I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v5 Chapter 167: I want to do it myself!

, The fastest update of the latest chapters of I can magic black technology!

The goal of Sisi's action is to rescue a group of survivors trapped on the top of a mountain.

It was once the location of a fort on the ground part of the planetary defense system of the administrative star D-08. It was also because the fort was guarded that these survivors were able to support it until now.

But they are also at stake.

The location of these survivors was surrounded by the mother's nest of the Zerg. The dense swarms of insects attacked them non-stop every day, and the survivors' defense line was already shaky.

This is the most dangerous and urgent group of survivors on the entire planet, so Sisi personally went out and led people to rescue here.

Before entering the planet's atmosphere, the aircraft that Seth was riding in quickly moved in this direction.

In the planetary battlefield, the combat power of the fourth caste is absolute. Anyone who dared to approach Saixi along the air swarms would almost always be directly beheaded without the shield of their aircraft.

A large number of flying insect swarms fell from the sky in pieces like dumplings. Their flying machines were unimpeded, passing by huge nests that towered like chimneys, and their destination appeared in Sisi’s vision. .

The mountaintop fort was working frantically, the intensive firepower was venting wildly, while a large number of insect swarms charged along the mountain road, densely covered with mountains up and down, such a frightening scene, enough to scare the densely feared patients.

What's worth noting is that the flag here is not known when it has been changed from the Empire flag to the Federation flag, and it is swaying in the wind.

In the watch out channel, requests for help are basically from the Federation.

It makes sense to save this planet.

On the one hand, it is necessary to completely eliminate the erosion of the federal territory by the alien civilization; on the other hand, it is necessary to tell all the former empires in the current federal territory that the Federation treats everyone well and will not abandon any planet or anyone.

At this stage, the Federation has done quite well in building momentum. In a short period of time, it has obtained a large amount of support from four star systems and more than 30 administrative stars. Now it only needs to be supplemented by practical actions. The Federation brings greater stability.

This is the true meaning of this battle.

Of course, Sisi probably understands this, but on the battlefield, he didn't think so much, he just wanted to save people.

It is his responsibility and obligation to complete the task and save the civilians, and it is also a thing that can make people feel happy.

Before the aircraft reached the top of the mountain, Seti took the lead in flying out of the aircraft.

The aircraft is going to welcome and calm the survivors, and his role is to solve the insect swarm.

Therefore, Seti is like a falling meteor, crashing into the dense sea-like insect swarm that hit the mountain.

The loud noise was earth-shaking.

Like a comet hitting the earth, accompanied by a thunderous roar, with Saixi as the center, the surrounding Zerg species fell like wheat.

As far as he can see, there is death everywhere.

These zergs are nothing more than ordinary worms in front of the fourth caste.

Saixi is rising up like a star.

On the top of the mountain behind, the survivors saw this scene, excitedly erupted like a mountain whistling a tsunami.

They are finally saved!

And Sisi didn't look at them, he was staring at the insect swarm.

It seemed to be a real death gaze, where his dark energy perceives, and dark energy absolutely controls where it covers, everything is dead.

In this small space, the swarms of insects died densely.

However, the Swarm is different from any creature that Sisi saw. In the face of this situation, they still succeeded in succession, and even took the initiative to attack his fourth caste in the absolute control area, fearless and not afraid of death.

As if they were able to drown the fourth caste with human tactics.

But that is impossible.

For the fourth caste, slaughtering ordinary creatures in a world of absolute control is almost effortless. As many insect swarms as hundreds of thousands or millions come, Sisi can also kill them.

Seeing this scene, Sisi even gave birth to a certain kind of sorrow.

During the fleeing war, their saviors even adopted the same tactics as these insect swarms. The hordes of saviors rushed into the absolute control area of ​​the fourth caste regardless of their lives, and wanted to rush in a life-saving way. In the past, but they were greeted by deaths.

However, they were lucky at that time.

The saviors are all gifted, and Saixi holds the secret treasure, can fight, and finally even successfully defeated the fourth caste, but these insect swarms are simply...

Sisi's thoughts suddenly stopped.

His gaze condensed suddenly, the dark perception condensed into a line, his gaze downwards, looking somewhere on the battlefield.

Among the corpses of the corpse of the corpse of the blood sea of ​​worms, I don't know when a figure appeared.

It is a body of steel.

Its whole body is covered with jet black armor, which gives people an extremely heavy and depressed feeling. It holds a high-frequency wave in both hands, and the laser collimation rays of the shoulder cannon are falling on Saixi's body, and it is bowing. He got up, raised his head slightly, facing Saixi with his cold visor.

On the right shoulder of its steel body, a marking was sprayed with yellow paint.


It stands in the absolute control of Sisi, but is not affected by any influence, like an iron mountain, standing firm in the gale of dark energy.

But it seemed to appear suddenly, and when it was discovered, it was already there.

Maybe, it has always been there, but only at this moment was discovered by myself.

Saixi's expression became extremely serious.

He felt an extremely dangerous breath from this thing that made him extremely uncomfortable.

It is by no means part of the Zerg.

Where does it come from?

Who is that?

Saixi was in the sky, and the body of steel stood on the ground of the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses.

The center of blood and death.

The confrontation between biology and steel.



at the same time.

Empire, capital star.

In Xingming Palace, the emperor was alarmed by the latest news from the front.

At this time, it was the night of Capital Star. The emperor ran out without even wearing his clothes, and got the latest situation from the Bassalom area~lightnovelpub.net~ There was a cold light in his eyes.

The message is extremely simple, only one sentence.

[Uto has initiated contact with Bassalom to hide the original life. 】

The emperor stared at such a simple sentence for a long time, then raised his head and began to give a series of orders.

"Now give an order to summon the two apocalyptic knights Qiangwei and Zulong...

"The mission to pray for the spirit palace to return to the capital star...

"Imperial's new first and third armies are prepared for operation...

"Send an emergency message to Su Chen and the Federation...

"Send an emergency message to the dead ship...

"Prepare for me, I want to go to the court!"

