I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v5 Chapter 17: warm home

Dark city, in the forest of buildings.

The Demon Changed Star is shuttled.

Lu Anbang came to the position against the wall and looked outside along the porthole.

The dozen or so angry imperial warriors who took the speedboat in the landing were swept away in a flash, and hovered down from the sky with the airship.

It was Saixi's move, and the power of the fourth caste swept lightly, and they were like leaves flying in the wind, and they were slanted and defeated.

But Sixi didn't kill him because of a mentality he didn't know clearly.

Perhaps it was because he saw more slaughter of the fourth caste opponents without the power of the chicken.

This was the first and last line of defense they faced after entering the star planet, the capital of the dignified empire.

Going further down, within the empire, before the Kaixing, there is no effective resistance force.

The surrounding city was bleak, and when the Qixing passed by, one could faintly see the frightened and uneasy faces in the buildings whose lights were extinguished.

There are more than 5 billion people in the capital planet planet, dense high-rise buildings all over the planet, and the vast majority of people in it have nothing to do with this war, and are real civilians who have been affected.

It's like countless ordinary people who died in the battle of Tokyo.

However, these people in Capital Star are fortunate. The war is currently only concentrated in the royal quarter. Although the warlords of all sides are aggressive, the war has spread too far.

In other locations of Capital Star, it is even as dead and dark as a tomb.

Qixing travels through the city, although it is not as fast as space navigation, but it is also extremely fast.

Although they went around in a circle, they didn't waste too much time.

However, when the monstrous flames of the royal family could be seen from a distance, the crystal cluster took the lead to stop and dock the Qixing in the shadow of a corner.

The crystal cluster turned his head and said, "Going forward, we will become the target of those planetary weapon systems again. No matter how chaotic the battle is, they will not be able to avoid their automatic pursuit. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, you may have to walk forward. "

Bai Feng opened his mouth exaggeratedly: "Oh! You guys! Are you Jacques? Don't you plan to join us in an adventure?"

Everyone was at a loss at this stalk, only the crystal cluster understood it, and it stared at Bai Feng: "I am not a game guide. I want to stay and sit in the middle. Without rear support, how can I fight in front?"

"What you said makes sense." Bai Feng stretched out his hand, "I should stay too, but I don't mind being an NPC..."

As he said, he turned his head to look at Su Chen and the others, showing an awkward and polite smile.

Su Chen nodded.

When he thought about it, Bai Feng and the crystal cluster were the best choice to stay here, after all, neither of them had much effect on the frontal battlefield.

The real combat power is actually himself, Sethi Platinum and Lin Mo.

Su Chen looked at Lu Anbang who was standing on the side.

Lu Anbang is rare today. He is not drunk. He even tidied himself up surprisingly. The beard on his face disappeared. Aside from his slightly blessed body, he didn't look at it. His slashing face even had a mature middle-aged man. Different kind of charm.

In Bai Feng's words-this guy seems to have changed himself, from a bug in the sewer to a centipede on the ground.

In short, there are very few good words from Bai Feng's mouth.

Lu Anbang turned his head and glanced at the burning palace area in the distance, his expression was a bit complicated, he said, "I won't go there, I want...I want... go home and see."

The last few words he said were a bit difficult.

He deliberately didn't drink or even dress up, so formal, in order to come home to see his wife and children.

Seeing the joy of the collapse of the empire, it might not be as good for him to go home and take a look.

Su Chen glanced at him silently, did not say anything, nodded slowly, and was the first to walk out of the hatch of Qixing.

Saixi followed closely, and Lin Mo paused slightly beside Lu Anbang when he left, stretched out his hand, patted him on the shoulder, and jumped out of the car.

Lu Anbang was the last to leave and glanced at Su Chen and others who quickly disappeared at the end of the street and headed for the palace area. He put on his hood and went in the opposite direction.

Although he arranged his family in Capital Star, it was not the best location.

This is the first time he has returned to the homeland of the imperial capital star in these years. The streets and everything here seem to have not changed, and they clearly overlap with the world in Lu Anbang's memory.

His home is on the side of a suspended viaduct, on a high level.

If he appeared here in normal times, he would be caught by cameras everywhere on the street, his identity would be revealed immediately, and he would be caught in chase from all sides.

But today, no one is even on the street.

Lu Anbang returned to his home first.

He actually didn't have much hope for this place, because so many years have passed, and the place where the capital has a lot of money may have changed its appearance or even changed other people a long time ago.

But no new owner came in the room.

The fingerprint lock on the door even belonged to Lu Anbang.

And everything in the chaotic small two rooms and one hall less than one hundred meters before was restored to its original state, neat and tidy as it was when the hostess was at home.

Everything returned to its original place, and the room was spotless.

The family portrait on the dinner table was also put back in place and replaced with a new glass photo frame.

The male host in the photo holds the child and his wife, and smiles at the camera with infinite happiness.

In such an advanced era, there are actually very few such paper photos. Electronic photos are no longer the mainstream. People can even interact with past influences through virtual reality, while advanced communication technology can completely realize endless light years. Interaction and dialogue.

Seeing such a home intact as before, Lu Anbang took the family portrait and began to tremble slightly. He had some unrealistic fantasy and stumbled out of his home~lightnovelpub.net~ rushed to the street and ran towards the cemetery around the city. .

It was the place where his parents, wife and children were buried.

Through his remaining relationship in the empire, Lu Anbang knew the location of this place many years ago, but he only arrived here today and found a row of tombstones in the most inconspicuous corner.

The above are all his familiar names.

The man made no sound anymore. He sat on the ground and hugged the long and narrow stone stele, as if he could feel the temperature many years ago, but the memory flew far, far ago.

His wife rubbed the child's head with the paper family portrait, and smiled and said to herself: "Look, even if you are light years away, we will eat together as a family."

The fine raindrops fell in the sky, thunder thundered through the clouds, and the sky was shattered frantically in the war-torn royal quarter.

The Millennium Empire is welcoming its last night.

