I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v7 Chapter 22: God's guidance

The night was spreading, and it was quiet.

Su Chen and others quietly came to the shadow and darkness.

Bai Feng also quietly followed.

This guy who just made a scene in the forest clan and almost turned the forest clan upside down has some tattered clothes, and even looks a little embarrassed. He doesn't look like someone who just did such a big thing.

Ori kept staring at him.

The female elf's eyes were pure and bright, looking at Bai Feng as if she was observing something rare and novel.

Bai Feng was stared at for a long time, and he simply glared back and said, "What are you looking at? It's not because I didn't dare to do anything to let your people tear my clothes like this, you have to pay me a piece of clothes—hey, This one on you seems to be good... Would you lend me your clothes to wear?"

Zhi was furious, and directly lifted her leg to kick Bai Feng off the branches where they were hiding, but unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, Bai Feng remained motionless.

When she can kick Bai Feng, only Bai Feng wants to be kicked.

On the other side, Su Chen was talking to Sera. He expressed all his doubts and thoughts, asking questions like a barrage of cannons.

Today is a rather unsettling day for Sera. Fortunately, he has lived long enough and has enough ability to bear. At this time, facing Su Chen's question, he has no time or mind to clean up his mood. , just kept listening, frowned, and said, "Mr. Su, what the holy tree told me seems to be a little different from what you heard, the holy tree said, the catastrophe is coming, and the fire of destruction will sweep through. The sky and ground of this world, and even the universe will be affected, we stay here, it is the way to die, the holy tree allows me to gather my people and leave here with your help."

Su Chen stared at the elder of the forest clan in front of him, and after confirming that he was not lying, he exhaled and remained silent.

The World Tree told himself that the original life could be suppressed, and he had to help it himself, and what Sera said was that this planet is going to be complete, run away.

Su Chen didn't quite understand this.

The same thing, a person, why there are two opinions?

Or is the World Tree just frightening these forest clans, lest the situation get out of control and let these people be buried here?

Su Chen didn't know, he raised his head and looked at Sera opposite, thinking that the elder probably didn't know either.

Aboriginal is an aboriginal, even if he lived a thousand years, Cerrado is only the wisdom of life for others, but there is not much other wisdom.

At this time, Serra also looked worried, and in the corner, her brows were furrowed, obviously immersed in her own failure and unable to extricate herself.

Serra still hopes to persuade others to follow her to leave this planet according to what the holy tree said.

After a while, Su Chen said, "Let's go to the World Tree and try again."

This is Su Chen's idea, and it is also catering to Sierra's idea.

Sera also wanted to find out whether the planet that gave birth to their forest clan was still habitable.

Right now, they set off immediately.

The "war" between Zhi and Bai Feng also stopped due to the overall situation, and they all stood up.

The little adoration that Zhi had raised for Bai Feng just because Bai Feng killed the Quartet was gone once again along with the two people getting along with each other.

Bai Feng does have such an ability, he can quickly become friends with those who want to be friends, and it is always very easy for him to arouse dissatisfaction with him.

Without a word, Su Chen and others came to the location of the World Tree, but found that they came a step late.

Compared with the relatively deserted scene before, the surroundings of the current World Tree are simply "very lively".

The elves of countless forest tribes gathered, each holding the strange fluorescent torches in their hands, illuminating the lights here, and they formed long long dragons, meandering on the World Tree, passing through the surrounding sanctuary. Lilac luminous plants, led by a few elders, stood in front of the dark tree hole in the sanctuary.

Immediately, the elders walked into the tree hole one by one.

The former one went in, and it would come out in about ten minutes, and then the latter one followed.

Su Chen and others did not act rashly, but found a corner to observe.

Sera said: "My clan should also be frightened by Mr. Bai because of today's changes. This is to seek the will of the Holy Tree."

Bai Feng said: "What should I do? I'll kill them and spank them so that we can talk to the World Tree?"

As soon as these words came out, Sera and Ori were all stared at each other.

Only Su Chen shook his head seriously, he could tell clearly, Bai Feng's remarks at this time seemed absurd, but he was not joking, and said, "Look at it again, I think the tree of the world should still ignore people now. Status—Did you see, those elders came out all disheveled, it’s useless for them to go in, and it’s no use for us to go in.”

"The tree of the world is asleep." Bai Feng agreed with Su Chen's judgment, adding that he simply leaned on the tree next to him and said, "Come on, let's take a break."

Su Chen also nodded.

Previously, the drop-shaped spaceship had been docked near the sanctuary. Lu Anbang obviously noticed the arrival of these forest clans, and quickly moved away, quietly hiding.

In fact, Lu Anbang and Waterdrop were also hiding on one side. Using the Forest Clan's method, the Waterdrop-shaped spaceship was parked on top of their heads. If they didn't want them to find out, they couldn't find it.

However, Su Chen and others did not choose to return to the droplet flying.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is a next page ^0^ boat, and I am also waiting here quietly.

This wait is all night.

The "big event" that happened on this day, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seems to really affect the nerves of the elves. They came to the sanctuary in groups, trying to get the enlightenment of the gods they worship and believe, the elders. They did not communicate with the World Tree, so they let the clansmen try one by one. It took more than ten minutes for each person to try each time, thousands of them, that is, a whole night.

But the sky gradually brightened, and only one of these elf natives succeeded.

It was the only person, a male elf native, who stumbled out of the tree hole and shouted in horror, "I saw it! I heard it! I got it! That was the instruction of God! That's God's guidance!"

The success of this person and this semi-insane state attracted everyone's attention. Several elders who had almost no hope even got up one after another, and took the initiative to cast exploratory eyes, surrounded them, and asked the male elf What inspiration did you get.

Bai Feng and Su Chen, who were in the nap, were also awakened, and quietly "eavesdropped" with the powerful hearing of the higher castes.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^