I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v6 Chapter 7: Death, life

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It heard the wailing of the gods.

The crystal cluster raised his head, and such a scene was reflected in Ruby's eyes.

The laboratory has long been reflected in dark purple. Among the half arms that were framed, the light and shadow trapped inside the translucent arm is showing another posture.

It expands from a translucent appearance and rotates like a nebula, dotted with dots of light like stars.

And its color began to change, turning into a deep purple, so the pipe-like tentacles extending from it, as if dyed, turned into the same dark purple one after another.

They sway slightly in space at the same frequency.

They did not affect the material world, but strangely, the laboratory seemed to be shaking violently under their influence.

On the detector on one side, the abnormal surge value of dark energy inside this laboratory has exceeded the threshold, and the detected agitation level has reached the zeroth energy level...

These data are enough to make anyone panic and even terminate the experiment and fled in a hurry.

But the look on this crystal cluster's face tended to be frenzied.

It doesn't seem to worry about it.

It doesn't worry about what the Federation will find out. It has double-enclosed this laboratory. On the one hand, it is the mountaintop laboratory building itself; on the other hand, it is the energy defense system it built by itself. These systems can not only resist any interference from the outside world, but also prevent what happens in the laboratory from being detected by the outside world.

With federal technology, even if the current anomaly spreads, they will not be able to find anything.

Moreover, this crystal cluster is very confident-there will never be any problems here.


Everything is under control.

The reverse compilation from the seed has achieved breakthrough success. This crystal cluster is using the seed to complete the manipulation and decoding of the evil **** of the plant world.

It finally found the key to decrypt the superpower of the evil **** of the plant world.

He is a monster born out of the tree of the world. Although he is the ninth caste, he is inextricably linked to the tree of the world. Through him, he can confuse the seed to obtain the information in the seed, and in turn, it can also pass The seed came to release a signal, allowing the power of the ninth caste of the sleeping plant world to be used by this crystal cluster.

That's right.

At this moment, this crystal cluster is fully activating the power of this ninth caste.

Decay and rebirth.

In the early stage of the experiment, he used his unconsciously radiated power to conduct experiments and operations while he was sleeping.

In the early stage, this crystal cluster hoped to complete the study of the deceased's resuscitation experiment in this way, and then analyze the successful cases to strip out the truly usable technology.

Then, thoroughly unravel the evil **** of the plant world, transforming him from a living life into a device, similar to something like a medical warehouse, which is used as a key experimental step in the resurrection of the dead.

However, various previous experiments have proved that this idea of ​​this crystal cluster is not effective.

Not only is the power of the Plant World Cthulhu's subconscious to influence the outside world not strong enough, but it is completely out of control. This is not what the crystal cluster needs.

Therefore, it needs to fully activate him-activate his power.

And seeds have brought an unexpected great help to this process.

Through seeds, this crystal cluster can fully activate his powers while maintaining the dormant state of the Plant World Cthulhu. In this way, it can not only fulfill the requirements of this crystal cluster, but also continuously maintain the stable state of the Plant World Cthulhu. , Is the best and most feasible method in theory.

The current abnormality is just normal.

There was a fiery light in the eyes of this cluster of crystals.

The ability to achieve this level is the result of countless years of knowledge accumulation. It is impossible to do with the technology of the Federation and the Empire, but Shilian people can. In front of Shilian people, the ninth caste is nothing more than a living thing. If you can catch it, you can put it on the experimental platform.

This is the strength and pride of Shilian people.

It is also the pride of this crystal cluster.

It was an individual expelled and abandoned by Shilian people, but before leaving Shilian, it had already spent much time and years on this project. All related technologies in Shilian civilization system have been kept in mind by it. , And later, it got a lot of valuable information about human experiments by the Tandan people.

The Tandan people did not find the code to decrypt their consciousness. They were ignorant of the soul and consciousness, but what no one knew was that the information gave this crystal cluster infinite enlightenment.

It had a crazy idea.

Maybe consciousness can be woven.

As long as you find the right needle and thread, you can knit a state of mind, and then give it a reasonable body, you can fabricate a living life.

It's like Nuwa creating human beings.

Once Nuwa can realize the creation of human beings, it will be possible to weave a person who has a special pattern and kneads out a figure exactly like the broken clay figure before.

This is the so-called Su Sheng of the dead.

And now, what it wants to find in the evil **** of the plant world is the needle and thread.

This is the point where the experiment of this crystal cluster has been carried out, and the only purpose traced back is also the result to be found in the entire early stage of realization.

It raised its head.

The soul of the evil **** of the plant world contained in that half of the arm was shaking.

The whole laboratory was shaking.

Its crystallized body is reflected in dark purple.

And it is still standing at the forefront of the experimental platform, carrying out the final operation.

And the body of the Zerg creature connected by the densely connected pipe-like translucent tentacles has long since died.

But now, the dead body was shaking.

Under the directional compilation of this crystal cluster, the organs in its dead body are being reconstructed, like the magic brush Ma Liang's brush is drawing, its organs are growing again, recovering as before, and even blood vessels are beginning to repair. ~lightnovelpub.net~ This time, there is no tumor and abnormality, what it should look like, it is just what it looks like.

Because the power of the evil **** of the plant world no longer plays a random role, but under the control of that crystal cluster, it shows his ability little by little.

From this step, it seems that the possibility of the success of the experiment has been glimpsed.

The most important step is the reconstruction of its ideology.

The consciousness of the resurrected is its original consciousness, which is the real success.

This crystal cluster is enthusiastic, but every step of its operation is extremely precise, and it does not dare to appear any sloppy and wrong.

Until the end of the experiment, the dead Swarm creature came back to life again.

He staggered and stood up from the center bench of the laboratory.

