I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v6 Chapter 1: Big evacuation

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"Jingling bell... Jingling bell!"

Su Chen slowly opened his eyes, reached out and fumbled on the head of the bed, and finally turned off the alarm clock.

He rolled over on the bed, covering his head, motionless.

The shimmer of the morning light projected in from the gap of the curtain, forming a long and narrow beam of light, falling on the corner of the quilt, reminding the time of the present.


After about a few seconds, Su Chenteng sat up from the bed, stepped out of bed, and hurriedly prepared to go to work.

However, he was still late.

Yuanliao is not a big city, but it is also very crowded in the morning, with children and office workers rushing to their destinations in a crowd.

Sometimes Su Chen would have such thoughts.

What is the point of doing this?

Do people come and go to work?

The modern reinforced concrete society seems to be blocking the possibility of a person.

Then Su Chen realized that this might just be a thought that he had come up with when he wanted to escape reality and didn't want to go to work.

Su Chen was scolded by the pot-bellied boss.

But Su Chen looked at him, but had many hallucinations.

The boss's face was full of blood falling in a pool of blood, and the tall buildings in the distance collapsed one after another, and the glass of the building fell like broken porcelain, and then was completely crushed and covered by the collapsed heavy building.

This hallucination lasted a whole day.

Until night falls.

Su Chen couldn't sleep until she fell asleep for a long time.

He had a long dream.

In that dream, he dreamed that Yuanliao had come to an extremely terrifying disaster, strange creatures wandering in the streets, and the evil **** cast a coveted look...

Everything is dead.

This dream is so clear, as if it were imprinted in memory.

Even the details are vivid.

Su Chen saw a piece of news while eating bread in the morning.

An old man over 70 blocked a car with his bare hands.

Su Chen almost blurted out: "Mu Wenshan!"

He remembers that person, remembers this news.

Su Chen suddenly realized that that dream might not be a dream in the true sense, but that he was reborn.

That is the memory of his previous life.

It's just that he can't remember where the end of the memory of the previous life is.

It is extremely painful not to know how I died.

But Su Chen remembered that he seemed to have become a person with superhuman ability like Mu Wenshan, and he seemed to be called a gifted person. In this case...maybe you don't have to worry too much...

After thinking about it again and again, Su Chen called the police.

Within five minutes, the police appeared at the door of Su Chen's house and took him away.

Sitting at the police station and waiting for the second hour, Su Chen began to wonder whether it was a wise move to call the police.

What if you will be sliced?

It wasn't until the third hour came that a group of people in black suits claiming to be the Federal Security Agency appeared and took them away with great importance. Su Chen felt that it seemed that there was nothing wrong with calling the police.

But taking it away was only from one small room to another. The whole city of Su Chen was wearing a dark headgear. He couldn't see anything but could only feel the slight shaking of the car under him.

He tried to talk to a few people in black suits around him, but no one spoke to him.

Su Chen could only pull a few stubborn stalks, which made the atmosphere even more embarrassing.

He frowned.

It seemed that someone had used these stalks, but he didn't know why, he couldn't remember who used the stalks.

I clearly feel that I can remember it with a little thought, but I just can't do it.

This feeling is as uncomfortable as sneezing and being held back.

So Su Chen was thinking about the answer to this question along the way.

Until he was locked in the small black room, a tall black silk beauty with a leg of one meter long appeared in front of him.

Su Chen immediately settled down and began to tell the story in his dreams seriously.

In other words, it was everything that happened in his previous life before he was reborn.

Yuanliao is blocked, unprecedented wars have begun, and the evil gods of the old days cast a huge shadow...

Speaking of the back, Su Chen was a little ashamed.

Because even he himself felt that these things he said didn't seem to be true.

Until the beautiful black silk woman showed a pensive color, she said: "Many of the situations you said can already be seen. The situation is likely to develop in the direction you said, and I must report to the superior."

So, the report supervisor Su Chen waited another five hours.

But these five hours are not boring.

He had a lunch in a special department.

Three dishes, one soup and drinks.

And the chatter accompanied by a tall beautiful woman in black silk.

Su Chen came to a conclusion—

Things you think are outrageous may seem normal to others.

For example, stuffing eel into the human body could only be thought of in human experiments many years ago. Now most people don't have this idea, but some people can think of it and have done it with great execution.

Su Chen began to feel that his thoughts had become outrageous.

I don't know why, the road ahead is uncertain, but Su Chen feels unprecedentedly relaxed, as if some burden has been unloaded, walking lightly as if to fly from the ground.

Five hours later, news came from the military and government officials.

They attach great importance to everything Su Chen said, and are willing to believe in the possibilities here.

Su Chen suddenly became an important person.

He moved from a small black room to a single-person large suite, and the black silk girl and a group of powerful security bureau personnel are always protected.

Then, Yuan Liao began to adopt a series of emergency policies.

On the one hand, send troops to Yuanliao from outside Yuanliao.

There are not many garrisons in Far Liao, with only one division plus some scattered troops. This lack of troops is also the reason for Yuan Liao's defeat in Su Chen's memory.

-Cthulhu uses the power of the stars to fight, you are just a division, how to fight this battle?

Even if it is put in the drama, it may not be able to make up how to play it.

Within two days of the Huaxia Region, the garrison in Yuanliao was expanded to five divisions, and a large number of air forces were deployed.

And then on the third day, the large evacuation of Yuanliao civilians began.


It's okay if you don't evacuate. Once you evacuate, it seems to have alarmed the evil god.

The Cthulhu, hiding in the dark and coveting it, seemed to realize that these humans had already begun to prepare, and had begun his terrifying disaster ahead of time.

Everything was as expected by Su Chen. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

Yuan Liao was locked in the space, and countless monsters flooded the streets.

And Su Chen also felt superpower and became a talented person.

It was in the gloomy night on the first day of the disaster.

His ability is overload.

He stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself.

There seemed to be another person in the mirror.

He was covered in blood, standing in a raging dust storm, his blood-colored armor was pierced, shaking like a tumbler, refusing to fall.

He suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Chen outside the mirror, his lips squirming, as if to say.

Why don't you wake up?