I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v6 Chapter 148: Negotiation

February 16th, the first year of the new federal calendar.

Books are long, and books are long.

Su Chen has been on vacation for nearly three months.

This is a period of leisure time that Su Chen has never had since his "rebirth".

During this period of time, Su Chen's side can almost be described as "nothing". After a mission with Joanna, Su Chen was also lacking in interest, and did not want to go out for a walk anymore. Find food every day, practice life in the dark energy realm, or play with An, or play games with Lin Mo.

And in this process, Su Chen certainly did not stop being vigilant about the Ring of Anowal and the Warden fleet.

The threat contained in the former seems to be gradually decreasing. Although Su Chen still can't enter the space of the Ring of Anwar, he can feel that the force that wants to break out of the Ring of Anwar is fading. This It may mean that Cracked Life has gradually chosen to give up after it has been "unbreakable for a long time".

The Ring of Anowal seems to be more reliable than Su Chen had imagined.

This made Su Chen a long sigh of relief.

The power of Life Cracking is the number one among all the lives that Su Chen has come into contact with so far. Even the current Bai Feng is not an opponent. If he really comes out, it will be in trouble.

The presence of the Warden fleet was even lower, and they seemed to have given up. Bassalom disappeared completely after the first battle and never appeared again.

As a result, Su Chen's pressure was even less.

Therefore, Su Chen's period of time can be said to be completely stagnant. Although he was practicing, he did not cultivate anything.

The breakthrough of caste rank, the higher the caste, the more it has nothing to do with pure effort.

Effort is necessary, but not absolutely useful.

Compared with Su Chen's leisure time, Bai Feng is busy.

He has been working hard to get acquainted with and adapt to his own power. Every time he made progress, he ran into the drop-shaped spacecraft and tried to see if he could awaken the crystal cluster that had been sleeping. But three months passed, still fail.

Bai Feng's grasp of his power was gradually getting better, but he still couldn't help the crystal cluster to wake up as expected.

Therefore, several problems related to the crystal cluster have not yet been resolved.

The semi-vegetable creatures and the plant world evil gods are still in a state of disappearance, but it is only a matter of time before they can be found. The federal search for the entire Galefa No. 1 is still in full swing, and it is expected that the pairing will be completed within a year. The investigation of all living beings and non-living things on the entire planet, at that time, even if their two realms are high, they will hide again, and they will eventually have nowhere to hide in the face of science and technology.

But where does the signal from the crystal cluster and the drop-shaped spacecraft lead to is a problem that has not been solved yet.

The piece of information intercepted by Bai Feng was sent to the federation, but with the federation’s existing technology, it was impossible to decipher it, even if it was not clear to the general idea, but to trace the source of the signal-the uninterrupted signal sent to the stars. In the endless depths of, under the macro-scale distance, it is almost idiotic to want to locate its end position.

Corresponding to these two deadlocks is the unprecedented development of the Federation.

The first is the expansion of the Federal Fleet.

Combining the technology provided by the Floris, the Empire, and the crystal cluster, the warships manufactured by the Federation can finally be regarded as real warships. Even if there is still a certain gap between the warships of the Empire and the warships of the Empire, the gap is very small in battle. A very small part.

Therefore, after the establishment of the new federation, the federation began to build warships in large quantities.

At present, the number of federal warships has reached seven, and a larger strategic flagship is also being designed. The current design idea is to combine the Florisian planetary fortress model to create a powerful federal flagship. The battleship is expected to begin construction next year.

It is only a matter of time before the Federation has its own huge fleet.

According to Su Chen’s understanding, the Federation’s actions in the Tandan Lightyear Experimental Site were fairly smooth, and their cooperation with the Rogia Civilization took their own needs, using the junk star, the Galefa 26 planet, and Gale. Planet Fa 7 serves as a springboard, expanding outward to gather humanity, technology, and resources within the Tandan experimental field.

According to Su Chen's understanding, at present, the Federation has mastered four planets located in the Tandan experimental field, and successfully rescued more than 10 billion humans, and transformed and cultivated them according to the different conditions of the human beings that were saved. .

Because the human civilization level of each planet in the Tandan experimental field is before the starry sky civilization, if you want them to become part of the federation, you must first pull them and bring them to a sufficient level, otherwise , Is just a group of stronger primitive people.

In addition, the inferior nature of human beings still exists. In the experimental field of the Tandan people, the tens of billions of humans on the four planets were recovered, and there are also many careerists. Those humans living in the surface age regard the Federation as invaders. They were willing to accept the rule of the Federation, which caused a lot of troubles.

However, the resistance of surface civilization to star civilization is undoubtedly futile.

Even if the Federation can only be regarded as a starting starry sky civilization, it does not have much powerful fleet and technical support, but for the human beings of surface civilization, it still has absolute repressive power.

No matter how much the surface civilization toss, there will be no storms.

However, according to the current plan of the Federation, for the time being, it seems that there is no idea of ​​transforming the resources and population obtained from the Tandan Experimental Field into the resources and population of the current Federation. Those resources and populations are not sent to the current federal territory, but instead. Still closed the news, continue to open up the experimental field of the Tandan people in secret, and each of the Rogia civilizations will take what they need.

And the Tandan experimental field seems to be really no threat~lightnovelpub.net~ The control of the Tandan people is almost zero. In the past few months of development, no dangerous situation has been encountered, which also makes the Federation more at ease. NS.

However, there is no impermeable wall in this world.

February 27.

The Federation received a notice from the Empire. The Empire claimed that they had learned about the opening of the Tandan Lightyear Experimentation Ground by the Federation. They asked the Federation to share the current results and requested joint development.

The light-year experiment field of the Tandan people is very large. The current Federation depends on its own strength, even if it is with the Rokia civilization, it is completely overwhelmed, but despite this, the Federation does not want to have another sharer.

Therefore, the top level of the federation headed by Xiao Ping denied the news of the empire for the first time and rejected the request of the empire.

And because of this incident, the atmosphere between the Empire and the Federation began to become tense.

