I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v8 Chapter 27: 1 set

Remember [New] for a second,! Chen Yuxin's life has really changed.

The girl who loves to dream seems to have a dream come true overnight.

Listening to Chen Yuxin telling about this, even her parents couldn't believe it was true, and were very surprised.

But this is how it actually happened.

The girl picked up a fool, and from then on, it soared into the sky, and even got a lot of money.

But Chen Yuxin did not move out of their original home, and most of the money was given to her father for treatment.

The results of having money and having no money are obviously different. Her father finally woke up from the "long dream" and regained consciousness.

Even Chen Yuxin's mother put on reconstructed legs and successfully stood up. The robot Watt also benefited. It has been refurbished and has become majestic. Although its model has not kept up with the times, it has At least it has returned to its previous appearance, and it no longer looks more like a piece of scrap iron.

In a civilization of the level of empires and federations, there is almost nothing incurable for the diseases of human beings themselves. Whether they can be cured or not depends only on whether the environment you were in had the conditions at the time, or whether you had the money to treat the disease. .

What Chen Yuxin lacks is money.

They even have some money left, though, they haven't moved yet.

First, Chen Yuxin's parents are still in the recovery stage, and they still need a lot of capital investment; second, they know what poverty looks like, so although they have a sum of money now, it is difficult to become extravagant. , Because money will always be spent, Chen Yuxin's family of three is thinking about how to make good use of the remaining money and find a way to make money.

At this moment, Su Chen came here again and knocked on the door.

It was Chen Yuxin who opened the door.

The girl didn't actually think that she could see the fool. Later, someone from the empire contacted her, and then she really knew who the fool was.

The status of a fool in the federation is comparable to that of the emperor of the empire. Of course, this analogy is still a bit exaggerated, but after all, the systems between the empire and the federation are fundamentally different.

Because of the astonishing status of a fool, even the imperial people who communicated with Chen Yuxin were polite.

Chen Yuxin was surprised to find that although she was still the girl who lived in the slum, she seemed to have become a big man all of a sudden. Those high-ranking officials and high-level officials of the empire of f-075 wished that everyone would come to see her. Courtesy and willing to help.

But Chen Yuxin knew it.

Like the kind of person in the sky, it's unlikely to come back to see her again.

The enthusiasm of these imperial officials will also fade over time.

It wasn't until Su Chen stood in front of her with a bunch of local local products from the Federation that Chen Yuxin was stunned and almost jumped up, and then she became shy again - because she realized that the one standing in front of her was not the one She is a fool, but a big man in the Federation.

Chen Yuxin took Su Chen into the room, and her parents came out to thank her.

This made Su Chen a little embarrassed. What he expected was not the case. He thought it should be two friends, one big and one small, talking eagerly, but it suddenly turned into this kind of thanking scene, which made Su Chen a little uncomfortable. , even Chen Yuxin himself became a little bit timid and timid, only the robot Watt, as always, a pair of red electronic eyes have been falling on Su Chen's body, as if looking carefully, but also on guard against this guy.

Only at this time did Su Chen understand.

The gap between status and strength cannot be ignored by anyone.

Maybe there are some people around him who can ignore these, but it doesn't mean that everyone can.

Su Chen began to regret coming to see Chen Yuxin, but he still stated his intention: "A friend of mine and I want to open a restaurant in the Federation, but there is a lack of a good beef patty, so I thought of it. With you, Chen Yuxin, is your family willing to relocate to the Commonwealth? If possible, I hope you will come to my store to help, don't worry, my friends and I are very generous."

Chen Yuxin was stunned when she heard the words.

Until her mother stretched out her finger and poked the girl's waist, and whispered, "Promise quickly."

This is the best thing.

For Chen Yuxin's family, working in the shops of the top bigwigs in the Federation, wouldn't that mean they won't have to worry about it for the rest of their lives?

Chen Yuxin finally came back to his senses, nodded like pounding garlic, and said, "I'll go, I'll go, I'll go!"

Su Chen just smiled and said: "Okay. That's settled then, I'll find someone to contact you about the specific matters. But you can do something else first, because this is just our idea, There are many variables, and it will probably take a lot of time to really open up.”

When Chen Yuxin heard the words, her happiness was also a little weaker, and she asked with some doubts: "How long will it take?"

"If it's fast, it will take more than half a year." Su Chen thought about it and said, "Also, if something goes wrong, maybe the store may not be able to open. I'm just here to say hello to you first."

Chen Yuxin blinked and nodded after a while, as if she understood what Su Chen was talking about.

Then Su Chen stood up and said goodbye to leave.

Chen Yuxin sent it all the way to the door. Seeing that Su Chen's back was about to disappear at the corner of the corridor, she summoned up her courage and shouted loudly, "Come on! You idiot!"

Su Chen's footsteps stopped slightly.

Chen Yuxin was a little nervous, a little regretful, and felt that she should no longer call the other party a fool.

However, Su Chen didn't look back, just waved his hand from a distance and said, "Definitely."

His figure disappeared into the dilapidated building.

Then ~lightnovelpub.net~ Su Chen returned to the Empire's Executive Officer Action Bureau.

This place has been completely transformed into an electronic equipment factory, and the empire has even been deployed here, closely surrounding Su Chen's body.

Of course, they didn't know that the biggest threat Su Chen encountered was not from the outside world, but from himself.

When Su Chen returned here, his consciousness rose erratically, and he also reconnected into the huge world built by Kukas.

Before Su Chen left, the world was a huge green planet with fragrant birds and flowers, lush greenery, but this time here, things have changed.

The sky is dark red, the temperature of the world continues to rise, the earth is cracked, the smell of sulfur spreads in this world, nearly one-third of the world of this planet has been engulfed by destruction, and a large number of plants have become Withered yellow, the dark atmosphere shrouded the world like a shadow.

The "virus" of the ninth domain is eroding the world little by little. Even if Kukas keeps expanding, it cannot reverse this trend.

