I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v7 Chapter 99: ? are still alive

Remember [New] for a second,! The depths of the starry sky.

Dark unknown places.

The huge dark star was docked here, and the original life landed on a gem-like original stone inlaid on the surface of the star, raised his head and stared at the sky.

Above his head, an endless fleet is displayed, as if worshiping in front of him, waiting for his orders and guidance.

The original life did not express his position immediately, he just stared at the starry sky.

That action looked like staring, but maybe he wasn't looking, let alone doing anything, he just sat like that for a while, and the fluid life in the eco-continent spaceship got his call.

The fluid life flew out of his spaceship for the first time, came to him, and said, "Great flame, I listen to your instructions."

"You're right when you say that humans are dead but not stiff, I can still hear their disgusting, dirty gasps."

The original life did not look at the fluid life, still staring at the starry sky in the distance, but only made a faint voice. His voice contained a huge amount of information, and it smashed into the consciousness of the fluid life like a cannonball.

If it was a lower-level creature, it might have died on the spot, but the scale of this amount of information is within the tolerance range of fluid life.

This is a sentence, but it carries a coordinate.

That coordinate points to the human origin star that Tandan people dream of.

The fluid life noticed that coordinate, and was slightly excited.

Since the battle of the gods, the origin of human beings have not been hidden, disappeared in the corner of the starry sky, and no civilization can be found. Even those who once stood on the side of human beings, such as Ningren and Shilianren, have no way of knowing the origin of human beings. As for the exact location of the star, some civilizations speculate that the former gods of human beings may not have died. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why no one can find the planet without gods and powerhouses.

Of course, to this day, each civilization has its own special purpose to find that planet. For example, the purpose of the Tandan people is to crack the human beings who are dark energy and uncomfortable but can use dark energy, and even give birth to The secrets of the top powerhouses and copied over.

Fluid Life lowered his head and said, "Sir, these are the coordinates of the Origin Star. Over the years, countless people have been unable to find it, but you have located it all at once."

The fluid life is actually a little curious. He wants to know how the original life did it. Although they had deduced before that, the original life must be able to find this coordinate, but how to find it is just a guess.

But unfortunately, the original life did not respond to his flattery, and still stared at the far side in silence.

Seeing this, Fluid Life had to end the topic wisely, and continued: "It is said that the White Temple is hidden in the Origin Star of human beings, and it is speculated that the gods of human beings did not really die in battle, they fled back. In the White Palace, at the end of the war, humans withdrew Huang Yichen's 7169 Legion and retreated to the Origin Star, which had become a barren and dead place. With Huang Yichen's combat power and the role that the 7169 Legion could play, this arrangement was very abnormal. , so this thing is unusual in itself, and I also think..."

"They are still alive."

The original life interrupted the words of the fluid life, and he still stared into the distance, the voice seemed to come from under the nine secluded places.

"Find them and kill them.

"And the human - keep an eye on him."



Sentinel Sixteen.

The Federation's fleet is retreating, and in the corner of the starry sky, in an inconspicuous shadow position, there is also a spaceship hiding, that spaceship, from the empire.

The spaceship is not big, just an advanced space shuttle, docked in the depths of the universe, on the edge of the battlefield, hardly attracting anyone's attention, and in that spaceship, there is only one figure.

That is the contemporary emperor of the empire, Emperor Mingxuan.

He stood here, staring at the distant battlefield, watching Su Chen land on the ground of Sentinel No. 16, watching the original life light up the stars, and watching the vast fleet of stars slowly recede and disappear In the galaxy, he was observing, thinking, and judging, and finally came to a conclusion.

Afterwards, the emperor no longer stood here, no longer observed or thought, but stepped back, walked to his console, operated the most advanced shuttle of the empire, and disappeared into the depths of the starry sky. It attracted the attention of the Federation for a short time, but when I wanted to trace it back, there was no trace.

In the distance, on the ground of Sentinel No. 16, Su Chen was staring at the blooming dark purple flower in front of him in a daze, dazed, as if attracted by its strangeness and coquettishness.

Those flowers seemed to sense Su Chen's gaze, and their tentacle-like stamens began to rise upwards, swaying and approaching Su Chen, getting closer and closer, swaying like breathing, wanting to touch him. 's body.

Then, Su Chen moved. He suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped the strange flowers in front of him with a slap. The powerful force ripped them all apart in an instant, from the broken petals and stamens. The deep purple liquid flowed out of it, flying and spreading, and even emitting a slight fluorescence against the dark background.

But they are fragile, and they were easily destroyed by Su Chen's blow, and they became debris and debris on the ground. Su Chen stared at this scene, as if it gradually eased, and felt much better, so from The state he had just thrown down changed, and he was sitting on the ground, but then he turned his head and found that around him, on the ground of the mountain, and even on the mountain where the mountain was descending, he didn't know when, They were all already covered with similar flowers, breaking out of the ground between the rocks in a vacuum without wind and air, taking root and sprouting ~lightnovelpub.net~ slowly swaying, forming a deep purple ocean.

This scene is eerie.

Su Chen seemed to have seen a ghost. He let out a silent roar, raised his arms high, and clenched into fists in mid-air. A palpitating flash of light flashed from his palm, and then fell!

This punch hit the ground of the mountain under Su Chen's feet, but the entire mountain collapsed.

A ray of light penetrated the entire 10,000-meter-high mountain peak from top to bottom. Countless cracks appeared in every corner of the mountain peak along this ray of light, and then, flashes of light burst out from every gap, like It was a stream of light, and then, in silence, this huge mountain collapsed, the rocks cracked, everything fell, and crashed to the earth!

Those deep purple flowers disappeared in the collapse, and Su Chen's body was also wrapped in it and fell down.





Chapter 99 They are still alive