling flight movements.

Behind them, another silver spacecraft smashed through the meteorites along the way, killing them diagonally at high speed.

The expressions of Su Chen and the crystal cluster did not change much.

Although the attack was not planned, it was also expected.

Fair trade, the possibility of a peaceful departure is inherently very low. Others have the ability to make you both financially and financially empty. There is nothing unreasonable in choosing to do so, and there is no reason to be reasonable. The chaos of the chaotic star field lies here.

Whatever you want to do, and what you think is beneficial to you, you can do whatever you want. Different civilizations do not need faith and morality.

The information attacker obviously has made multiple plans. There are two spaceships here. There are probably more ambushes in the Nojaf star system outside. For the Federal Fleet, it is impossible for any other spacecraft to come here except for the drop-shaped spacecraft. It is normal that the spacecraft of the information attacking party cannot find the ambush. The technological gap can only be made up by technology, and Su Chen's dark energy perception can't spread to the entire universe.

In this situation, it would be unprofitable to withdraw from the meteorite belt, so I just chased it all the way.

Su Chen and the crystal cluster are not good men and believers. Since the UU reading www.uukanshu.com failed to make a deal, the information attacker wanted Yuan Chushi and didn’t want Su Chen and the others to take away the two technologies they had gotten alive, so Su Chen also It is impossible to pass the original stone to others.

Technology, baby, Su Chen also wants it all.

The meteorite belt on the edge of the Novjav star system is setting off a "huge wave". Two silver spacecraft rammed sideways, gunfire blasted, and chased the small Mogai Kaixing, and the natural meteorite belt environment was small but high-speed. Mogai Kaixing provided space to move, coupled with Lin Mo’s power to escort, Kaixing is not as good as other large spaceships, but it is extremely fast. The flat spaceship that just disappeared from the field of vision appeared in the blink of an eye. Su Chen's vision.

The flat spacecraft is sinking, about to pass through the meteorite belt, and fly into a blank space directly below the meteorite belt!

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