I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v7 Chapter 45: feasible way

The way the power of the ninth domain was beaten back was also very strange. Su Chen even felt that a strange channel appeared at that moment. He could not see or touch it, but he could feel it. The Ring of Vaal is directly connected to the unknowable Ninth Realm.

These three positions are like a piece of paper that was pierced in one breath. They seem to be different three-dimensional planes, but they are connected at the same frequency in an instant.

Therefore, the power of the ninth domain, which was wrapped by the original life with its power, was thrown back the moment this passage appeared.

At the same time, the power of the original life rolled back, and with his retreat, the power of the ninth domain disappeared instantly.

Not only that, but at the same time, Su Chen also heard a loud cracking sound. He lowered his head in surprise, only to see another huge crack on the ring of Anova on his wrist, almost It is comparable to the previous one, except that this time it was not split vertically, but split horizontally on the annular structure of the Ring of Anova, forming a cross with the previous crack. At the same time, it is also connected with the dense spider web-like cracks on the Ring of Anova before, and further expands.

At this point, the cracks on the Ring of Anoir have reached a terrifying level, like a porcelain full of cracks, as if it will shatter to the ground if you touch it lightly.

Moreover, with the appearance of this crack on the Ring of Anova, Su Chen clearly "heared", and there was a light voice in the Ring of Anova!

The sound was not loud, but it sounded like it was ringing in Su Chen's ear. Through the analytical power, it reached Su Chen's ear very clearly!

Su Chen immediately realized that it was the cracked life hiding in the dark world of the Ring of Anova.

After the power of the ninth domain began to erode Su Chen, the cracked life in the Ring of Anova had not been seen for a long time. He chose to retreat without hesitation before the last step of the plan was successful. Disappeared without a trace, Su Chen also searched for him in the world of Anova's Ring, and even took a look at the star system opposite the crack before him, but they all disappeared.

Since the accident, this mighty starry sky top, cracked life seems to have evaporated like that, Su Chen even wondered if he retreated by himself, but was also "eaten" by the power of the ninth domain, but he didn't want this. Suddenly, a sound came out - was the power of the ninth domain just beat back, alarming him?

The origin of that cracked life is inexplicable. I don't know if this sound was heard by the original life...

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately raised his head and observed the original life in front of him, wanting to know if he heard it too.

The original life did not seem to hear.

With the power withdrawn, He retracted all the vines used for disguise, and the light spots that retreated moved forward, exactly the same as the usual situation, and obviously did not hear any abnormality.

Su Chen was also silent.

The cracked life only made a light hum, and then fell into complete silence again. Su Chen swept around with his analytical power, but did not find him.

This proves that He hides very deeply.

But he was in a state of being able to come out before. If he didn’t come out, there must be his reasons. Moreover, Su Chen has already had enough troubles, and it is purely a state where it doesn’t matter if there are more things. This cracked life is not in trouble now, Su Chen Instead of putting his thoughts on him, he first felt his own state.

Different from the previous "scratch the itch", this time, the "World Tree" had a very obvious effect on Su Chen's help. Su Chen could clearly feel that the ring of Anova that had been worn on his left hand began to loosen. Not only that, but he can also feel that one of the objects and magical transformations that has almost merged with Su Chen's body and dark energy seems to be weakened by a layer.

Putting this matter on others, seeing his own strength weaken, he must be anxious, but Su Chen felt a sense of relief in his heart.

The loosening and weakening of these two means that the power of the ninth domain is weakening in him.

This means that, with the help of this starry sky's top proto-life, the poison that Su Chen had previously drunk to quench his thirst is being removed.

Although judging from the situation this time, the power of the ninth domain has not been pulled away much, but it will take time.

As long as this method is feasible, and the original beings have a way to help themselves, then this is a clear road that can be done!

There is nothing to exclude the power of the ninth domain that makes Su Chen more excited.

The power of the ninth domain is the cornerstone and support for Su Chen to go all the way from Yuanliao to today, but now, it has also become Su Chen's burden, or even something that will destroy it, the two sides of things, In this case, it is most vividly reflected!

The light of the "tree of the world" rose, and the original life still talked to Su Chen in this way, flickering: "You can confirm whether I have the ability to help you solve the problem of the ninth domain on your body."

The answer was already in Su Chen's heart.

Su Chen suppressed the excitement and surging in his heart, and immediately said: "Yes, don't worry, I will transport all the people of the forest family away."

The original life does not care whether the forest clan is alive or dead. The concern for the forest clan, and even the exchange of vigilance and chips, is just his disguise for the tree of the world. I hope this can be used to hide the sky and prevent Su Chen from discovering him. The World Tree has been emptied, and the town is just around the corner.

And this also shows from an indirect point of view that although the Blood Sacrifice Sifang Altar is just a joke, this planet should have a way to strengthen his loose repression, otherwise, he can be unscrupulous, even if Su Chen knows his truth It doesn't matter if the town is broken~lightnovelpub.net~ Since you are careful, it proves that you are still afraid.

What he is afraid of is not Su Chen, only the remaining means left by the human gods or the World Tree who once suppressed him on this planet, or it can be activated with the help of Su Chen or the hands of the forest tribesmen. It is necessary to hide the sky and cross the sea, so that everyone does not know that he is on the verge of breaking the town.

Su Chen had already seen through his disguise, and at this time, he naturally thought of this key point, but Su Chen was also pretending to be deaf and dumb.

The original life wanted something, Su Chen wanted for himself, and he also wanted something of his own.

In the universe, no matter who it is, who does not get what they need?

At the moment, Su Chen just said a few beautiful words, then turned his head, and walked out of the tree hole calmly as before.

But only Su Chen himself knew that at this moment, his heart was ups and downs, and he was not calm.

