I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

v8 Chapter 28: Su Chen's attempt

Remember [New] for a second,! The power of the ninth domain is also divided like a virus in this virtual world. Standing at a high place, Su Chen saw a large number of dark and twisted shadows running in the jungle, as if they were walking through the dark forest. There are cheetahs in between, and unfortunately, the ones hunted by these cheetahs are all Su Chen.

Countless Su Chen are running in this world. They are either running on the wasteland or among the woodlands with yellow leaves.

Some Su Chen was thrown to the ground by those dark monsters, and was swallowed little by little in the struggle and fight. It was like a snake swallowed an elephant, and the dark and twisted shadow swallowed Su Chen, and the whole body also swelled. Get up, then howl to chase the next target, and some Su Chen hid in the house, took out their weapons to fight these monsters, but it was meaningless, because those monsters were not monsters, they were only the ninth It is only the situation that the power of the domain manifests in the world outlined by Su Chen, and it is impossible to kill.

Su Chen is standing at a high place, from the perspective of the overlooker, but in the same way, every one of him below is also the real Su Chen, and he can clearly feel every action, behavior and thought of those "Su Chen" - That's exactly what he thought.

All Su Chen is himself.

He's looking down, he's running away, he's fighting back, he's being devoured.

Get rid of those not-so-good bad experiences—

In general, this kind of feeling is very wonderful. Su Chen has become countless himself, just like the real clones. The difference is that these clones also do not act independently, as if there is an invisible line that connects These Su Chen are connected with each other, and among them, there is no one who is the only and general Su Chen.

Su Chen, who is standing on the top of the mountain at this moment, is not the core controller of this entire Su Chen.

All Su Chen's feelings are the same. Except for being swallowed up by the power of the ninth domain, every Su Chen's thoughts, thoughts, and perceptions are no different.

Everyone is Su Chen.

This seems to be the presentation of the so-called ideological world in the real world. With the help of the power of the ninth domain, Su Chen's ideology has grown vigorously in a short period of time, reaching a strong enough point. Si Cai managed to separate Su Chen's strong enough ideology by relying on its power, and create a place for Su Chen in the virtual electronic world.


If this is a reflection of consciousness, what about Hana Nakajima?

The power of the ninth domain has given Su Chen an unprecedented power user. He can feel that the curse from Hana Nakajima is still there, but her people have disappeared.

The curse is still there, but the effect of the curse seems to have disappeared. Since the incident with Sentinel No. 16, Su Chen has never seen Hana Nakajima again.

He still doesn't know why.

And this question seems to be no one can answer Su Chen.

Because even he himself, who now holds the power of the ninth domain, seems unable to perceive and call the existence of Nakajima Hanaine.

The power of the ninth domain is not omnipotent.

At least in this starry sky, there are still corners that it can't reach. Maybe the real starry sky top can "gate Qinger", but it is a pity that Su Chen is only a starry sky top promoted by the seedlings.

He simply sat on the top of the mountain and watched the thousands of changes in this world.

He tried to fight against the power of the ninth domain, using the specificity of the information world to build defenses, implant viruses, or kick the ninth domain out of the data stream, but all failed.

The power of the ninth domain is indistinguishable from Su Chen, and the threats in the information world cannot have a substantial impact on it. The only thing that works is to kick the ninth domain out.

But the play seems to be a side effect.

The power of the ninth domain was induced and driven away by a group of Su Chen, who successfully deleted it from this server and kicked it to an independent server prepared by Kukas. However, after a while, it made a comeback, not from that independent server. It made a comeback, but from every corner of the virtual world, the smoke of black smoke billowed from the cracked earth like the characteristics of the big villain, and the server that had been isolated was suddenly connected again. Now, a huge planet suddenly appeared on the planet that Su Chen and the others built, but it didn't collide, but was smeared with super glue, and the two planets were just "sticky" together again. Then, the darkness spread like a tide, and Su Chen, who was all over the world, started screaming and running away.

To this end, Kukas had to continue to expand the virtual world to provide more hiding places for Su Chen.

This was a brutal war that took place in places that ordinary people could not see, and lasted for a long time, but it ended in Su Chen's defeat in the end.

This wasted a long time, Kukas finally couldn't help saying.

[Respected enlightener. Let's not try. 】

This reminder from Kukas speaks to Su Chen's heart. What he has to admit is that he really doesn't seem to have any way to take the power of the ninth realm. He and the power of the ninth realm are already flesh and blood. There is no way to distinguish it. The power of the ninth domain is the power of Su Chen, and the existence of Su Chen also represents the existence of the power of the ninth domain.

In this case, how can it be pulled out?

Su Chen had no choice but to put his hope on the crystal cluster that had no news yet.

It has been nearly half a month since it returned from Shilian, and it has also been half a month since the crystal cluster entered its own laboratory, but there has been no news. It has completely lost contact with the outside world. Su Chen didn't bother it either, but chose to wait silently.

His time is running out~lightnovelpub.net~ But Su Chen also understands the reason why he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

He hopes that the crystal cluster will succeed, and it will take enough time.

Su Chen had no choice but to wait. He continued to battle wits and courage with the power of the ninth domain here, but the shadow was coming from the darkness, the ground was engulfed by the black tide, the earth cracked open, the trees all over the planet began to wither and rot, and the lava Flowing through the land, there are countless weeds that are half a person high growing from the ground.

The power of the ninth domain seems to turn this place into another world from which it came from.

No, that's not the world it came from, it's just the world that Su Chen saw.

He is an observer.

And now, the world reappears here, which is also the projection of Su Chen's memory in his heart as an observer to the outside world.

The power of the ninth domain has been closely linked to him and cannot be separated.

After waiting for a whole month, Su Chen finally got the crystal cluster.

