I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v5 Chapter 49: Galaxy Picture Scroll!

The halberd whizzed out.

Su Chen didn't move at all, still maintaining his original posture, as if he hadn't noticed the threat of death at all.

He cannot move, and there is no need to move.

Because he knew very well that this blow could not hit him.

His dark energy perception has already been fully rolled out.

As a dark energy being purely self-cultivating, the biggest difference between Su Chen and the apocalyptic knight lies in dark energy perception.

His dark energy perception had already told him that with this blow, it was impossible for this secondary primordial being to hit.

Because there was a person who had already appeared on Su Chen's side, reaching out to block the attack of that secondary state original life.

The sub-prime life was also aware of it, and the halberd was picked up at the last moment, and it backhanded at the second figure that suddenly appeared next to it.

Its fist was surrounded by crimson light, carrying incomparable terrifying power, and the surrounding space was even distorted.

But this blow was blocked in front of it.

The other fist stood in front of it.

The silver armor flows.

Knight of the Apocalypse-Rose.

Appeared on the side of Su Chen.

"Guan Ling?!" Rowan, who was already a little desperate, yelled in surprise, but he changed his color immediately, "Wait, no, who are you?!!!"

Rowan’s surprise was not groundless. Although this apocalyptic weapon was a rose, the dark energy characteristics of this apocalyptic weapon were completely different from when Guan Ling used it.

The characteristics of dark energy that can be displayed by the Apocalypse Arms are closely related to the users. Different users using the same Apocalypse Arms may have completely different or even completely opposite characteristics.

And the most important thing is that the "Rose" standing here, fluctuating and surging, is the frightening peak of the seventh caste.

Even if half of the built-in assistance systems of the Rose Arms have failed, the high degree of compatibility of this equipment with the driver and the countless experience accumulated years ago still allow him to maintain a super strong state of use!

Su Chen whispered the incredible name: "Lu Anbang."

That's right.

At this moment, it is Lu Anbang who is standing here.

The proud son of the Guan family has been placed in the corner of the ruins by him, and now it is Lu Anbang who uses this suit.

"Blessing lies in the blessing, and the blessing lies in the misfortune." Lu Anbang slowly raised his head, his voice was thick and hoarse, he did not look at Su Chen behind his back, his eyes locked on the subprime life in front of him, but his tone appeared Somewhat frivolous, "As I said, we are all rubbish.

"People with despair come together, full of remorse for the past, but still have a little selfish hope for tomorrow.

"We are an alliance of waste.

"How can I watch such a rare alliance fall apart?!"

The corner of Su Chen's mouth slowly raised an arc.

But he didn't say anything, his eyes and arrows still pointed to the sky, but his figure became more stable.

Because he will have no worries.

At the moment when the middle-aged man's voice fell, the light stretched from behind Lu Anbang to the sides, and brilliant flashes appeared in the space like stars.

It is as if a starry sky scroll unfolds behind Lu Anbang, which is tens of meters long, but in this starry sky scroll, there are only dazzling stars.

The horizontal stars in the scroll were brewing a horrible atmosphere, which turned into a rain of light and came out of the scroll at the moment of forming.

Intensive blows took shape overnight, hitting the sub-primitive beings that were close at hand.

Knock its body into the air like a cannonball, and blast it under the ground along with billowing smoke and explosions!

Lu Anbang's figure is rising from the ground, his eyes are cold, and a larger picture is unfolding behind him.

The entire sky of Capital Star was shrouded in his world at that moment.

The stars rolled back, and the orange-red sky turned into a brilliant galaxy, and in this galaxy, there were only countless rising and falling stars.

It was an unknown super star cluster, which was spread across the entire capital star sky in this way at this moment.

He draws strength from these stars, turns into a steady stream of blows, and shoots them from the air.

This is Xinghe's anger.

The entire ground battlefield of Capital Star will tremble with this power.

This is the ability from the battlefield.

It is the dark energy trait possessed by soldiers guarding the frontiers of the empire for more than ten years, and now it is presented on the battlefield with the power of the Apocalypse Armed Forces.

That is a force that the signs of the sky cannot match.

The seventh caste peak.

On the battlefield of the Palace District, Bai Feng was the most excited among the Qixing. He pulled the crystal cluster: "Look, Super Saiyan is here! The clown is acting, the master is wandering, I said, look at the waste Chai has the best talent."

The crystal cluster was originally analyzing how Lu Anbang’s dark energy characteristic mode is connected to the supercluster and the current state of the secondary state of the original life. Hearing this interrupted his thoughts and algorithms directly, and said silently: "You When did you say something similar?"

And in Xingming Palace.

The emperor had left the underground where he was hiding and came to the edge of Xingming Palace, but standing in front of the palace, watching the galaxy across Tianye, his steps slowly retreated into the Xingming Palace. In the shadow of the front, in the dim light, it seems to be faintly visible, and there is a dark gold on his body that is fading like running water.

In the depths of the palace, a long sigh came.

It seems that even the emperor did not expect that at this moment, it would be that person who made the shot.

Lying in the corner of the battlefield, Guan Ling was being carried into a military vehicle by emergency rescuers. On the swaying stretcher, she squinted at the galaxy, her pupils reflected the flash of light, and her eyes were blurred, like Dreams are like illusions, and even a sense of relief.

And in every corner of the imperial capital star, starships and spacecraft, battlefields in the palace area, and civilians outside the palace area, they all saw this galaxy crisscrossing the sky, and people were excited.

Because that is the radiance of the apocalyptic knight.

That is the glory of the empire.

Today, the flag of the empire is shining above the sky.

All civilizations and all powerful enemies will tremble in front of the glory of this empire.

Lu Anbang seemed to also feel the enthusiasm and excitement from the empire, and he inexplicably glanced at the corner of the city.

——My parents, my wife, my children... Have you seen it? I am a knight of the apocalypse, I am a knight of the apocalypse, everyone cheers for me——

——Your son, husband, and father are not a waste——

——I can also do what I do——

——But I...I am only proud to have you——

——I hope you...... will not blame me——

In the sky ~lightnovelpub.net~ the power from the stars is responding to the call of the apocalypse knights one by one.

Every star in the starry sky picture scroll became unusually bright at that moment.

Rays of light flowed out from the scroll, like a galaxy falling from the sky, endless rain of light, hanging down to the ground.

Lu Anbang's gaze pointed to where the stars came.

And at that moment, that sub-prime life had just risen from the ground, and charged back like crazy.

It was a dazzling falling star that greeted it.

