I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v6 Chapter 205: What are you worried about?

Of course Su Chen was not dead.

On the one hand, it is because whether the Cyclops or the 8th caste of Threads, their real purpose is not to kill themselves. Killing Su Chen is of no benefit to them, so they were not killers from the beginning.

On the other hand, Su Chen is not so easy to die.

In the smoke and dust, Su Chen stood up straight with a sword.

Just now, his body was smashed by the Thread Life sneak attack. His body was instantly riddled with holes, like a sieve. At this time, he was quickly repairing his body with the power of dark energy and material.

Su Chen took a vacation for a whole year and a half. Because of his realm key card, he has not been able to break through the seventh caste barrier, but he has not really been idle all the time. In the past year and a half, he has studied sufficiently. The knowledge of the human body, with the support of "learning", coupled with enough dark energy support, allows him to quickly repair his body on the battlefield, and even repair it while playing. In this way, he does not need too much. The earth is affected by flesh and blood on the battlefield.

This is also the experience Su Chen summed up in the last Battle of Bassalom.

Knowledge is useless without power, and power cannot become very strong without knowledge.

The blow of the line life still caused a big trouble to Su Chen, its sneak attack Su Chen could not be prevented at all, and the time of discovery had already arrived.

The full blow of the first eighth caste, even if there is no killer, is enough for Su Chen to drink a pot.

The blood dripped every inch.

That touch of blood red is particularly dazzling in this world of smoke and dust.

He raised his head.

The smoke obscured the sight, and a loud noise came from a distance.

It was the Cyclops landing.

Su Chen noticed that the dark energy in the space began to show a little abnormality, and he realized that maybe the eighth caste of Cyclops started to use its power.

On the battlefield of Bassalom, Su Chen had already seen the Rubik's Cube world of the eighth caste of the linear body, then...

What kind of methods does this eighth caste known as a demigod have?

But at this moment, Su Chen's normal world suddenly blurred.

The red earth and billowing smoke dissipated in a flash.

An endless black wasteland appeared in Su Chen's field of vision.

The height of the grass.

The darkness that can't see the fingers.


Su Chen coughed up blood heavily.

His posture and movements did not change, but the world before him was instantly replaced by this scene.

It’s still dark here, and the darkness can’t see five fingers. Su Chen’s dark energy and dark energy perception are worthless here, and they don’t play any role. In this world, he seems to be an ordinary person, without a light source. Can't see anything.

During the transition and battle just now, Su Chen had two glimpses of this dark world. At that time, this wasteland seemed to be intertwined with the world in front of Su Chen. Except for Su Chen, everything around him seemed to be in front of him. Here, the light can illuminate a corner of the world, and even the dark and twisted monster looking for itself can be seen.

But this time, it seemed to have returned to the state it was in the Bassalom's No. 3 plane, but Su Chen came here.

Without a light source, it meant that Su Chen couldn't see the dark and twisted monster with his naked eyes.

But this time, there are also different places——

Su Chen suddenly discovered that he came to this dark wasteland this time, as if he could perceive the monster.

Although there was still darkness in front of him, although the dark energy was still not available...but there seemed to be some kind of connection between him and the monster.

Su Chen tilted his head in a certain direction—the kind of connection told him that the monster was in that direction.

It's just that the distance is not clear.

It may be as far as a kilometer from itself, or it may be a hundred meters away.

The sound of the trees being touched and shaking was rustling.

It is rushing towards itself.

The last time I saw this dark wasteland, it had already rushed towards itself, and now it has to re-discern its direction...

Did it move...or did I move?

In the dark, only the sound of his heart beating was particularly clear.

The heart in his chest was beating faster and faster. It was not obvious on the battlefield outside, but in this dark world, it was like a drum of war.

The blood flowed faster.

what does this mean?

Why is this happening?

Su Chen didn't know, at the moment his thought came up, his eyes became bright again.

The control of dark energy and dark energy perception returned to his control, and the broken body began to be repaired again.

The Cyclops is still pressing hard.

It didn't seem to notice the abnormality just now. Su Chen wrapped himself with dark energy. In the dark energy world of the Cyclops, he had already disappeared. With the smoke and dust blocked, it didn't notice Su Chen's changes. normal.

Of course, there is another possibility.

It can't notice at all.

Its voice penetrated the smoke and dust: "Su Chen—

"I have become stronger.

"Or are you shrinking in the federation this year and a half, and you have become weaker?

"One and a half years, ~lightnovelpub.net~ is indeed a long time for humans.

"But I think you shouldn't get to this point.

"Why don't you dare to do your best?

"What are you worrying about?"

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the tall body of the cyclops became clear in front of Su Chen's eyes.

Holding a huge sharp blade, it stared at Su Chen condescendingly on a rock ten meters away, lacking hostility in its eyes, but like regret and scrutiny.

This human being is the most powerful low caste it has ever seen. His existence verifies the power of the Ninth Domain. The so-called caste boundary seems to be just a threshold for this human being. As long as he crosses those thresholds, he will naturally have the top level. For example, the power of the sixth caste against the eighth caste, or even two eighth castes.

Su Chen is also looking at it, he can't quite understand what the Cyclops is thinking, but it is beneficial for him to delay a little time-he can repair his body further to ensure that he will not fall in the next battle. .

So Su Chen replied: "I told you, if you don't believe me, I dare not use the power of the Ninth Domain."

What Su Chen said was true, and the Cyclops stared at him: "We are not disbelieving you, but if you also come to my position, you will be stuck in my position for hundreds of thousands of years, and you will be invincible. People and civilization have been chased down like insects, and you should also be able to understand our desire to be strong.

"Yes, although we bear the name of the Warden Fleet, we have already lost our original intention.

"What the watchman, we don't care at all.

"We just want to gain strength and become the most powerful group of people and a ship.

"So, the so-called danger in your mouth, we don't care at all."

