I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v4 Chapter 96: Old priest

The Chiron’s sanctuary is extremely tall, the high arched dome is more than 40 meters above the ground, and complex patterns are carved on it. When you look up, it is as if you are looking up at the colorful sky.

The ground is paved with a material similar to marble, it is not stained, smooth and tidy like a mirror surface.

And in this whole temple, except for those complicated patterns painted with colors, everything is white, just like the sense organs outside the temple.

Pure and white, sacred and magnificent.

The inextricable rays of light hung down from the inconspicuous light-transmitting openings of the dome of the temple, refracted by some hidden mirrors, and the brightness was not high, but it was enough to bathe the whole temple in a haze. If it is a normal season, The day of the main hall should be warm golden, and when night comes, it will be bathed in the dim white moonlight.

But at this moment, the color of the entire Chiron planet has been destroyed and smeared into a shocking crimson, and the light that penetrates the temple has also turned into a crimson color, shining here, smearing the end of the temple. Bleak.

In the center of the temple stood an old Chiron.

It is seven meters tall and wears noble clothing similar to a divine gun, covering its body that looks terrifying to humans. It holds a scepter in its hand and faces Su Chen, who has quickly entered here, with its back looking up. The idol in front.

In the center of the main hall of the temple, there should be worship.

But there is only one huge boulder there.

The boulder has only been roughly carved, and it can be seen faintly that it seems to be trying to create the appearance of a creature, but I don’t know why it has not been completed. It is placed in this meticulous white temple in such a rough posture. Revealing a rough ore that is out of place.

That is the "god" worshipped by the Chiron people.

The outside world is rumbling, and even the temple can feel the tremor, but here, you can feel a kind of peace that seems to be detached from the world.

"Long, long ago.

"We are just an uncivilized ignorant race."

Su Chen was looking for a place where there might be so-called coordinates, but he didn't expect that the old Chiron would even speak. The other party didn't seem to care if Su Chen could understand it. He spoke the language of the Chiron, it was like saying to himself. Talking to himself, the voice drifted in the white temple, with a certain fascinating magnetism.

Su Chen came all the way. It’s not that I didn’t think about asking from the Chiron population, but that’s impossible. No Chiron would take the initiative to confide where they are guarding things. Most Chiron people only know when they see Su Chen. Attack and attack again. After several times like this, Su Chen no longer wastes time on the Chiron. If there is that time, it is better to look for it, but there is no gain.

Although this temple is magnificent, there is almost nothing modern, it is completely ancient construction, and everything from lighting to daily necessities is extremely primitive.

Although the level of science and technology of the Chirons themselves is not high, they are obviously not primitive to this level. I am afraid that this arrangement is also intentional.

But in this case, Su Chen couldn't find the location of the coordinates. Su Chen had a headache: Wouldn't it be crazy if the coordinates were even written on some parchment scroll?

He was still unable to disperse the fighting power of his fourth caste. The empire’s fleet was not a peer, nor was it the situation of the space encounter at that time. Su Chen dared to show the fighting power of the fourth caste, and his "treatment" in the empire was immediately. It's different, and once it is discovered that he is the goal of the empire, the "treatment" will be taken to a higher level, purely asking for trouble. Therefore, it is a last resort to disperse the fighting power of the fourth caste.

As soon as the Chiron priest spoke, Su Chen immediately tried to communicate, directly using the dark energy to fluctuate: "Where are the coordinates that the empire wants? You will definitely lose today. If you don’t want that thing to fall into the hands of the empire, just give it to you. I, I am sure to take it away."

After Su Chen's words fell, the priest over there still seemed to be immersed in his own world, and slowly said in that distant tone: "We are weak, ignorant, and even fascinated by the life of raging and drinking blood.

"until one day.

"We were invaded.

"The shadow that obscured the sky and sun swallowed our planet. At that time, we should have died under the shadow of the starry sky like most uncivilized ignorant civilizations in this world.

"But the gods are here."

Its tall body is slowly turning its head, looking at Su Chen here.

Su Chen, who had had no choice but to give up, suddenly stopped.

Through the power of the fourth caste, he felt it in an instant--

This Chiron understood what he was talking about, and what he was talking about now was for himself.

The noise outside became louder and louder, and even began to approach the temple.

Su Chen took a deep breath, hesitated for a moment, and moved back: "The situation is terrible now. The empires can come here at any time. Although I don't know what the coordinates are, I can assure you. , I am also the enemy of the Tandan people, you give it to me, I at least will not let the things you guard fall into the hands of the Tandan people. So, don’t waste time talking nonsense."

The old Chiron seemed to have not listened to Su Chen's words at all, or it was really too old, too old to realize the urgency of the current situation, and it still used the same language as telling a story. Quickly, slowly said: "We have passed on the grand scene of that day from generation to generation, word of mouth.

"The gods came on the Sogo, and the shadow of the whole world was dispelled from it.

"And the gods point the way for our ignorant race.

"He told us that we are born dark creatures and the darlings of the universe.

"He brought us rain and dew and blessing.

"Bring knowledge and the future.

"Let us have the ability to control our own destiny in the face of the shadows.

"And we, in return for everlasting sincerity."

The old Chiron is slowly turning around and handing over the scepter in his hand to Su Chen. Its old and muddy eyes suddenly burned with light, and it looked far to the northwest: "Human, I don't know where you came from. Come, I don’t know what you have to do with our gods, but...

"Please take it away.

"Please protect it from falling into the shadows as you said.

"Please follow the meaning given to you by the pure dark energy flowing through you and stick to today's promise.

"The people of Chiron will always remember your kindness."

The figure of the black warrior has appeared outside the temple.

The huge mecha guards a small mecha moving at high speed.

Su Chen looked at the scepter that was almost indistinguishable from an ordinary wooden cane, and it was almost impossible to believe that this was the so-called coordinate that countless people were crazy about.

What made him even more surprised was the words the old Chiron had just said.

But Su Chen could perceive the other party's emotions~lightnovelpub.net~ This is a mediocre scepter, it is indeed a coordinate.

"But this..." Su Chen couldn't help asking.

However... the other party is no longer ready to answer.

The sound of heavy hoofs sounded, and the old Chiron was walking. After crossing the resultant scepter, Su Chen was a little dazed. The flame in his eyes became more and more blazing, his rickety chest straightened a little bit, and it was soaring. Rising up, facing the powerful enemies that came in one after another, a battle roar resounded through the temple.

"God Enlightenment!!!"

The terrifying breath of the fifth caste burst out in the field.



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