I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v6 Chapter 76: The "chessboard" world

The Magic Changed Star was converging with Lin Mo at the remote end.

Qiangwei and Zulong stood slightly behind Su Chen, their eyes sometimes looked at the invisible battlefield of the secondary primitive life and the mother of the primitive, sometimes looked at Su Chen's side, hesitating or contacting Su Chen. Chen joined forces to fight the enemy, or simply waited for the situation on the mother of primordial side.

And Su Chen was ready.

He was covered in blood and embarrassed, as if a gust of wind could knock him over.

But he still held the Scarlet Crystal Sword firmly, staring unblinkingly at the landing position of the landing module of the Watcher spacecraft.

Su Chen's dark energy perception is spreading along the space, wanting to find the opponent's location first.

There is still a little bit of his analytical power left, and with the Scarlet Crystal Sword, he may be able to fight.

Although Su Chen was injured, his abacus was still very loud. First fight the opponent and make a life-threatening stance, and then wait for the opportunity to flee to the Demon Kai Star, and then sit on the Demon Kai Star. Kaixing circled.

Whether the Mother of Primordial Mother will help herself, Su Chen is not sure, but the advantages of the spacecraft are realistic. As long as you make good use of it, even if the opponent is an eighth caste, unless your specialty is flying, it will be difficult to chase in this starry sky. Get on the spaceship.


Su Chen didn't find the other party's figure for a long time, but the blow was the first to appear.

Su Chen didn't even notice how the blow came, and it had already begun.

The first thing to change is the ground under your feet.

The ground that had just been flattened by the dark energy supernovae was once again bumpy in the battle just now. However, at this time, these uneven grounds were rising from the ground, and huge stone pillars pierced through the ground. After coming out, a huge stone pillar rose under Su Chen's feet, pushing up against Su Chen's body.

When Su Chen tried to jump down, a stone pillar rose immediately on the ground where he fell.

The entire space seems to have become a space of stone pillars. Within a range of seven or eight kilometers, stone pillars rise from the ground, and not only that, from all directions, there are the same stone pillars appearing, they are up and down, left and right, and before and after Su Chen A wall of stone pillars is formed. The length of the stone pillars varies. The longest stone pillar can reach nearly 100 meters, and the shortest stone pillar is more than ten meters high.

They suddenly rose from all directions, as if to merge into a closed cubic space, locking Su Chen in it.

Su Chen's face changed suddenly.

Leaving from the ground under his feet is no longer realistic, he jumped on top of the stone pillars, from the stone pillar below to the stone pillar on the right, and then he wanted to jump directly from the top of the closed stone pillar cube.

However, he failed.

At the last moment he was about to jump out.

At that position, the tip of a side stone pillar that had been "grown" was once again muddy, forming a huge stone figure like a chess. I don’t know what creature was used as a template for that thing. The outline is square and sharp, as if it was built from blocks of building blocks. It has three legs and six arms, and each arm holds a terrifying square stone axe.

At the moment Su Chen was about to jump out of the cube, it jumped high from the top of the side stone pillars, six swords, directly from six directions, and slashed towards Su Chen at the same time!

Su Chen directly swept the dark energy perception towards it.

At that moment, countless long swords emerged from the body of this stone creation. They penetrated through its body from the inside out, cutting off its arms, legs and feet, making this angular stone "creature" immediately become one. Scary hedgehog.

Half of his body was directly cut off by Su Chen.

However, this still couldn't stop its footsteps, it still came to Su Chen in the first time, and the only two remaining axes were crazily pressed down.

This is…

The sixth caste? !

This stone creature possesses the combat power of the sixth caste level.

In the process of forming and shooting, it did not show obvious caste rank combat power, and it didn't have that kind of power fleeting until the last moment when it was about to complete the attack.

Su Chen was seriously injured and his battle armor was damaged. In this case, if the two axes came down, he would definitely die if he didn't stop him.

Su Chen could only pause and spin in mid-air, holding a sword in one hand, swinging open the opponent's two axes with one sword, and then cutting the stone "creature" horizontally into two in mid-air.

The stone fell from mid-air.

And above Su Chen's head, the cube space suddenly closed.

The surrounding area was instantly dark.

Immediately afterwards, what Su Chen first felt was a cyclone-like spatial force—that was Guan Ling was looking for him and wanted to pull him directly out of this cubic space and out.

But Guan Ling failed.

Before her cyclone took shape, it was cut off by another force, unable to function.

Her level is still too weak compared to the existence of making here.

Su Chen turned directly to one side and landed on a stone pillar rising from the ground.

The violent movements and fighting just now made him breathless. The heavy injury not only affected his control and grasp of dark energy, but also made his fragile human body more and more overwhelmed.

He raised the crystal sword, and the light of blood burst on the crystal sword, hurriedly reflecting the world of dark stone pillars into a stern blood-red color.

On the outside, the cube is a cube with flat sides, but on the inside, the stone pillars extending from the inside of the cube are adjacent to each other, splicing into a closed world of stone pillars that are closely connected to each other.

At first glance, it looks a bit like a chessboard.

Some kind of three-dimensional chessboard.

And in this cubic space, the tragic **** rays of light are reflected, and in Su Chen's field of vision, using his current position as the frame of reference, mud began to rise on the front, right, and left stone pillars in front of him. Like rocks, they form one after another "Stone creatures" with different shapes and the same sharp angles as the splicing of building blocks.

They have different shapes, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com's complexion is solidified, and they are very different in race and biological form, forming one after another, and then slowly rotating on the stone pillar on which they stand, all facing Su Chen.

They are like pawns on a chessboard and belong to the same camp.

But here in Su Chen.

He is the only one in his camp.

Su Chen has no doubt that every stone "creature" here has its caste.

This is how the eighth caste from the Watchmen fleet shot.

This is the "world" of its structure.

The chessboard world.

Su Chen slowly inhaled and exhaled, and then raised the glowing blood-colored crystal sword. In the next moment, the sword light burst out in the field!
