I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v6 Chapter 149: Mascot Su Chen

After the war in the Basalom region, the relationship between the Federation and the Empire became subtle.

From a small perspective, there are many voices supporting the empire in the territory of the Federation, and in the starry sky territory of the empire, there are also many people who believe that the system of the Federation is stronger than the empire. There may be mutual attacks between the Federation and the empire. Factors, but more of a collision of different ideologies.

On a large scale, the Federation and the Empire are preparing their forces every day and night, pulling each other's boundaries at the border, and they are strictly guarding their top information.

And because of this, the two sides were silent for a long time.

The federation undoubtedly wants to annex the empire, and the empire undoubtedly wants to annex the federation. Both sides are human civilizations, and such annexation is feasible for any party.

Even so far, the empire and the Federation have obviously not recovered to a war-worthy empire.

The Federal Fleet has not yet reached a scale, and there are high castes—but in the battle against the empire, the total destruction of the high castes will only be counterproductive.

As for the empire, the population has dropped sharply and the successive wars have suffered heavy losses. They are also unable to fight or even govern a huge empire. Although the new empire has been reborn from the old empire, it still exists within the empire that has gone for thousands of years. A large number of malignant tumors need time to eradicate, or let them hide temporarily.

As a result of the war, one party may win, but no matter who is the winner, he will not be able to enjoy the Warring States after victory.

Neither the Federation nor the Empire has the ability to defend and manage the merged empire.

This is also the reason why the emperor broke his arm and divided the empire into two.

This is best for mankind.

In a sense, it is better for the Empire and the Federation.

The empire cannot sit and watch the federation surpass itself, and the federation does not want the empire’s national power to far surpass itself. Only when the two sides progress simultaneously and are maintained at the same level, can both sides avoid the possibility of being annexed by the other side, continue to develop, and become stronger and stronger. .

This state can keep both parties alert.

Therefore, now, the two sides are in conflict over the development of the Tandan experimental field.

February 21.

Two days after receiving the reply from the Federation, the Empire restarted the fleet. The emperor set off directly from the capital star of the Empire and took the Prayer Palace to the border between the Federation and the Empire.

On the federal side, it immediately mobilized the fleet and headed to the border.

Because Bai Feng wanted to sit on Galefa No. 1, looking at the Plant World Cthulhu duo who didn't know where he was, he couldn't set off, so Su Chen could only accompany him to the border.

So, on the 21st, Su Chen was still enjoying his life. When thinking about where he should take a delicious meal today, he received Xiao Ping's summoning order, hoping that he could follow to the border. .

Both sides are well aware that the empire and federation cannot be fought, but the attitude and momentum must be brought out. This is not only related to the negotiation and confrontation between the two sides on the border, but also related to the border after the border. The people's hearts within are stable.

Even if the majority of the people of the Federation and the Empire do not know why the conflict broke out between the two sides, what they can clearly and focus on is undoubtedly whether their country can gain an advantage in this conflict.

The advantages and benefits that the public can see can only be demonstrated through the simplest surface phenomena.

Su Chen was regretfully informed that he was part of this superficial phenomenon.

So Su Chen had no choice but to set off to the border between the Empire and the Federation.

In fact, Su Chen did not want to contact the empire, especially the emperor. Although he admitted from the bottom of his heart that the emperor was a character and everything should be done first, Su Chen always had a clear position. After the Battle of Basalom, although Bai Feng The situation is good, but he does not approve of the emperor's actions and calculations.

Although Su Chen knew that it was the wisest choice, he still stubbornly didn't want to contact him any more.

This is Su Chen, some things he won't change, and if he changes, he won't be himself.

Of course, Xiao Ping sneered at Su Chen's thoughts, and even said it explicitly, but Su Chen still didn't change the meaning. Xiao Ping had no choice but to arrange him faceless and avoid negotiations with the empire.

The two sides moved their armies to the border, not to fight, but to negotiate.

The imperial aspiration is simple, it is to jointly develop the Tandan experimental field and share the development results of both parties.

The federal requirement is simpler. You can develop it, but you can't get more than our federal government.

In this regard, the two sides launched a tug-of-war.

This is the first time that Su Chen has participated in this kind of national-level negotiation, or the two-star national-level negotiation. At the beginning, he thought he would be a mascot, staying for a few days at most, the negotiation was over, but What he never expected was that this negotiation would last a whole month.

The armies of the two sides were in a stalemate on the border between the Empire and the Federation, and they were negotiating every day for a whole month.

During this month, Su Chen's role was to make an appearance every three times, let the reporter report it, and send a few sentences of the content of the manuscript sent to him by the Federal Information Office, and then nothing happened.

Most of the manuscripts sent to him by the Federal Press Office have nothing to do with the content of the negotiations, and the relevant content is also very marginal leftovers, but they are rushed by reporters. After they are sent out, they immediately set off a big wave of rendering. The most outrageous thing is that these have nothing to do with the main line. The news content, the things released by the Federation and the Empire, can still correspond perfectly, as if this is the case, and the content of the report is infinitely close to the real situation.

In this way, every time he looked at the excited expressions of the reporters and a large number of related discussions on the Internet, Su Chen felt funny, but with a smile, he remembered living as the same ordinary person on Galepha 26. I've been through ~lightnovelpub.net~ suddenly can't laugh.

And what really can't be laughed at is undoubtedly the endlessness of this negotiation.

It's been a month, and Su Chen hasn't seen the end yet, and Su Chen can't go back. He can only stay honestly on the border line where the birds don't **** and stay dry.

Carrying it in a spaceship every day, even if it is able to surf the Internet, it is very uncomfortable. Su Chen had to work hard to cultivate, but there is no way to practice. The seventh caste is far away indefinitely, and it is of no use.

And Su Chen quickly realized that, strictly speaking, there were no birds here.

Therefore, Su Chen was very depressed, very depressed, and even a little regretful.

What he didn't know was that on the far away Galefa No. 1, in the depths of the cascading urban forest, there was another person who was very depressed.

That is the semi-vegetable fourth caste.

