I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v5 Chapter 137: star map

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Shen Yue has many mothers, but there is only one true "mother".

That is the mother of the original.

When Su Chen heard this, she changed her color: "You mean..."

"I'm afraid we have to return to the Tandan's experimental field." Shen Yue's eyes circled around, and finally fell on Lin Mo, "Go back to the ruined castle buried deep underground."

Among those present, she and Lin Mo were the only ones who had stayed there.

It was an old castle hidden deep in the mountain under the dry woods in a weird world.

That is the castle of the original mother.

Here he was subjected to cruel and inhumane experiments, thus he was divided into seven, and seven children were born.

After that, his world was swallowed by the strange world evil **** "Uto", his old palace was completely abandoned, and he was buried in the ground of the absurd world forever.

"Some of the facilities there can still be used, and the altar is one of them." Shen Yue said, "That is the last treasure our mother left us."

At this point, Shen Yue paused slightly, and her tone became a little sarcasm: "Of course, that was actually prepared for one day when the seven children he split into could unite and resurrect him. But now, that It will never be possible."

Shen Yue's feelings for the mother of the original are very strange.

On the one hand, she has admitted that He is her mother with a certain amount of gratitude in her heart; but on the other hand, she is full of mockery and unclear resentment towards the original mother.

Fortunately, she quickly adjusted her state, raised her head again, and turned her gaze to Su Chen and Lin Mo.

The information she can give has been given, and the rest is not for her to decide.

Su Chen looked at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo was slowly shaking his head.

Bai Feng slapped his palm and said, "This is feasible-now the Tandan people are being beaten by the condensed people, and there is no one guarding the light-year test field. At most, there are some automatic robots and spacecraft. If this is the case before We may still have a threat, but now, there is no threat at all. We can look for the altar and the castle."

Lu Anbang remained silent.

This is not the time for him to speak.

As for Donald, his expression was a little frightened, and the expression in his eyes seemed to say: I am not going, don't take me.

As a human being escaping from the Tandan’s experimental field, Donald felt a kind of fear there. When he came to the depths of the unknown starry sky, he felt nothing, but when he heard that he was going to return to that land, his heart They all began to tremble uncomfortably.

Lin Mo said: "I, I don't recommend this. The light-year experiment field of the Tandan people is too large. Even if they are being beaten by the Condensed people, they don’t have the time and energy to manage and guard the light-years. The experimental field, but with their technology and attention to this experiment, it is impossible to leave nothing. The remaining defensive facilities... can we really fight it?

"A lean camel is bigger than a horse. The gap between the Tandan and us is too big, and there are also all kinds of monsters. Although they were once humans, many have been transformed into human beings. Not a ghost, this is another threat.

"The most important thing is that the experimental field of the Tandan people is so huge, how can we easily find the planet ruled by the weird world?"

Su Chen looked at Shen Yue.

Shen Yue shook her head helplessly: "The coordinates are in my sister's heart. She will guide me and I will open up the door of space. As long as I change the position of the coordinates, it is impossible for me to find a direct path."

Su Chen frowned upon hearing this.

What Lin Mo said were mostly excuses. He was worried that Su Chen and others would take risks for him. Su Chen didn't care, but only one thing was true-they couldn't find the planet in the weird world.

The Tandan people's experimental field is very large, and the number of planets is uncountable. Even if they can make a leap, looking for the past one by one is just trying their luck.

What's more, in that experimental field, there will surely be the back-hands left by the Tandan people. Those back-hands in a single planet will not have much impact on Su Chen and the others, but they can never have a single planet. The past of the planet.

Fight while looking.

That is impossible.

If they can't directly locate the planet where the strange world is located, then it is impossible for them to find the altar of the original mother now.

We can only wait for the Federation to start recovering the Lightyear Proving Ground.

But it is also possible that the planet where the strange world is located cannot be located. The reason is also very simple. Xiao Ping and his plan Su Chen have seen that within the first batch of 100 years, only a part of the planet will be recovered. Because the Tandan's experimental field is still too big, the Federation is not so powerful that it can swallow it in one bite, even if it is Rokiah civilization.

With a starry sky experimental base of that scale, looking at the entire chaotic star field, there are not many civilizations that can eat it all at once.

And what if the weird world planet is not included in the Hundred Year Recovery Plan?

At this point, things seem to have become a question of probability and luck.

At this moment, someone in the corner suddenly raised his hand and said, "Maybe, I have a way."

Everyone turned their heads.

The person raising her hand is Joanna.

The ghost rider said with some uncertainty: "There is a star map in our kingdom, which marks the dwellings of the gods. Because the Tandan people encouraged the outbreak of wars and wanted to help the gods go further, so many gods and kingdoms There is something similar. It is not a full map of the experimental site, but it can roughly mark the location of other gods.

"If I remember correctly, that picture...should be in Galefa 26."

As soon as he said this, Su Chen's eyes lit up slightly.

The strange world is really the residence of the evil **** "Uto".

If you find that star map, you can undoubtedly locate that planet directly.

Galefa 26 can be found by them. From the escape to the present, the star maps that the Federation has traveled through have long been stored in the Federation's database as a precious resource.

Among them, ~lightnovelpub.net~ has a route to escape from the test site from Galefa 26. Now, you only need to go back and find Galefa 26.

Su Chen's gaze swept across everyone.

Whether Bai Feng or Lu Anbang, they are nodding their heads.

They all think this plan is feasible.

Until Lin Mo.

Lin Mo shook his head and said, "I refuse, I don't agree."

"Your refusal has been rejected. Let's do another two hours of disguised sailing. We will first return to Galefa No. 1 and get ready to go directly to the Tandan's testing ground!" Su Chen stood up.

Everyone became busy.

Lin Mo watched such a scene, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, it's just that there was some kind of light flashing in his eyes.

