I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v6 Chapter 77: Final facility

at the same time.

Federation, Galefa One.

Cliff laboratory.

This is not a good weather. Clouds cover the sky on this side, and raindrops as big as soybeans fall from mid-air, falling between rocks and plants, making a crackling sound.

The heavy cumulonimbus cloud shows that this torrential rain will continue for a long time.

But inside the closed experimental base, the natural changes in the outside world are hardly felt.

The fully enclosed experimental base maintains a constant temperature, and it is in the core laboratory of the experimental base.

At the top of the laboratory, the half crystallized arm carrying the gods is still hanging above, and a large number of tentacles extending from it form a scalp-numbing network on the dome of the central area, spreading out intricately, and part of it It is left from the center, and densely connected to some experimental instruments and seeds.

The color of the seed has changed to dark green, it looks coquettish and terrifying, its main vine stretches, expands, stretches, expands like breathing...

And the final experiment to make the crystal cluster mesmerize is about to begin.

In the preparations for the past few days, it has conducted several tentative experiments and simulated and deduced possible situations through computers.

At the same time, what makes this crystal cluster more confident is the information from Su Chen.

After figuring out the "resurrection" process of the primordial mother on the weird world planet, Su Chen thought of the experiment of this crystal cluster, and then took the "resurrection" process of the primordial mother that Su Chen saw at the time and his own Thoughts and judgments were all sent to this crystal cluster.

This allows this crystal cluster to see more possibilities.

Powers that are not directly related to death and growth can also achieve the purpose of distorting reality and resuscitating the dead.

And the key to "resurrecting" the mother of primordial—the curse—is still in Su Chen's body.

But the only reason left in this cluster is still reminding it.

Su Chen is one of his few friends.

Therefore, it could not start with Su Chen, even so, it also got a lot of new ideas and opportunities.

For a long time, this crystal cluster was at a loss for one thing.

It was that the people it wanted to resurrect had been wiped out, even if the basic biological body did not exist, but through this time, it suddenly realized that it might not be important.

The mother of primordial can still be reborn from the fragmented death.

It can also be done—provided that it finds the right way.

Using the power of the evil **** of the plant world, it can conceptually import the person it wants to resurrect, so that it can come to life directly.

Because the power of the evil **** of the plant world originally has the power to transform decay into a magical power, a seed can quickly take root and sprout under his power, and grow into a towering tree, and now the principle of this resurrection is the same, the imported concept It is the "seed". Just find the right method so that the power of the plant world can also be watered for this "seed". The person who wants to resurrect this cluster of crystals can also "grow" again, and achieve resurrection in this way. .

Moreover, this crystal cluster felt that this method could even help it avoid the paradox of The Ship of Theseus.

But this idea is easy to produce, and it is not easy to realize it. It is easy to make power work on the physical material, but it is not easy in concept.

This crystal cluster will combine the plant world evil **** with the seed, and then integrate it with advanced technology to directly turn them into a machine dedicated to resurrection. Not only is it completely controlled, but it can also be programmed by itself.

It is a crazy idea to transform the ninth caste into a machine. If there are other scientists here, just hearing this kind of thinking, they should feel that they are going crazy.

But this head of crystal cluster is really working so hard.

It refers to the uncreated divine instrument as the "Resurgent", which implies the good results it hopes for.

In the efforts of the past few days, it has been trying to perfect this final process, using a computer to simulate and deduct it. It needs to load all the functions it wants to achieve into the "Susheng", one step at a time. Deviations cannot occur, and deviations occur, and it is difficult to start all over again.

This is not about mass-produced equipment, but something based on gods.

Don't tolerate the slightest sloppy.

But here, the computing power of the computer owned by this crystal cluster is obviously insufficient. It must bridge itself and the water drop spacecraft with the supercomputer in the laboratory, and use the computing power of itself and the water drop spacecraft to participate in it to ensure Accurate.

However, there are still some details that are difficult to perfect.

In order to add in the new possibilities born from Su Chen's ideas, this crystal cluster took a lot of time.

Today, at this moment, it has finally reached a practical moment.

Although there are still some details that are not perfect in the modeling, this is already the limit. No matter how long it takes to calculate the limit of the computing power of this crystal cluster and the laboratory supercomputer, it will not be possible to calculate it, unless it Returning to its own civilization, among ten successive civilizations, otherwise, it would not be able to find anything that can be deduced in the chaotic star field.

And it is impossible to return to the tenth company civilization of its own clan.

Therefore, at the far end of the galaxy, when the empire was in full-scale war with the sub-prime beings, when Su Chen was locked in the cube world of the eighth caste, at the other end of the galaxy, this crystal cluster began the ultimate experiment. .

In the center of the laboratory, the glass box hung up high and carrying the arm of the gods slowly moved downward, gradually approaching the seed.

With the approach between the two, more and more tentacles hang down from it and are closely connected to the seed, while a large number of electronic devices are moved over under the operation of robots and robotic arms ~lightnovelpub.net~More Femi-level 3D printers cut into the central area along the track of the dome. They will complete the on-site printing of some fine modules, and the printed modules will appear directly where they should be, thus ensuring absolute precision.

This is an exquisite scientific operation, and as the operator of the operation, this crystal cluster does not need to be started by himself. Most of the processes have been programmed by it, and various facilities will be executed according to their paths and programming. Instructions, only a small part of the operation needs to be completed manually by this crystal cluster.

The equipment and experiments in this laboratory are beyond the reach of the entire Federation.

And this experiment, which can be called an operation, has already begun slowly.

In the territory of the Federation, it is in another star system that is one star system away from Galefa One.

A huge dark spaceship is traveling through the interstellar space, as if looking for something.


